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VBAR Statement |
The following tables list the VBAR statement options by function. For complete descriptions, see "Dictionary of Options".
Table 26.1: Options for the Cumulative Percent Curve
ANCHOR=keyword | specifies corner of leftmost bar to which curve is anchored |
CCONNECT=color | specifies color for curve |
CMPCTLABEL | labels curve points with their values |
CONNECTCHAR= 'character' | specifies plot character for curve segments |
NOCURVE | suppresses curve |
NOVLABEL2 | suppresses secondary vertical axis label |
NOVTICK2 | suppresses secondary vertical axis tick marks and tick mark labels |
SYMBOLCHAR= 'character' | specifies plot character for points on curve |
CFRAMENLEG=color | frames the NLEGEND legend and fills the frame with the specified color |
FREQ=variable | specifies frequency variable |
MISSING | specifies that missing values of the process variable be treated as a Pareto category |
MISSING1 | specifies that missing values of the first CLASS= variable be analyzed as a level |
MISSING2 | specifies that missing values of the second CLASS= variable be analyzed as a level |
NLEGEND | requests sample size legend |
NLEGEND='label'| (variable) | requests sample size legend with specified label |
OUT=SAS-data-set | creates output data set that saves information displayed in the Pareto chart |
WEIGHT=variable-list | specifies weight variables used to weight frequencies |
Table 26.3: Options for Restricting the Number of Categories
COTHER=color | specifies color for OTHER= bar |
LOTHER='label' | specifies label for OTHER= bar |
MAXCMPCT=percent | displays only the categories with cumulative percentage less than the percent specified |
MAXNCAT=n | displays only the categories with the n highest values |
MINPCT=percent | displays only the categories with percents greater than the percent specified |
OTHER='category' | merges all categories not displayed |
OTHERCVAL='value' | specifies an OUT= data set character variable value for the OTHER= category |
OTHERNVAL=value | specifies an OUT= data set numeric variable value for the OTHER= category |
POTHER=pattern | specifies pattern for OTHER= bar |
ANNOTATE= SAS-data-set | specifies annotate data set with primary vertical axis data units |
ANNOTATE2= SAS-data-set | specifies annotate data set with secondary vertical axis data units |
CTEXT=color | specifies color for text |
CTEXTSIDE=color | specifies color for row labels |
CTEXTTOP=color | specifies color for column labels |
DESCRIPTION='string' | specifies description for graphics catalog member |
FONT=font | specifies font for text |
HEIGHT=value | specifies text height in percent screen units |
HTML=(variable) | specifies a variable whose values are URLs to be associated with bars |
INFONT=font | specifies font for text inside frame |
INHEIGHT=value | specifies text height in percent screen units for text inside frame |
NAME='string' | specifies name for graphics catalog member |
Table 26.5: Options for Reference Lines
CHREF=color | specifies color for HREF=lines |
CVREF=color | specifies color for VREF= and VREF2= lines |
HREF=value-list | requests reference lines perpendicular to horizontal axis |
HREFCHAR='character' | specifies plot character for HREF=lines |
HREFLABELS= ('label1'...'labeln') | specifies labels for HREF=lines |
HREFLABPOS=n | specifies position of HREFLABELS= labels |
LHREF=linetype | specifies line type for HREF=lines |
LVREF=linetype | specifies line type for VREF= and VREF2= lines |
VREF=value-list | requests reference lines perpendicular to primary vertical axis |
VREF2=value-list | requests reference lines perpendicular to secondary vertical axis |
VREFCHAR='character' | specifies plot character for VREF= lines |
VREFLABELS= ('label1'...'labeln') | specifies labels for VREF= lines |
VREF2LABELS= ('label1'...'labeln') | specifies labels for VREF2= lines |
VREFLABPOS=n | specifies position of VREFLABELS= and VREF2LABELS= labels |
ANNOKEY | applies annotation only to the key cell |
CFRAMESIDE=color | specifies frame color for row labels |
CFRAMETOP=color | specifies frame color for column labels |
CLASS=(variable-list) | specifies classification variables |
CLASSKEY= ('value1' 'value2') | specifies the key cell |
CPROP=color | specifies color for proportion-of-frequency bar |
CTILES=(variable) | specifies colors for tile backgrounds |
INTERTILE=value | specifies distance in percent screen units between tiles |
MISSING1 | specifies that missing values of the first CLASS= variable be analyzed as a level |
MISSING2 | specifies that missing values of the second CLASS= variable be analyzed as a level |
NCOLS=n | specifies number of columns |
NOKEYMOVE | suppresses the placement of the key cell in the top left corner |
NROWS=n | specifies number of rows |
ORDER1=keyword | specifies the order in which values of the first CLASS= variable are displayed |
ORDER2=keyword | specifies the order in which values of the second CLASS= variable are displayed |
TILELEGEND=(variable) | specifies legend for CTILES= colors |
TILELEGLABEL='label' | specifies label for TILELEGEND= legend |
Table 26.7: Options for Grids
CGRID=color | specifies color for GRID lines |
CGRID2=color | specifies color for GRID2 lines |
GRID | adds grid corresponding to primary vertical axis |
GRID2 | adds grid corresponding to secondary vertical axis |
LGRID=linetype | specifies line type for GRID lines |
LGRID2=linetype | specifies line type for GRID2 lines |
WGRID=n | specifies width of GRID lines |
WGRID2=n | specifies width of GRID2 lines |
ANGLE=value | rotates horizontal axis tick mark labels |
AXISFACTOR=value | specifies distance factor between the tallest bar and the upper frame |
CAXIS=color | specifies axis color |
CAXIS2=color | specifies color for secondary vertical axis and tick marks |
CFRAME=color | specifies color for area enclosed by axes and frame |
HOFFSET=value | specifies horizontal axis offset in percent screen units |
NOCHART | suppresses Pareto chart |
NOFRAME | suppresses axis frame |
NOHLABEL | suppresses horizontal axis label |
NOVLABEL | suppresses primary vertical axis label |
NOVLABEL2 | suppresses secondary vertical axis label |
NOVTICK | suppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for primary vertical axis |
NOVTICK2 | suppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for secondary vertical axis |
SCALE=keyword | specifies units in which primary vertical axis is scaled |
TURNVLABEL | turns and strings vertically the characters in the primary and secondary vertical axis labels |
VAXIS=value-list | specifies tick mark values for primary vertical axis |
VAXISLABEL='label' | labels primary vertical axis |
VAXIS2=value-list | specifies tick mark values for secondary vertical axis |
VAXIS2LABEL='label' | labels secondary vertical axis |
VOFFSET=value | specifies vertical axis offset in percent screen units |
WAXIS=n | specifies width in pixels for the axes and frame |
Table 26.9: Options for Displaying a Sample Size Legend
CFRAMENLEG=color | frames the NLEGEND legend and fills the frame with the specified color |
NLEGEND | requests sample size legend |
NLEGEND='label'| (variable) | requests sample size legend with specified label |
BARLABEL=keyword| (variable-list) | displays labels for bars |
BARLABPOS=keyword | specifies position of BARLABEL= option |
BARLEGEND= (variable-list) | displays legend for CBARS= colors or PBARS= patterns |
BARLEGLABEL='label' | displays label for BARLEGEND= legend |
BARWIDTH=value | specifies width (vertical dimension) in percent screen units of the bars |
CATLEGLABEL='label' | specifies label for Pareto categories legend |
CBARLINE=color | specifies color for bar outlines |
CBARS=color | specifies color for bars |
CBARS=variable-list | specifies variable that provides bar colors |
CHIGH(n)=color | specifies color for bars with the n highest values |
CLOW(n)=color | specifies color for bars with the n lowest values |
HLLEGLABEL='label' | displays label for the legend that describes colors and patterns of highest or lowest bars |
INTERBAR=value | specifies distance between bars in percent screen units |
LABOTHER= 'other-label' | specifies label for "other" category |
LAST='category' | specifies bottommost category |
NOHLLEG | suppresses legend describing colors and patterns of highest or lowest bars |
PBARS=pattern | specifies pattern for the bars |
PBARS=(variable-list) | specifies variable that provides bar patterns |
PHIGH(n)=pattern | specifies pattern for bars with the n highest values |
PLOW(n)=pattern | specifies pattern for bars with the n lowest values |
WBARLINE=n | specifies width for bar outlines |
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