HISTORY= data set "Creating EWMA Charts from Subgroup Summary Data" QC; "Input Data Sets" QC
LIMITN= option "Dictionary of Special Options" QC; "Example 20.3: Working with Unequal Subgroup Sample Sizes" QC
LIMITS= data set "Example 20.1: Specifying Standard Values for the Process Mean and Process Standard Deviation" QC; "Input Data Sets" QC; "Reading Preestablished Control Limit Parameters" QC
LIMITS= data set "Example 20.1: Specifying Standard Values for the Process Mean and Process Standard Deviation" QC; "Example 21.1: Specifying Standard Values for the Process Mean and Process Standard Deviation" QC; "Input Data Sets" QC; "Reading Preestablished Control Limit Parameters" QC
macro facility "About the Macro Facility" ACCDB,
"Components of the SAS Language" LRCON;
"Getting Started with the Macro Facility" MACRO;
"Overview of Base SAS Software" LRCON;
"SAS Macro Facility under OpenVMS" VMS;
"SAS Macro Facility under Windows" WIN
macros for experimental design "ADXADCEN: Add Center Points" QC;
"ADXALIAS: Compute the Alias Structure" QC;
"ADXCCD: Construct Central Composite Designs" QC;
"ADXCODE: Code a Design for Analysis" QC;
"ADXDCODE: Decode a Design" QC;
"ADXFFA: Analyze Fractional Factorial Designs" QC;
"ADXFFD: Construct Fractional Factorial Designs" QC;
"ADXFILL: Filling in the Design Region" QC;
"ADXINIT: Set Global Macro Variables" QC;
"ADXMAMD: Construct McLean-Anderson Mixture Designs" QC;
"ADXPBD: Construct Plackett-Burman Designs" QC;
"ADXPCC: List Available Central Composite Designs" QC;
"ADXPFF: List Available Fractional Factorial Designs" QC;
"ADXQMOD: Set Up a Second-Order Model" QC;
"ADXRPRT: Randomize Design and Display a Data Collection Report" QC;
"ADXSLD: Construct Simplex-Lattice Designs" QC;
"ADXTRANS: Determine an Optimal Box-Cox Power Transformation" QC;
"ADXXVERT: the XVERT Algorithm" QC;
"Calling the Macros" QC;
"Central Composite Design Macros: ADXCC File" QC;
"Examples" QC;
"Fractional Factorial Design Macros: ADXFF File" QC;
"General Macros: ADXGEN File" QC;
"Macros for the Design and Analysis of Experiments" QC;
"Structure Files for the Macro Collection" QC
main effect "Creating the Analysis of Variance" INSIGHT;
"Design Factors" QC;
"Resolution" QC;
"Specifying Effects in the MODEL Statement" QC
main effect, examples "Example 15.12: Replicated Blocked Design with Partial Confounding" QC;
"Example 15.15: Design and Analysis of a Complete Factorial Experiment" QC
McCabe, G.P. "Analysis of Variance" INSIGHT;
"Confidence Ellipses" INSIGHT;
"Creating the Analysis" INSIGHT;
"References" INSIGHT;
"Sample Data Sets" INSIGHT
McCullagh, P. "Displaying the Poisson Regression Analysis" INSIGHT;
"Goodness of Fit" INSIGHT;
"References" INSIGHT;
"Sample Data Sets" INSIGHT;
"The Exponential Family of Distributions" INSIGHT
proximity data "Overview" STAT; "PROC MDS Statement" STAT
residuals "Example 40.1: Jacobowitz Body Parts Data from Children and Adults" STAT; "Formulas" STAT; "OUTRES= Data Set" STAT; "PROC MDS Statement" STAT
similarity data "Overview" STAT; "PROC MDS Statement" STAT
stress formula "Formulas" STAT; "PROC MDS Statement" STAT
subject weights "Overview" STAT; "PROC MDS Statement" STAT
mean "Assigning Formats" INSIGHT;
"Moments" INSIGHT;
"Parametric CDF" INSIGHT;
"Statistical Background" PROC;
"Summary of Fit" INSIGHT;
"Summary of Fit for Linear Models" INSIGHT;
"The Likelihood Function and Maximum-Likelihood Estimation" INSIGHT;
"Univariate Statistics" INSIGHT;
"Variables" INSIGHT;
"Weighted Analyses" INSIGHT
migrating from previous releases "Using SAS Files from Other Releases with Version 8 for OS/2" OS2;
"Using SAS Files from Other Releases with Version 8 for Windows" WIN
contrasted SAS procedures "Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures" STAT; "Example 30.8: Mixed Model Analysis of Variance Using the RANDOM Statement" STAT; "PROC GLM Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures" STAT; "PROC MIXED Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures" STAT; "Random Effects Analysis" STAT
contrasts "CONTRAST Statement" STAT; "ESTIMATE Statement" STAT
nonfull-rank parameterization "Parameterization of Mixed Models" STAT; "PROC MIXED Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures" STAT; "REPEATED Statement" STAT
MIXED procedure, RANDOM statement "Example 41.1: Split-Plot Design" STAT;
"PROC MIXED Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures" STAT;
"RANDOM Statement" STAT
MIXED procedure, REPEATED statement "Example 41.2: Repeated Measures" STAT;
"PROC MIXED Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures" STAT;
example using GPLOT procedure "Example 42.3: Cluster Analysis with Significance Tests" STAT; "Example 42.4: Cluster Analysis: Hertzsprung-Russell Plot" STAT
REG procedure "Criteria Used in Model-Selection Methods" STAT; "Limitations in Model-Selection Methods" STAT; "Model-Selection Methods" STAT; "Overview" STAT
MODIFY statement "Browsing and Updating with the SQL Procedure" IMSDI;
"SAS System Passwords for SAS/ACCESS Descriptors" IMSDI;
"Updating DBMS Data with the MODIFY Statement" ACCDB;
"Updating PC Files Data with the MODIFY Statement" ACCPC
mouse "DFLTACTION" OS390;
"Licensing, Hardware, and Software Requirements" GASST;
"Of Mice and Menus" INSIGHT;
"Terminal Support in the CMS Environment" CMS;
"Terminal Support in the OS/390 Environment" OS390;
"Using the SAS/GIS Interface" GIS
CORRESP procedure "Algorithm and Notation" STAT; "Example 24.2: Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Cars and Their Owners" STAT; "PROC CORRESP Statement" STAT
multivariate control charts "Calculating the Chart Statistic" QC;
"Examining the Principal Component Contributions" QC;
"Multivariate Control Charts" QC
PERMUTATION option "Example 43.1: Cochran-Armitage Test with Permutation Resampling" STAT; "Example 43.4: Fisher Test with Permutation Resampling" STAT; "p-Value Adjustments" STAT; "PROC MULTTEST Statement" STAT