Chapter Contents


The PMENU Procedure

MENU Statement

Names the catalog entry that stores the menus or defines a pull-down menu.

Featured in: Building a Menu Bar for an FSEDIT Application

MENU menu-bar;
MENU pull-down-menu;

Required Arguments
One of the following arguments is required:

names the catalog entry that stores the menus.

names the pull-down menu that appears when the user selects an item in the menu bar. The value of pull-down-menu must match the pull-down-menu name that is specified in the MENU= option in a previous ITEM statement.

Defining Pull-Down Menus
When used to define a pull-down menu, the MENU statement must follow an ITEM statement that specifies the MENU= option. Both the ITEM statement and the MENU statement for the pull-down menu must be in the same RUN group as the MENU statement that defines the menu bar for the PMENU catalog entry.

For both menu bars and pull-down menus, follow the MENU statement with ITEM statements that define each of the items that appear on the menu. Group all ITEM statements for a menu together. For example, the following PROC PMENU step creates one catalog entry, WINDOWS, which produces a menu bar with two items, Primary windows and Other windows. When you select one of these items, a pull-down menu is displayed.

   libname proclib 'SAS-data-library';

   proc pmenu cat=proclib.mycat;

         /* create catalog entry */
      menu windows;
      item 'Primary windows' menu=prime;
      item 'Other windows' menu=other;

         /* create first pull-down menu */
      menu prime;
      item output;
      item manager;
      item log;
      item pgm;

         /* create second pull-down menu */
      menu other;
      item keys;
      item help;
      item pmenu;
      item bye;

      /* end of run group */

Pull-Down Menu shows the resulting menu selections.

Pull-Down Menu


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