OUTPUT Statement
- OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set>
The OUTPUT statement creates a new SAS data set
containing all variables in the input data set and, optionally,
the fitted probabilities, the estimate of
, and the estimate of its standard error.
Estimates of the probabilities,
, and the standard errors
are computed for observations with missing response values as long
as the values of all the explanatory variables are nonmissing.
This enables you to compute these statistics for additional
settings of the explanatory variables that are of interest
but for which responses are not observed.
You can specify multiple OUTPUT statements.
Each OUTPUT statement creates a new data set and
applies only to the preceding MODEL statement.
If you want to create a permanent SAS data set, you must specify
a two-level name (refer to SAS Language Reference: Concepts
for more information on permanent SAS data sets).
Details on the specifications in
the OUTPUT statement are as follows:
- keyword=name
- specifies the statistics to include in the output data set and
assigns names to the new variables that contain the statistics.
Specify a keyword for each desired statistic
(see the following list of keywords), an equal
sign, and the variable to contain the statistic.
The keywords allowed and the statistics
they represent are as follows:
- PROB | P
- cumulative probability estimates
![p = C + (1 - C) F(a_j + {x^'{\beta}})](images/proeq11.gif)
- standard error estimates of aj + x'b
- estimates of
![a_j + {x^'\beta}](images/proeq12.gif)
- OUT=SAS-data-set
- names the output data set.
By default, the new data set is named using the
DATAn convention.
When the single variable response syntax is used, the
_LEVEL_ variable is added to the output data set, and
there are k-1 output observations for each input
observation, where k is the number of response levels.
There is no observation output
corresponding to the highest response level.
For each of the k-1 observations, the PROB variable
contains the fitted probability of obtaining a response level up to the level
indicated by the _LEVEL_ variable, the XBETA variable
contains aj + x'b, where j references
the levels (a1=0), and the STD variable contains
the standard error estimate of the XBETA variable.
See the "Details" section, which follows, for the
formulas for the parameterizations.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.