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BSPLINE is an expansion. It takes a variable as input and produces more than one variable as output. The output variables comprise the B-spline basis that is used internally by SPLINE.
PSPLINE is an expansion. It takes a variable as input and produces more than one variable as output. The difference between PSPLINE and BSPLINE is that PSPLINE produces a piecewise polynomial, whereas BSPLINE produces a B-spline. A matrix consisting of a piecewise polynomial basis and an intercept spans the same space as the B-spline matrix, but the basis vectors are quite different. The numbers in the piecewise polynomials can get quite large; the numbers in the B-spline basis range between 0 and 1. There are many more zeros in the B-spline basis.
Interchanging SPLINE, BSPLINE, and PSPLINE should have no effect on the fit of the overall model except for the fact that PSPLINE is much more prone to numerical problems. Similarly, interchanging a CLASS expansion and an OPSCORE transformation should have no effect on the fit of the overall model.
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