BASELINE Statement
- BASELINE < OUT= SAS-data-set ><
COVARIATES= SAS-data-set >
< keyword=name ... keyword=name > <
/options > ;
The BASELINE statement creates a new SAS data set that
contains the survivor function estimates at the event times
of each stratum
for every pattern of explanatory
variable values (x) given in the COVARIATES=
data set.
By default,
the data set also contains the survivor function estimates
corresponding to the
means of the explanatory variables (
) for
each stratum.
If you want only these estimates, you can omit
the COVARIATES= option.
data set is created if the counting process style of input is used
or if the model contains a time-dependent variable.
The following list explains specifications in the BASELINE statement.
- OUT=SAS-data-set
names the output BASELINE data set. If you omit the OUT= option, the
data set is created and given a default name using the DATAn
names the SAS data set containing the set of explanatory
variable values for which the survivor functions are estimated.
There must
be a corresponding variable in the COVARIATES= data set for each
explanatory variable in the final model.
- keyword=name
specifies the statistics included in the BASELINE data set and assigns
names to the new variables that contain the statistics. Specify a
keyword for each desired statistic (see the following list of
keywords), an equal sign, and the variable to contain the
statistic. The keywords and the corresponding statistics are
- log of the negative log of SURVIVAL
- log of SURVIVAL
lower confidence limit for the survivor function
standard error of the survivor function estimate
standard error of the estimated linear predictor,

- survivor function estimate
upper confidence limit for the survivor function
- estimate of the linear predictor,
The following options can appear in the BASELINE statement
after a slash (/).
- ALPHA=value
specifies the significance level of the confidence interval for
the survivor function.
The value must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.05, which
results in a 95% confidence interval.
- CLTYPE=method
specifies the method used to compute the confidence limits
for S(t,z), the survivor function for a subject with a
fixed covariate vector z at event time t. The CLTYPE= option
can take the following values:
- specifies that the confidence limits for log(S(t,z))
are to be computed using the normal
theory approximation.
The confidence limits for S(t,z) are obtained by back-transforming the
confidence limits for log(S(t,z)). The default is CLTYPE=LOG.
- specifies that the confidence limits for the log(-log(S(t,z)))
are to be computed using normal theory approximation.
The confidence limits for S(t,z) are obtained by back-transforming
the confidence limits for log(-log(S(t,z))).
- specifies that the confidence limits for S(t,z) are to
be computed directly using normal theory approximation.
- METHOD=method
specifies the method used to compute the survivor function estimates.
The two available methods are
- CH | EMP
- specifies that the empirical cumulative hazard function estimate of
the survivor function is to be computed; that is, the survivor
function is estimated by exponentiating the negative
empirical cumulative hazard function.
- PL
- specifies that the product-limit estimate of the survivor
function is to be computed. The default is METHOD=PL.
excludes the survivor function estimates
corresponding to the sample means
of the explanatory variables.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.