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SAS/ACCESS Software for Relational Databases: Reference

Joining DBMS and SAS Data

This example shows two ways to combine SAS and DBMS data. The first method uses the SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility. The second method uses the new SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement to accomplish the same task in an easier and more direct way.

Combining a PROC SQL View with a SAS Data Set By Using the Pass-Through Facility

This example joins SAS data with CA-OpenIngres data that is retrieved by using a Pass-Through query in a PROC SQL SELECT statement.

In this example's PROC SQL CONNECT statement, the database name is textile and it is located on a remote network node named atlanta; the CA-OpenIngres server is specified by star.

Information on student interns is stored in the SAS data file, DLIB.TEMPEMPS. The CA-OpenIngres data is joined with DLIB.TEMPEMPS to determine whether any of the student interns have a family member who works in the CSR departments.

To join the data from DLIB.TEMPEMPS with the data from the Pass-Through query, you assign a table alias (QUERY1) to the query. Doing so enables you to qualify the query's column names in the WHERE clause.

options ls=120;

title 'Interns Who Are Family Members of 

proc sql;
connect to ingres 
%put &sqlxmsg;

select tempemps.lastname, tempemps.firstnam,
       tempemps.empid, tempemps.familyid, 
       tempemps.gender, tempemps.dept,
   from connection to ingres
      (select * from employees) as query1, dlib.tempemps
   where query1.empid=tempemps.familyid;
%put &sqlxmsg;

disconnect from ingres;

Note:   When SAS data is joined to DBMS data by using a Pass-Through query, PROC SQL cannot optimize the query. In this case it is much more efficient to use a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement, as shown in the next example. Another way to increase efficiency is to extract the DBMS data and place it in a new SAS data file, assign SAS indexes to the appropriate variables, then to join the two SAS data files.   [cautionend]
Output for both of these examples is shown in Combining a PROC SQL View with a SAS Data Set.

Combining a PROC SQL View with a SAS Data Set By Using a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME

This example creates a PROC SQL view, MYSASLIB.EMP_CSRALL, from the DB2 table EMPLOYEES and joins the view with a SAS data set to select only interns who are family members of existing employees.

libname mydb2lib db2 ssid=db2;
libname mysaslib "sas-data-library";
title 'Interns Who Are Family 
       Members of Employees';

 create view mysaslib.emp_csrall as
 select * from mydblib.employees
  where dept in ('CSR010', 'CSR011', 'CSR004');

proc sql;
  select tempemps.lastname, tempemps.firstnam, 
         tempemps.empid, tempemps.familyid, 
         tempemps.gender, tempemps.dept, 
    from mydb2lib.employees as emp, 
         mysaslib.tempemps as temps
    where emp.empid=temps.familyid;


Combining a PROC SQL View with a SAS Data Set
                   Interns Who Are Family Members of Employees                  1
    lastname          firstnam   empid    familyid    gender   dept     hiredate
    SMITH             ROBERT     765112   234967      M        CSR010   04MAY1998
    NISHIMATSU-LYNCH  RICHARD    765111   677890      M        CSR011   04MAY1998

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