padding finish times "CHART Statement" ORPM;
"Example 4.4: Marking Milestones and Special Dates" ORPM;
"Schedule Data Set" ORPM;
"Specifying the PADDING= Option" ORPM
CHART statement (GANTT) "CHART Statement" ORPM; "Example 4.4: Marking Milestones and Special Dates" ORPM; "Schedule Data Se
t" ORPM; "Specifying the PADDING= Option" ORPM
drawing decision tree on a single "Example 3.3: Contract Bidding Problem" ORPM; "PROC DTREE Statement" ORPM
POSITION= option "Dictionary of Options" QC; "Positioning the Inset in the Margins" QC; "Positioning the Inset Using Compass
Points" QC; "Positioning the Inset Using Coordinates" QC
changing "Effects of Changing a SYSTEM 2000 Database Password" A2000; "MODIFY Statement" PROC; "Removing or Changing Passwords" LRCON; "SAS System Passwords for SAS/ACCESS Descriptors" ACCDB; "Specifying Passwords for SAS/ACCESS Descriptors" A2000
penalized least squares, TPSPLINE procedure "Example 64.2: Spline Model With Higher-Order Penalty" STAT;
"Overview" STAT;
"The Penalized Least Squares Estimate" STAT
performance "Hardware Considerations" OS2;
"Maximizing the Interface Performance" DATACOM;
"Overview" VMS;
"Performance Considerations" DATACOM;
"The SAS System Under OS/2" OS2;
"Using SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME and Data Set Options to Improve Performance" ACCDB
changing by interpolation "Converting to Higher Frequency Series" ETS; "Interpolating to a Higher or Lower Frequency" ETS
of time series observations "Formatting Date and Datetime Values" ETS; "Interpolating to a Higher or Lower Frequency" ETS; "T
ime Series Periodicity and Time Intervals" ETS
periodicity of
time series data "Interpolating to a Higher or Lower Frequency" ETS; "Time Series Periodicity and Time Intervals" ETS
periodicity of time series
time intervals "Interpolating to a Higher or Lower Frequency" ETS; "Time Series Periodicity and Time Intervals" ETS
SPECTRA procedure "OUT= Data Set" ETS; "Overview" ETS
DATA step statements "Example 49.4: Model Using Time-Dependent Explanatory Variables" STAT; "Getting Started" STAT; "Prog
ramming Statements" STAT; "Syntax" STAT
residuals "Diagnostics Based on Weighted Residuals" STAT; "Example 49.7: Analysis of Residuals" STAT; "OUTPUT Statement"
STAT; "Residuals" STAT
response variable "Example 49.3: Conditional Logistic Regression for m:n Matching" STAT; "Getting Started" STAT
risk set "Example 49.4: Model Using Time-Dependent Explanatory Variables" STAT; "Getting Started" STAT; "Partial Likeliho
od Function for the Cox Model" STAT
survival times "Example 49.3: Conditional Logistic Regression for m:n Matching" STAT; "Overview" STAT
survivor function "BASELINE Statement" STAT; "Example 49.6: Survivor Function Estimates for Specific Covariate Values" STAT
; "Failure Time Distribution" STAT; "OUTPUT Statement" STAT; "Overview" STAT; "S
urvival Distribution Estimates for the Cox Model" STAT
ties "Displayed Output" STAT; "Getting Started" STAT; "MODEL Statement" STAT; "Overview" STAT; "Partial Likelihood Function for the Cox Model" STAT
Wald test "Displayed Output" STAT; "Example 49.3: Conditional Logistic Regression for m:n Matching" STAT; "TEST Statemen
t" STAT; "Testing Linear Hypotheses about Regression Coefficients" STAT; "Testing the Global Null Hypothesis" STAT
CORRESP procedure "Example 24.2: Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Cars and Their Owners" STAT; "Example 24.3: Simple Correspondence Analysis of U.S. Population" STAT; "Getting Started" STAT
SURVEYSELECT procedure "Example 63.2: PPS Selection of Two Units Per Stratum" STAT; "PPS Sampling with Replacement" STAT;
"PPS Sampling without Replacement" STAT; "PPS Sequential Sampling" STAT; "PPS Systematic Sampling" STAT; "PROC SURVEYSELECT Statement" STAT
page layout "Controlling the Layout of a Report with Many Variables" PROC; "Creating a Customized Layout with BY Groups and ID Variables" PROC; "Results
page layout "Controlling the Layout of a Report with Many Variables" PROC; "Creating a Customized Layout with BY Groups and ID Variables" PROC; "Results
_printSetup "Image: _printSetup" AF;
"Organizational Chart: _printSetup" AF
PRINTTO procedure "Overview" PROC;
"Printing" OS2;
"Printing Data" INSIGHT;
"Routing Procedure Output and the SAS Log to a File" OS2;
"Saving and Printing Tables as Output Objects" INSIGHT;
"Using the PRINTTO Procedure" UNIXC
procedures "Features of the SAS System" GIS;
"Overview of Base SAS Software" LRCON;
"Procedures in the CMS Environment" CMS;
"SAS Procedures under OS/2" OS2;
"SAS Procedures Under UNIX" UNIXC;
"SAS Procedures under Windows" WIN
product-limit estimates "Computational Formulas" STAT;
"Example 37.1: Product-Limit Estimates and Tests of Association for the VA Lung Cancer Data" STAT
program data vector (PDV) "Overview of DATA Step Processing" LRCON;
"Processing a DATA Step: A Walkthrough" LRCON
program editor "Creating Formats" INSIGHT;
"Printing Data" INSIGHT;
"Viewing Results from SAS/STAT Software" INSIGHT;
"Working with Other SAS Products" INSIGHT