Displayed Output
The output displayed by PROC CALIS depends on the statement used to
specify the model. Since an analysis requested by the LINEQS
or RAM statement implies the analysis of a structural equation
model, more statistics can be computed and displayed than for a
covariance structure analysis following the generalized COSAN
model requested by the COSAN statement. The displayed output
resulting from use of the FACTOR statement includes all the
COSAN displayed output as well as more statistics displayed only
when you specify the FACTOR statement. Since the displayed
output using the RAM statement differs only in its form from that
generated by the LINEQS statement, in this section distinctions
are made between COSAN and LINEQS output only.
The unweighted least-squares and diagonally weighted
least-squares estimation methods do not provide a sufficient
statistical basis to provide the following output (neither displayed
nor written to an OUTEST= data set):
- most of the fit indices
- approximate standard errors
- normalized or asymptotically standardized residuals
- modification indices
- information matrix
- covariance matrix of parameter estimates
The notation S = (sij) is used for the analyzed covariance
or correlation matrix, C = (cij) for the predicted
model matrix, W for the
weight matrix (for example, W = I for ULS, W = S for GLS,
W = C for ML estimates), X for the vector of optimal
parameter estimates, n for the number of manifest variables,
t for the number of
parameter estimates, and N for the sample size.
The output of PROC CALIS includes the following:
List of the matrices and their
properties specified by the generalized COSAN model
if you specify at least the PSHORT option.
List of manifest variables that
are not used in the specified model and that are
automatically omitted from the analysis.
Note that there is no automatic variable reduction
with the COSAN or FACTOR statement. If necessary, you should
use the VAR statement in these cases.
List of the endogenous and exogenous
variables specified by the LINEQS, STD, and COV statements
if you specify at least the PSHORT option.
Initial values of the parameter
matrices indicating positions of constants and parameters. The output,
or at least the default output, is displayed if you specify the
PINITIAL option.
The set of structural equations containing the
initial values and indicating constants and parameters,
and output of the initial error variances and covariances.
The output, or at least the default output, is displayed if you specify the PINITIAL option.
The weight matrix W is displayed if GLS, WLS, or DWLS estimation
is used and you specify the PWEIGHT or PALL option.
General information about the estimation problem:
number of observations (N), number of manifest variables (n),
amount of independent information in the data matrix
(information, n(n+1)/2), number of terms and matrices
in the specified generalized COSAN model, and number of
parameters to be estimated (parameters, t). If there
are no exogenous manifest variables, the difference
between the amount of independent information (n(n+1)/2)
and the number of requested estimates (t) is equal
to the degrees of freedom (df).
A necessary condition for a model to be identified
is that the degrees of freedom are
nonnegative. The output, or at least the default output, is displayed if you specify the SIMPLE option.
Mean and Std Dev (standard deviation) of each variable
if you specify the SIMPLE option,
as well as skewness and kurtosis if the DATA=
data set is a raw data set and you specify the KURTOSIS option.
Various coefficients of multivariate kurtosis and the numbers
of observations that contribute most to the normalized
multivariate kurtosis if the DATA= data set is a raw data set
and the KURTOSIS option, or you specify at least the PRINT option.
See the section "Measures of Multivariate Kurtosis" for more information.
Covariance or correlation matrix to be analyzed and the value
of its determinant if you specify the output option PCORR
or PALL. A 0 determinant indicates
a singular data matrix. In this case, the generalized least-squares
estimates with default weight matrix S and maximum likelihood
estimates cannot be computed.
If exogenous manifest variables
in the linear structural equation model are specified, then
there is a one-to-one relationship between the given
covariances and corresponding estimates in the central model
matrix or P. The output indicates which manifest
variables are recognized as exogenous, that is, for which
variables the entries in the central model matrix are set to fixed parameters.
The output, or at least the default output, is displayed if you specify the PINITIAL option.
Vector of parameter names, initial values, and corresponding
matrix locations, also indicating dependent parameter names
used in your program statements that are not allocated
to matrix locations and have no influence on the
fit function. The output, or at least the default output, is displayed if you specify the
PINITIAL option.
The pattern of variable and constant elements of the
predicted moment matrix that is
by the analysis model
is displayed if there are significant differences between constant
elements in the predicted model matrix and the data matrix and you specify
at least the PSHORT option. It is also displayed
if you specify the PREDET option. The output indicates
the differences between constant values in the predicted model
matrix and the data matrix that is analyzed.
Special features of the optimization technique chosen
if you specify at least the PSHORT option.
Optimization history if at least the PSHORT option is
specified. For more details, see the section "Use of Optimization Techniques".
Specific output requested by options in the NLOPTIONS statement;
for example, parameter estimates, gradient, gradient of Lagrange
function, constraints, Lagrange multipliers, projected gradient,
Hessian, projected Hessian, Hessian of Lagrange function, Jacobian
of nonlinear constraints.
The predicted model matrix and
its determinant,
if you specify the output option PCORR or PALL.
Residual and normalized residual matrix if you specify
the RESIDUAL, or at least the PRINT option.
The variance standardized or asymptotically
standardized residual matrix can be displayed also.
The average residual and the average off-diagonal residual are also
See the section "Assessment of Fit" for more details.
Rank order of the largest normalized residuals if you specify the RESIDUAL,
or at least the PRINT option.
Bar chart of the normalized residuals if you specify the RESIDUAL,
or at least the PRINT option.
Value of the fit function F.
See the section "Estimation Criteria" for more details.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Goodness-of-fit index (GFI),
adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI), and root mean square residual (RMR)
(Jreskog and Srbom 1985).
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more details. This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Parsimonious goodness-of-fit
index (PGFI) of Mulaik et al. (1989). See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Overall , df, and Prob>Chi**2
if the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS. The measure is the optimum
function value F multiplied by (N - 1) if a CORR or COV matrix is
analyzed or multiplied by N if a UCORR or UCOV matrix is analyzed;
measures the likelihood
ratio test statistic for the null hypothesis that the predicted
matrix C has the specified model
structure against the alternative that C is unconstrained.
The notation Prob>Chi**2 means "the probability
under the null hypothesis of obtaining a greater
statistic than that observed." This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If METHOD= is not ULS or DWLS, the value of the
independence model and the
corresponding degrees of freedom can be used (in large samples)
to evaluate the gain of explanation by fitting the specific model
(Bentler 1989). See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If METHOD= is not ULS or DWLS, the value of the
Steiger & Lind (1980) root mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA)
coefficient and the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval.
The size of the confidence interval is defined by the option
ALPHARMS=, . The default is ,which corresponds to a 90% confidence interval.
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If the value of the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS, the value of the
probability of close fit (Browne and Cudeck 1993).
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If the value of the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS, the value of the
Browne & Cudeck (1993) expected cross validation (ECVI)
index and the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval.
The size of the confidence interval is defined by the option
ALPHAECV=, . The default is ,which corresponds to a 90% confidence interval.
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If the value of the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS, Bentler's (1989) Comparative
Fit Index. See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output can be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If you specify METHOD=ML or METHOD=GLS, the value and
corresponding probability adjusted
by the relative kurtosis coefficient , which should be
a close approximation of the value for elliptically
distributed data (Browne 1982).
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail. This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
The Normal Theory Reweighted LS Value
is displayed if METHOD= ML.
Instead of the function value FML,
the reweighted goodness-of-fit function FGWLS is used.
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
Akaike's Information Criterion
if the value of the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS.
See the section "Assessment of Fit".
This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Bozdogan's (1987) Consistent Information Criterion, CAIC.
See the section "Assessment of Fit".
This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (SBC)
if the value of the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS (Schwarz 1978).
See the section "Assessment of Fit".
This output can be
suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
If the value of the METHOD= option is not ULS or DWLS, the following
fit indices based on the overall value are displayed:
- McDonald's (McDonald and Hartmann 1992) measure of centrality
- Parsimonious index of James, Mulaik, and Brett (1982)
- Z-Test of Wilson and Hilferty (1931)
- Bentler and Bonett's (1980) nonnormed coefficient
- Bentler and Bonett's (1980) normed coefficient
- Bollen's (1986) normed index
- Bollen's (1989a) nonnormed index
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail. This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Hoelter's (1983) Critical N Index is displayed (Bollen 1989b, p. 277).
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail. This output can
be suppressed only by the NOPRINT option.
Equations of linear dependencies among the parameters used in the
model specification if the information matrix
is recognized as singular at the final solution.
Model matrices containing the parameter estimates. Except for
ULS or DWLS estimates, the approximate
errors and t values are also displayed.
This output is displayed if you specify the PESTIM option or at least the
PSHORT option.
Linear equations containing the parameter estimates. Except for
ULS and DWLS estimates, the approximate
standard errors and t values are also displayed.
This output is displayed if
you specify the PESTIM option, or at least the PSHORT option.
Variances and covariances of the exogenous variables.
This output is displayed if you specify the PESTIM option, or at
least the PSHORT.
Linear equations containing the standardized parameter estimates.
This output is displayed if you specify the PESTIM option, or at
least the PSHORT option.
Table of correlations among the exogenous
variables. This output is displayed if you specify the PESTIM option, or at least the
PSHORT option.
Correlations among the exogenous variables.
This output is displayed if you specify the PESTIM option,
or at least the PSHORT option.
Squared Multiple Correlations table, which displays the error variances of
the endogenous variables. These are the diagonal elements of the
predicted model matrix. Also displayed is the Total Variance and
the R2 values corresponding
to all endogenous variables.
See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more detail.
This output is displayed if you specify the PESTIM option, or
at least the PSHORT option.
If you specify the PDETERM or the PALL option,
the total determination of all equations
(DETAE), the total determination of the structural equations (DETSE),
and the total determination of the manifest variables (DETMV) are
displayed. See the section "Assessment of Fit"
for more details.
If one of the determinants in the formulas is 0, the corresponding
coefficient is displayed as a missing value.
If there are structural equations, PROC CALIS also displays the
Stability Coefficient of Reciprocal Causation,
that is, the largest eigenvalue of the BB' matrix,
where B is the
causal coefficient matrix of the structural equations.
The matrix of estimated covariances among the latent variables
if you specify the PLATCOV option, or at least the PRINT option.
The matrix of estimated covariances between latent and manifest
variables used in the model if you specify the PLATCOV option, or at
least the PRINT option.
The matrix FSR of latent variable scores regression coefficients if
you specify the PLATCOV option, or at least the PRINT option.
The FSR matrix is a generalization of Lawley and Maxwell's (1971, p.109)
factor scores regression matrix,
FSR = Cyx Cxx-1
where Cxx is the n ×n predicted model matrix
(predicted covariances among manifest variables) and
Cyx is the nlat ×n matrix of the predicted
covariances between latent and manifest variables.
You can multiply the manifest observations by this matrix to
estimate the scores of the latent variables used in your model.
The matrix TEF of total effects if you specify
the TOTEFF option, or at least the PRINT option.
For the LINEQS model, the matrix of total effects is
(For the LISREL model, refer to
Jreskog and Srbom 1985)
The matrix of indirect effects is displayed also.
The matrix of rotated factor loadings and the orthogonal
transformation matrix if you specify the ROTATE= and PESTIM options, or at least the
PSHORT options.
Standardized (rotated) factor loadings, variance estimates of endogenous
variables, R2 values,
correlations among factors,
and factor scores regression matrix, if you specify
the PESTIM option, or at least the PSHORT option.
The determination of manifest variables
is displayed only if you specify the PDETERM option.
Univariate Lagrange multiplier and
Wald test indices are displayed in matrix form
if you specify the MODIFICATION (or MOD) or the
PALL option. Those matrix locations
that correspond to constants in the model in general contain three values:
the value of the Lagrange multiplier,
the corresponding probability (df=1), and the estimated change
of the parameter value should the constant be changed to
a parameter. If allowing the constant to be an estimated
parameter would result in a singular information matrix,
the string 'sing' is displayed instead of the Lagrange multiplier index.
Those matrix locations that correspond to parameter estimates
in the model contain the Wald test index and
the name of the parameter in the model.
See the section "Modification Indices" for more detail.
Univariate Lagrange multiplier
test indices for releasing equality constraints if
you specify the MODIFICATION (or MOD) or the PALL option.
See the section "Modification Indices" for more detail.
Univariate Lagrange multiplier test
indices for releasing active boundary constraints specified by the
BOUNDS statement if you specify the MODIFICATION (or MOD) or the
PALL option. See the section "Modification Indices" for more detail.
If the MODIFICATION (or MOD) or the PALL option is
specified, the stepwise multivariate Wald
test for constraining estimated parameters
to zero constants is performed as long as the univariate probability
is larger than the value specified in the PMW= option (default PMW=0.05).
See the section "Modification Indices"
for more details.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.