Chapter Contents


SAS Companion for the OS/2 Environment

Files Used by the SAS System

The SAS System uses many files while it is running; however, some of these files are especially important from a user's perspective. These files include the

SAS Configuration Files

The SAS configuration file enables you to specify SAS system options that are used to establish your SAS session. These options indicate, among other things, the location of your SAS System Help, message files, and the paths to SAS executable files. The SAS configuration file is particularly important because it specifies the folders that are searched for the various components of SAS products. You must have at least one configuration file in order for the SAS System to initialize regardless of whether you are running SAS in either interactive or batch mode. You can have multiple configuration files that are all processed while your SAS session begins. For a list of system-dependent options that you can use in your SAS configuration file, see Summary of SAS System Options under OS/2 and the section on SAS system options in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

A default SAS configuration file named SASV8.CFG is created during the installation process and is stored in the !SASROOT folder. (The !SASROOT folder is the folder in which you install the SAS System. For more information about the !SASROOT folder, see SAS Default Folder Structure.)

Specifying SAS System Options in the SAS Configuration File

You can specify any SAS system option in the SAS command when you start the SAS System. However, it is generally more convenient to place frequently used system options in your SAS configuration file rather than repeatedly specifying the same options at invocation. The syntax for specifying system options in the SAS configuration file is discussed in Syntax for System Options in the SAS Invocation or SAS Configuration File.

You can edit the default SASV8.CFG file to add to or change the system option settings, or you can create your own SAS configuration file. Naming Conventions for the SAS Configuration File discusses how to modify your SAS configuration file.

Your SAS configuration file is divided into two sections. The first section specifies system options that are not updated by the SAS System Setup program. The second section is used by the SAS System Setup program to update information about where SAS software is installed. The sections are divided by the following text string:

/* application edits below this line     */

The SAS System Setup deletes all data below this text string but does not affect the options that are specified above it. The Setup application appends the following system options that are below this text string: DMSEXP, DOCLOC, HELPLOC, MAPS, MSG, PATH, SASHELP, SASAUTO, SASUSER, WORK, and SET. (The SET option defines the following SAS environment variables: SASAUTOS, SASCFG, SASFOLDER, SASROOT, INSTALL, SAMPSIO, SAMPSRC, and SASEXT0).

Use the SAS text editor to edit your configuration file. The text editor that you choose to edit the SAS configuration file is important to preserve some of the special character formatting in the file. The recommended method is to edit SASV8.CFG using a SAS text editor (such as the Program Editor window) and save it using the Save As dialog box. If you do not use a SAS text editor, be sure to use another ASCII text editor (such as the OS/2 Enhanced Editor). Do not use a non-ASCII editor. Using such an editor can insert carriage control characters into your SASV8.CFG file or corrupt the characters that are there.  [cautionend]

Naming Conventions for the SAS Configuration File

When you install the SAS System under OS/2, a SASV8.CFG file is created in the !SASROOT folder.

You can specify your own file to act as the SAS configuration file and override the default file, SASV8.CFG. When you use a file that is named something other than SASV8.CFG as your SAS configuration file, you must tell the SAS System where to find the configuration file. For example, the Target field of the SAS System properties notebook might contain


If the SAS System cannot find the SAS configuration file, an error message is displayed, and the SAS System does not initialize.

You must add several required system options if you create your SAS configuration file. If you use your own configuration file instead of the default SASV8.CFG file, you must add several required options. For example, you must either use the SET option to define the environment variable, !SASROOT, or define SASROOT as an OS/2 environment variable. Therefore, if you do not want to use the default SASV8.CFG file, you should copy the SASV8.CFG file and modify the copy instead of creating your own file.  [cautionend]

How the SAS System Finds and Processes Configuration Files

When you invoke the SAS System, SAS automatically searches several locations for configuration options that can affect your SAS session. SAS looks in the following areas and processes them in this order:

SAS_SYS_CONFIG operating environment variable
This environment variable, if defined, must resolve to a valid SAS configuration file.

Use the SAS_USER_CONFIG user environment variable to specify a user-specific configuration file.

files specified by CONFIG system options
On the SAS invocation command, you can specify one or more CONFIG options with the names of the configuration files that you want to use. You must include a separate CONFIG option for each file that you want to specify.

SASV8.CFG in the current folder
SAS looks for a file that is named SASV8.CFG in the current folder only if you do not specify a CONFIG option on the SAS invocation.

SASV8.CFG in the folder where SAS.EXE resides
SAS looks for a file that is named SASV8.CFG in the folder that contains the SAS.EXE executable only if you do not specify a CONFIG option on the SAS invocation and if there is no SASV8.CFG file in the current folder.

SAS_USER_CONFIG operating environment variable
This environment variable, if defined, must resolve to a valid SAS configuration file.

Use the SAS_SYS_CONFIG environment variable to specify an environment-wide configuration file.

SAS_OPTIONS operating environment variable
This environment variable, if defined, contains a string of option specifications for any other system options that you want to process each time that you invoke the SAS System.

SAS invocation command line
You can specify additional system options in the command that you use to invoke the SAS System; these options always override option values that are set within any of the configuration files.

You can also specify additional CONFIG options within any of these configuration files. When the SAS System encounters a CONFIG option, SAS immediately processes the options in that named file and then returns to process the remainder of the current file. SAS system options that are encountered later in the processing always override those options that are specified earlier. For example, if you specify ICON in the file specified by the SAS_SYS_CONFIG environment variable, and then NOICON in the file specified by the SAS_USER_CONFIG environment variable, the NOICON option is used. Since the options that you specify in the SAS invocation command are always processed last, those option values will always override the option values that were specified in configuration files. Order of Processing for SAS Configuration Files illustrates the flow of SAS System configuration file processing.

Order of Processing for SAS Configuration Files


SAS Autoexec File

The SAS autoexec file contains SAS statements that are executed immediately after the SAS System initializes and before any user input is accepted. These SAS statements can be used to run SAS programs automatically, set up certain variables for use during your SAS session, or set system options. Unlike the SAS configuration file, a SAS autoexec file is not required in order to run the SAS System, but if you do have a SAS autoexec file, the default name is AUTOEXEC.SAS. The SAS System uses the following search order to find the AUTOEXEC.SAS file:

  1. Search the current folder.

  2. Search the paths that are specified by the OS/2 PATH command.

  3. Search the root folder of the current drive.

  4. Search the folder that contains the SAS.EXE file.

If the SAS autoexec file is not present and if you did not specify the -AUTOEXEC option in the command line or within any of your configuration files, then the SAS System assumes that there is no AUTOEXEC file to process.

You can choose a name for your SAS autoexec file, but if you choose a name other than AUTOEXEC.SAS, you must use the AUTOEXEC system option to tell the SAS System where to find the SAS autoexec file. For example, you can specify the following option in the Parameters field of the SAS System for OS/2, Version 8-Properties page:


If the specified SAS autoexec file is not found, an error message is displayed, and the SAS System terminates.

The SAS autoexec file is a convenient way to execute a standard set of SAS program statements each time you invoke the SAS System. You may want to include OPTIONS, LIBNAME, or FILENAME statements, or any other SAS statements and options that you want the system to execute each time you invoke a SAS session. For example, if you want to specify a script file for SAS/CONNECT software, you can place the following statement in the AUTOEXEC.SAS file:

filename rlink 'c:\sas\connect\saslink\vms.scr';

Or you can use the OPTIONS statement to set the page size and line size for your SAS output and use several FILENAME statements to set up filerefs for commonly accessed network drives, as in the following example:

options linesize=80 pagesize=60;
filename saledata 'f:\qtr1';
filename custdata 'l:\newcust';
filename invoice 'o:\billing';
Use a SAS text editor to create your SAS autoexec file. The text editor that you choose to create the SAS autoexec file is important. The recommended method is to create it by using a SAS text editor (such as the Program Editor window) and save it using the Save As dialog box. If you do not use a SAS text editor, be sure to use another ASCII text editor (such as the OS/2 Enhanced Editor). Do not use a non-ASCII editor. Using such an editor can insert special carriage control characters into your SAS autoexec file that the SAS System cannot interpret when it tries to execute the statements in the file.  [cautionend]

Other system options, in addition to the AUTOEXEC option, provide ways to send the SAS System information as it is starting up. Here are the options and the order in which they are processed:

  1. CONFIG (at SAS System invocation only)




  5. SYSIN.

For more information about the CONFIG, AUTOEXEC, and SYSIN options, see SAS System Options under OS/2. For more information about the INITSTMT and INITCMD options, see SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

Suppressing the SAS Autoexec File

If you have an AUTOEXEC.SAS file in your current folder but do not want the SAS System to use it, specify the NOAUTOEXEC option in the SAS command, as in the following example:


Profile Catalog

Each time you invoke SAS, the SAS System checks the SASUSER data library for your user profile catalog (named SASUSER.PROFILE), which defines the start-up profile for your SAS session, including key definitions, display configurations, and so on. If you invoke the SAS System without accessing an existing profile catalog, SAS creates one with the default key definitions and window configuration.

Use the SASUSER system option to specify a location for the profile catalog other than the default (which is a folder named SASUSER). This option is useful if you want to customize your SAS sessions when sharing a machine with other users or if users are accessing the SAS System from a network.

The SASUSER option takes the following form:

-SASUSER folder

If folder does not exist, the SAS System attempts to create it. For example, if you specify the following option, a profile catalog is created in a folder named MYUSER that resides in the root folder of drive C:

-sasuser c:\myuser

Note:   The default configuration file for the SAS System specifies the SASUSER system option as follows:

-sasuser !sasfolder\sasuser\
where !sasfolder is set to the same location as the SAS System program files.  [cautionend]

The profile catalog is not re-created if it already exists. Any customizations (such as key definitions or color modifications) that are defined during subsequent sessions are stored in your profile catalog in the specified folder.

When you delete your profile catalog, you lose the key definitions, window configurations, and option settings that you might have defined, as well as any other entries that you saved to your profile catalog. In addition, any text that you stored in NOTEPAD windows is erased. For this reason, it is a good idea to make a copy of your profile catalog after making significant modifications to your SAS session settings.

For more information about the SASUSER option, see SASUSER.

WORK Data Library

The SAS System requires some temporary disk space during a SAS session. This temporary disk space is called the WORK data library. By default, the SAS System stores SAS files with one-level names in the WORK data library, and these files are deleted when you end your SAS session. You can change the data library in which SAS files with one-level names are stored. For more information, see Using the USER Libref.

The WORK system option controls the location of the WORK data library. You can specify the WORK option one time in your SAS configuration file or each time that you invoke the SAS System. Usually, you use the WORK option that is specified in the default SASV8.CFG file.

The default configuration file for the SAS System specifies the WORK system option as follows:

-work !sasfolder\saswork\
where !sasfolder is set to the same location as the SAS program files.

Because you can run multiple SAS sessions at one time, the SAS System creates temporary folders under the folder that you specify with the WORK option. These temporary folders are created in the unique form #TDnnnnn, where TD means temporary folder and nnnnn is the process ID for each SAS session. These folders enable multiple SAS sessions to be invoked by using the same configuration file, and they prevent the WORK folder from being shared. The SAS System creates any temporary files that are required within each temporary folder. As with all temporary files that are created in the WORK data library during a SAS session, these temporary folders are deleted when you end the SAS session. If the SAS session ends abnormally, these temporary files are not deleted.

If you do not want the SAS System to create a temporary folder under the specified WORK folder, but would rather use the actual folder that is specified in the WORK option, specify the USE suboption in the WORK option. For example, you can specify the following in the Parameters field of the SAS System Properties page:

-work saswork use

This creates a folder called SASWORK beneath the current folder, and all temporary SAS files are stored in this folder.

For more information about using the WORK data library and overriding the default location, see Using the WORK Data Library.

If the SAS System terminates abnormally, determine if the WORK library was deleted. If it was not, remove it by using OS/2 commands. Do not attempt to delete the WORK folder while the SAS System is running.

If you want to verify the location of the current WORK folder, it is displayed in the current folder area of the status line. You can also verify the location of the WORK folder by double-clicking on the Libraries icon, and select and click the right mouse button on the WORK folder. Select Properties from the pop-up menu and then click on the list box down arrow to see the folder name.

SAS Registry Files

The SAS Registry files are used to store information about the SAS session applications. The registry entries can be customized by using the SAS Registry Editor or by importing the registry files. To invoke the SAS Registry Editor, select the Solutions pull-down menu and then select Accessories and Registry Editor.

For Experienced Users Only. Registry customization is generally performed by more advanced users who have experience and knowledge of the SAS System and their operating environment.  [cautionend]

SAS Default Folder Structure

The SAS System Setup program creates a number of subfolders during the installation process. Understanding the organization of the SAS folders can help you to use the SAS System more efficiently. The SAS System can be installed on a single drive or across multiple drives. It is not recommended that a single product of the SAS System be split over multiple drives.

The root folder of the SAS System is the folder in which you install the SAS System. Within SAS, this folder has the logical name !SASROOT. In many installations, the real physical name of this folder is SAS, but this is not required. (The examples in this document assume that the !SASROOT folder is called SAS.)

One important subfolder of the !SASROOT folder is the CORE subfolder. The CORE subfolder in turn contains many subfolders, three of which are described here:

contains the SAS System Help information in HTML help format.

contains SAS resouces such as fonts and images.

contains the installation process software.

For each SAS product that is installed, the following subfolders might be created (but not all products contain all of these folders):

contains the SAS executable files.

contains many specialized catalogs and files.

contains SAS autocall macro files.

contains the SAS message files.

contains the Sample Library programs.

contains Test Stream programs.

contains miscellaneous external files that are shipped with the product.

Some products, such as SAS/CONNECT software, also have other subfolders associated with them. For details about each product's structure, see the specific product documentation.

For more information about how the SAS folders are configured at your site, contact your SAS Support Consultant.

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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.