NBLOCKS= option, examples "Example 15.12: Replicated Blocked Design with Partial Confounding" QC; "Example of a Full Factorial Design in Two Blocks" QC
RESOLUTION=MAX option, examples "Example 15.6: Two-Level Design with Design Replication and Point Replication" QC; "Example of a Full Factorial Design in Two Blocks" QC
FACTEX procedure, OUTPUT statement
CVALS= option "Factor Variable Characteristics in the Output Data Set" QC; "OUTPUT Statement" QC
DESIGNREP= option, examples "Example 15.6: Two-Level Design with Design Replication and Point Replication" QC; "Example 15.7: Mixed-Level Design Using Design Replication and Point Replication" QC
POINTREP= option, examples "Example 15.6: Two-Level Design with Design Replication and Point Replication" QC; "Example 15.7: Mixed-Level Design Using Design Replication and Point Replication" QC
FILE command "Accessing External Files with SAS Commands" OS2,
"Changing the Destination of the Log and the Output" LRCON;
"Directing Output to External Files with the FILE Command" OS390;
"Using Commands" UNIXC
routing log to disk file, windowing environment modeVMS
routing output to disk file, windowing environment modeVMS
sending e-mail "Sending E-Mail from within the SAS System" OS2; "Sending Electronic Mail from Within the SAS System (EMAIL)" UNIXC; "Sending Electronic Mail from within the SAS System" WIN
opening "DLGOPEN" UNIXC; "MOPEN" UNIXC; "Opening Files" UNIXC; "Opening Local Files" ANALYST; "Overview of the SAS System Interface" WIN; "Using the Enhanced Editor" WIN
print files "Defining Forms" UNIXC; "Specifying the Print File" UNIXC; "The Default Routings for the SAS Log and Procedure Output" UNIXC
printing "Digital Command Language" VMS; "Saving and Printing Tables as Output Objects" INSIGHT
NETFLOW procedure "Flow Conservation Constraints" ORMP; "How to Make the Data Read of PROC NETFLOW More Efficient" ORMP; "Input Data Sets" ORMP; "Network Models" ORMP; "Network Models: Interior Point Algorithm" ORMP; "Reasons for Infeasibility" ORMP; "RESET Statement" ORMP; "Side Constraints" ORMP
FORMAT procedure "Creating Formats" INSIGHT;
"Defining a Format Outside the SQL Query Window" QUERY;
"Formatting Variables and Values" INSIGHT;
"Overview" PROC
associating informats and formats with variablesPROC
floating-point numbers and portability "Considerations for Using Formats in the OS/390 Environment" OS390; "Considerations for Using Formats under CMS" CMS
cell count data "Example 28.1: Creating an Output Data Set with Table Cell Frequencies" STAT; "Inputting Frequency Counts" STAT
chi-square tests "Chi-Square Tests and Statistics" STAT; "Example 28.2: Computing Chi-square Tests for One-Way Frequency Tables" STAT; "Example 28.4: Analyzing a 2x2 Contingency Table" STAT
one-way frequency tables "Chi-Square Tests and Statistics" STAT; "Displayed Output" STAT; "Example 28.2: Computing Chi-square Tests for One-Way Frequency Tables" STAT
output data sets "Example 28.1: Creating an Output Data Set with Table Cell Frequencies" STAT; "Example 28.5: Creating an Output Data Set Containing Chi-Square Statistics" STAT; "Output Data Sets" STAT; "OUTPUT Statement" PROC, STAT; "Results" PROC
SPARSE option "Example 28.1: Creating an Output Data Set with Table Cell Frequencies" STAT; "TABLES Statement" STAT
TESTF= option "Chi-Square Tests and Statistics" STAT; "TABLES Statement" STAT
TESTP= option "Chi-Square Tests and Statistics" STAT; "Example 28.2: Computing Chi-square Tests for One-Way Frequency Tables" STAT; "TABLES Statement" STAT
one-way (FREQ) "Chi-Square Tests and Statistics" STAT; "Displayed Output" STAT; "Example 28.2: Computing Chi-square Tests for One-Way Frequency Tables" STAT
two-way (FREQ) "Chi-Square Tests and Statistics" STAT; "Example 28.4: Analyzing a 2x2 Contingency Table" STAT
FSBORDER= system option "FSBORDER=" CMS,
"SAS System Options That Affect the CMS Windowing Environment" CMS;
"SAS System Options That Affect the OS/390 Windowing Environment" OS390
FSBROWSE procedure "Browsing and Updating with SAS/FSP Procedures" IMSDI;
"Browsing and Updating with the SAS/FSP Procedures" ADBAS,
"Guide to SAS/FSP Procedures" FSPROC;
"Overview" FSPROC;
"SCL Programming Considerations" SHR;
"Using the FSBROWSE Procedure" FSPROC
FSDEVICE system option "Summary of SAS System Options under OS/2" OS2;
"Summary of System Options for Windows" WIN
FSDEVICE= system option "FSDEVICE=" CMS,
"SAS System Options That Affect the CMS Windowing Environment" CMS;
"SAS System Options That Affect the OS/390 Windowing Environment" OS390
FSEDIT applications "Creating an FSEDIT Application" FSPROC;
"Overview" FSPROC
FSEDIT procedure "Browsing and Updating with SAS/FSP Procedures" IMSDI;
"Browsing and Updating with the SAS/FSP Procedures" ADBAS,
"Guide to SAS/FSP Procedures" FSPROC;
"Overview" FSPROC;
"SCL Programming Considerations" SHR
FSMODE= system option "FSMODE=" CMS,
"SAS System Options That Affect the CMS Windowing Environment" CMS;
"SAS System Options That Affect the OS/390 Windowing Environment" OS390
FSRSQ option
FIT statement (MODEL) "Choice of Instruments" ETS; "Estimation Methods" ETS; "FIT Statement" ETS
FSVIEW procedure "Browsing and Updating with SAS/FSP Procedures" IMSDI;
"Browsing and Updating with the SAS/FSP Procedures" ADBAS;
"Guide to SAS/FSP Procedures" FSPROC;
"Overview" FSPROC
functions "Base SAS Software" ETS;
"Definitions" LGREF,
"Functions and CALL Routines in the CMS Environment" CMS;
"Functions and CALL Routines Under UNIX" UNIXC;
"Query Window Menus" QUERY;
"SAS Functions under OS/2" OS2;
"SAS Functions under Windows" WIN