Program Statements
This section lists the program statements used to code the
objective function and nonlinear constraints and their
derivatives, and it documents
the differences between program statements in the NLP procedure
and program statements in the DATA step.
The syntax of program statements used in PROC NLP is
identical to those used in the CALIS,
procedures (refer to the SAS ETS User's Guide).
Most of the program statements which can be used in the SAS DATA
step can also be used in the NLP procedure.
See the SAS Language Guide or
the SAS Base documentation for a description of the SAS program
CALL name [ ( expression [, expression ... ] ) ];
DO [ variable = expression
[ TO expression ] [ BY expression ]
[, expression [ TO expression ] [ BY expression ] ... ]
[ WHILE expression ] [ UNTIL expression ];
GOTO statement_label;
IF expression;
IF expression THEN program_statement;
ELSE program_statement;
variable = expression;
variable + expression;
LINK statement_label;
PUT [ variable] [=] [...] ;
SELECT [( expression )];
SUBSTR( variable, index, length ) = expression;
WHEN ( expression) program_statement;
OTHERWISE program_statement;
For the most part, the SAS program statements work as they
do in the SAS DATA step as documented in the SAS Language Guide.
However, there are several differences that should be noted.
It is recommended to keep some kind of order
in the input of NLP, that is, between the statements that
define decision variables and constraints and the program code
used to specify objective functions and derivatives.
Use of Special Variables in Program Code
Except for the quadratic programming techniques (QUADAS and
LICOMP) that do not execute program statements during the
iteration process, several special variables in
the program code can be used to communicate with PROC NLP in special
- _OBS_
If a DATA= input data sets used, it is possible to
access a variable _OBS_ which contains the number of the
observation processed from the data set. You should not change
the content of the _OBS_ variable. This
variable enables you to modify the programming statements
depending on the observation number processed in the DATA=
input data set. For example, to set variable A to 1 when
observation 10 is processed, and otherwise to 2, it is possible to
IF _OBS_ = 10 THEN A=1; ELSE A=2;
- _ITER_
This variable is set by PROC NLP, and it
contains the number of the current iteration
of the optimization technique as it is displayed in the
optimization history. You should not change the
content of the _ITER_ variable.
It is possible to read the value of this variable in order to modify
the programming statements depending on the iteration number
processed. For example, to display the content of the variables
A, B, and C when there are more than 100 iterations processed,
it is possible to use
This variable is set by PROC NLP to indicate
whether the code is called only to obtain the values of the
m objective functions fi (_DPROC_=0) or whether specified
derivatives (defined by the GRADIENT, JACOBIAN, CRPJAC,
or HESSIAN statement) also have to be computed (_DPROC_=1).
Checking the _DPROC_ variable makes it possible to save computer
time by not performing derivative code that is not needed
by the current call. In particular, when a DATA=
input data set is used, the code is processed many times to
compute only the function values. If the programming statements in the program
contain the specification of computationally expensive first-
and second-order derivatives, you can put the derivative code
in an IF statement that is processed only if _DPROC_ is
not zero. You should not change the content of the _DPROC_ variable.
- _INDF_
The _INDF_ variable is set by PROC NLP
to inform you of the source of calls to the function or
derivative programming.
- _INDF_=0
- indicates the first function call
in a grid search. This is also the first call
evaluating the programming statements if there
is a grid search defined by grid values in the
PARMS or VAR statement.
- _INDF_=1
- indicates further function calls in a grid search.
- _INDF_=2
- indicates the call for the feasible
starting point. This is also the first call
evaluating the programming statements if there
is no grid search defined.
- _INDF_=3
- indicates calls from a gradient checking algorithm.
- _INDF_=4
- indicates calls from the minimization algorithm.
The _ITER_ variable contains the iteration number.
- _INDF_=5
- if the active set algorithm leaves
the feasible region (due to rounding errors), an
algorithm tries to return it into the feasible
region; _INDF_=5 indicates a call that is done
when such a step is successful.
- _INDF_=6
- indicates calls from a factorial
test subroutine that tests the neighborhood
of a point x for optimality.
- _INDF_=7,8
- indicates calls from subroutines needed
to compute finite difference derivatives using
only values of the objective function. No nonlinear
constraints are evaluated.
- _INDF_=9
- indicates calls from subroutines needed
to compute second-order finite difference derivatives
using analytic (specified) first-order derivatives.
No nonlinear constraints are evaluated.
- _INDF_=10
- indicates calls where only the nonlinear
constraints but no objective function are needed.
The analytic derivatives of the nonlinear constraints
are computed.
- _INDF_=11
- indicates calls where only the nonlinear
constraints but no objective function are needed.
The analytic derivatives of the nonlinear constraints
are not computed.
- _INDF_=-1
- indicates the last call at the final solution.
You should not change the content of the _INDF_ variable.
- _LIST_:
You can set the _LIST_ variable to
control the output during the iteration process:
- _LIST_=0
- is equivalent to the NOPRINT option. It suppresses all output.
- _LIST_=1
- is equivalent to the PSUM but not the PHIST option.
The optimization start and termination
messages are displayed. However, the PSUM option
suppresses the output of the iteration history.
- _LIST_=2
- is equivalent to the PSHORT option or to a
combination of the PSUM and PHIST options.
The optimization start information, the iteration
history, and termination message are displayed.
- _LIST_=3
- Equivalent to: Not PSUM, not PSHORT, and not PALL:
The optimization start information, the iteration
history, and the termination message are displayed.
- _LIST_=4
- is equivalent to the PALL option. The extended
optimization start information (also containing
settings of termination criteria and other control
parameters) is displayed.
- _LIST_=5
- In addition to the iteration history, the vector
x(k) of parameter estimates is displayed for
each iteration k.
- _LIST_=6
- In addition to the iteration history, the vector
x(k) of parameter estimates and the gradient
g(k) (if available) of the objective function
are displayed for each iteration k.
It is possible to set the _LIST_ variable in the program code
to obtain more or less output in each iteration
of the optimization process. For example,
IF _ITER_ = 11 THEN _LIST_=5;
The value of _TOOBIG_ is initialized to
zero by PROC NLP, but you can set it to one during the iteration,
indicating problems evaluating the program statements.
The objective function and derivatives must be computable
at the starting point. However, during the iteration it is possible to
set the _TOOBIG_ variable to 1, indicating that the
programming statements (computing the value of the objective
function or the specified derivatives) cannot be performed
for the current value of xk. Some of the
optimization techniques check the value of _TOOBIG_ and
try to modify the parameter estimates so that the objective
function (or derivatives) can be computed in a following
- _NOBS_
The value of the _NOBS_ variable is
initialized by PROC NLP to the
product of the number of functions
mfun specified in the MIN, MAX or LSQ statement and the
number of valid observations nobs in the current BY group
of the DATA= input data set. The value of the _NOBS_ variable
is used for computing the scalar factor of the covariance matrix
(see options COV=, VARDEF=, nmd SIGSQ= in the section "PROC NLP Statement").
If you reset the
value of the _NOBS_ variable, the value that is available at
the end of the iteration is used by PROC NLP to compute the
scalar factor of the covariance matrix.
- _DF_
The value of the _DF_ variable is initialized
by PROC NLP to the number n of
parameters specified in the
DECVAR statement. The value of the _DF_ variable is used for
computing the scalar factor d of the covariance matrix.
See the options COV=, VARDEF=, and SIGSQ= in the section "PROC NLP Statement".
If you reset the
value of the _DF_ variable, the value that is available at
the end of the iteration is used by PROC NLP to compute the
scalar factor of the covariance matrix.
In each iteration (except the first one), the
value of the _LASTF_ variable is set by PROC NLP to the final
value of the objective function that was achieved during the
last iteration. This value should agree with the value that is
displayed in the iteration history and that is written in the
OUTEST= data set when the OUTITER option is specified.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.