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SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference |
Assigned by default
SYMBOL statements create SYMBOL definitions, which are used by the GPLOT and GCONTOUR procedures. For the GPLOT procedure, SYMBOL definitions control
For the GCONTOUR procedure, SYMBOL definitions control
If you create SYMBOL definitions, they are automatically
applied to a graph by the procedure. If you do not create SYMBOL definitions,
these procedures generate default definitions and apply them as needed to
your plots.
<COLOR=symbol-color> <MODE=EXCLUDE | INCLUDE> <REPEAT=number-of-times> <STEP=distance<units>> <appearance-option(s)> <interpolation-option>; |
appearance-options can be one or more of these:
BWIDTH=box-width | |
CI=line-color | |
CO=color | |
CV=value-color | |
FONT=font | |
HEIGHT=symbol-height<units> | |
LINE=line-type | |
POINTLABEL<=(label-description(s)) | NONE> | |
VALUE=special-symbol | text-string | NONE | |
WIDTH=thickness-factor |
interpolation-option can be one of these:
INTERPOL=map/plot-pattern | |
INTERPOL=STEP<placement><J><S> |
INTERPOL=BOX<option(s)><00...25> | |
INTERPOL=HILO<C><option(s)> | |
INTERPOL=STD<1 | 2 | 3><variance><option(s)> |
INTERPOL=R<type><0><CLM | CLI<50...99>> |
INTERPOL=L<degree><P><S> | |
INTERPOL=SM<nn><P><S> | |
When the syntax of an option includes units, use one of these:
CELLS | character cells |
CM | centimeters |
IN | inches |
PCT | percentage of the graphics output area |
PT | points. |
If you omit units, a unit specification is searched for in this order:
Featured in: | Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots |
If you omit CI=, the color specification is searched for in this order:
See also: | Using Color |
Featured in: | Example 1. Ordering Axis Tick Marks with SAS Datetime Values |
If you omit the CO= option, the search order for a color specification depends on the interpolation method being used.
See also: | Using Color |
Featured in: | Example 5. Filling the Area between Plot Lines and Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots |
Using the COLOR= option is exactly the same as specifying the same color for both the CI= and CV= options.
If COLOR= precedes CI= or CV= in the same statement, CI= or CV= is used instead.
If you do not use COLOR= or CI=, CV=, and CO=, the color specification is searched for in this order:
See also: | Using Color |
If you omit CV= but specify CI=, CV= assumes the value of CI=. In this case, CV= and CI= specify the same color, which is the same as specifying COLOR= alone.
If you omit CV=, the color specification is searched for in this order:
See also: | Using Color |
Featured in: | Example 1. Ordering Axis Tick Marks with SAS Datetime Values, Example 5. Filling the Area between Plot Lines, and Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots |
By default, no font is specified, and the symbol specified by VALUE= is taken from the special symbol table shown in Special Symbols for Plotting Data Points. To use symbols from the special symbol table, omit FONT=.
You can use FONT= to specify a symbol font, such as Marker, that contains a symbol that you want to use in your plot. In this case, the string specified by VALUE= is the character code for the symbol. For example, this definition specifies a heart:
symbol font=marker value=N;
You can also use FONT= to specify a text font, such as Swiss. In this case, the string specified by VALUE= appears in the plot:
symbol font=swiss value=star;
Here, the word "star" is displayed in the plot.
To cancel a font specification and return to the default special symbol table, enter a null value:
symbol font=, value=star;
See also: | the VALUE= option, Specifying Plot Symbols, and SAS/GRAPH Fonts |
Featured in: | Labeling Contour Lines |
Note: HEIGHT= affects only the height of the symbols and labels on the plot; it
does not affect the height of any symbols that may appear in a legend.
See also: | the SHAPE= option in the LEGEND statement |
Featured in: | Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots, Example 3. Rotating Plot Symbols through the Colors List, and Labeling Contour Lines |
Values for option(s) are one or more of these:
F | fills the box with the color specified by CV= and outlines the box with the color specified by CO= |
J | joins the median points of the boxes with a line |
T | draws tops and bottoms on the whiskers. |
In addition, you can specify a percentile to control the length of the whiskers within the range 00 through 25. These are examples of percentile specifications and their effect:
00 | high/low extremes. INTERPOL=BOX00 is not the same as the default, INTERPOL=BOX. |
01 | 1st percentile low, 99th high |
05 | 5th percentile low, 95th high |
10 | 10th percentile low, 90th high |
25 | 25th percentile low, 75th high; since the box extends from the 25th to the 75th percentile, no whiskers are produced. |
Box Plot shows the type of plot INTERPOL=BOX produces.
Note: If you use HAXIS= or VAXIS= in the PLOT
statement or
ORDER= in an AXIS definition to restrict the range of axis values, by default
any observations that fall outside the axis range are excluded from the interpolation
calculation. See the MODE= option
You cannot use the GPLOT procedure PLOT statement option AREAS= with INTERPOL=BOX.
To increase the thickness of all box plot lines, including the box, whiskers, join line, and top and bottom ticks, use the WIDTH= option.
To increase the width of the box itself, use the BWIDTH= option. By default the value of BWIDTH= is the same as the value of WIDTH=. Therefore, if you specify a value for WIDTH= and omit BWIDTH=, the width of the box changes.
For a scatter effect with the box, use a multiple plot request, as in this example:
symbol1 i=none v=star color=green; symbol2 i=box v=none color=blue; proc gplot data=test; plot (y y)*x / overlay;
Featured in: | Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots |
By default, for each X value, the mean Y value is marked with a tick as shown in High-Low Plot.
To specify high, low, close stock market data, include this option:
C | draws tick marks at the close value instead of at the mean value. Specifying C assumes that there are three values of Y (HIGH, LOW, and CLOSE) for every value of X. If more or fewer than three Y values are specified, the mean is ticked. The Y values can be in any order in the input data set. |
In addition, you can specify one of these values for option:
B | connects the minimum and maximum Y values with bars instead of lines. Use the BWIDTH= option to increase the width of the bars. |
J | joins the mean values or the close values (if HILOC is specified) with a line. This point is not marked with a tick mark. You cannot use the PLOT statement option AREAS= with INTERPOL=HILOJ. |
T | adds tops and bottoms to each line. |
BJ | connects maximum and minimum values with a bar and joins the mean or close values. |
TJ | adds tops and bottoms to the lines and joins the mean or close values. |
High-Low Plot shows the type of plot INTERPOL=HILO produces. Plot symbols in the form of dots have been added to this figure.
To increase the thickness of all lines generated by the INTERPOL=HILO option, use the WIDTH= option.
Note: If you use HAXIS= or VAXIS= in the PLOT statement or ORDER= in an AXIS definition
to restrict the range of axis values, by default any observations that fall
outside the axis range are excluded from the interpolation calculation. See
the MODE=
Featured in: | Example 1. Ordering Axis Tick Marks with SAS Datetime Values |
If the data contain missing values, the observations are omitted. However, the plot line is not broken at missing values unless the SKIPMISS option is used.
See also: | the SKIPMISS option and Missing Values |
1 | 3 | 5 | specifies the degree of the Lagrange interpolation polynomial. By default, degree is 1. |
In addition, you can specify one or both of these:
P | specifies a parametric interpolation |
S | sorts a data set by the independent variable before plotting its data. |
The Lagrange methods are useful chiefly when data consist of tabulated, precise values. A polynomial of the specified degree (1, 3, or 5) is fitted through the nearest 2, 4, or 6 points. In general, the first derivative is not continuous. If the values of the horizontal variable are not strictly increasing, the corresponding parametric method (L1P, L3P, or L5P) is used.
Specifying INTERPOL=L1P, INTERPOL=L3P, or INTERPOL=L5P results in a parametric Lagrange interpolation of degree 1, 3, or 5, respectively. Both the horizontal and vertical variables are processed with the Lagrange method and a parametric interpolation of degree 1, 3, or 5, using the distance between points as a parameter.
Density specifies the density of the pattern's shading:
1...5 | 1 produces the lightest shading and 5 produces the heaviest. |
Style specifies the direction of pattern lines:
N | parallel lines (the default) |
X | crosshatched lines. |
Angle specifies the starting angle for parallel or crosshatched lines:
0...360 | the degree at which the parallel lines are drawn. By default, angle is 0 (lines are parallel to the horizontal axis). |
The INTERPOL=map/plot-pattern option only works if the data are structured so that the data points and, consequently, the plot lines form an enclosed area. The plot lines should not cross each other.
See also: | PATTERN Statement |
Featured in: | Example 5. Filling the Area between Plot Lines |
Needle Plot shows the type of plot INTERPOL=NEEDLE produces. Plot symbols are not displayed in this figure.
You cannot use the PLOT statement option AREAS= with INTERPOL=NEEDLE.
You cannot use the PLOT statement option AREAS= with INTERPOL=NONE.
Type specifies the type of regression. Specify one of these values for type:
L | requests linear regression representing the regression equation
Y= |
Q | requests quadratic regression representing the regression equation
Y= |
C | requests cubic regression representing the regression equation
Y= |
By default, type is L. The regression line is drawn in the line type specified in the LINE= option. By default, the type of the regression line is 1.
Note: Specify type if you use either 0, or CLI, or CLM.
To force the regression line through a (0,0) origin, specify
0 | eliminates the ![]() Y=
Note: To force the regression
line through the origin (0,0) when the data ranges do not place the origin
at (0,0), use the GPLOT procedure options HZERO and VZERO (ignored if the
data contain negative values), or use HAXIS and VAXIS to specify axes ranges
from 0 to maximum data value. If the data ranges contain negative values and
HAXIS and VAXIS specify ranges starting at 0, only values within the displayed
range are used in the interpolation calculations. |
To display confidence limits, specify one of these:
CLM | displays confidence limits for mean predicted values |
CLI | displays confidence limits for individual predicted values. |
You can specify confidence levels from 50% to 99%. By default, the confidence level is 95%. Include a confidence level specification only if you use CLM or CLI.
The line type used for the confidence limit lines is determined by adding 1 to the values of LINE=. By default, the line type of confidence limit lines is 2.
Plot of Regression Analysis and Confidence Limits shows the type of plot INTERPOL=RCCLM95 produces (cubic regression analysis with 95% confidence limits).
Plot of Regression Analysis and Confidence Limits
Featured in: | Plotting Two Variables |
The relative importance of plot values versus smoothness is controlled by nn. Values for nn are
0...99 | produces a cubic spline that minimizes a linear combination of the sum of squares of the residuals of fit and the integral of the square of the second derivative (Reinsch 1967)(footnote 1). The greater the nn value, the smoother the fitted curve. By default, the value of nn is 0. |
In addition, specify one or both of these:
P | specifies a parametric cubic spline |
S | sorts data by the independent variable before plotting. |
Spline interpolation smoothes a plot line using a cubic spline method with continuous second derivatives (Pizer 1975)(footnote 2). This method uses a piecewise third-degree polynomial for each set of two adjacent points. The polynomial passes through the plotted points and matches the first and second derivatives of neighboring segments at the points.
Specify one or both of these:
P | specifies a parametric spline interpolation method. This interpolation uses
a parametric spline method with continuous second derivatives. Using the method
described earlier for the spline interpolation, a parametric spline is fitted
to both the horizontal and vertical values. The parameter used is the distance
between points
If two points are so close together that the computations overflow, the second point is not used. |
S | sorts a data set by the independent variable before plotting its data. |
Note: When points on the graph are out of
range of the axis values, the curve is clipped. If an end point is out of
range, no curve is drawn. Out-of-range conditions may be caused by restricting
the range of axis values with the HAXIS= or VAXIS= option in the PLOT statement
or the ORDER= option in an AXIS definition.
Note: By default, 2 standard deviations are used.
The sample variance is computed about each mean, and from it, the standard deviation sy is computed. Variance can be one or both of these:
M | computes
![]() |
P | computes sample variances using a pooled estimate, as in a one-way ANOVA model. |
In addition, specify one of these values for option(s):
B | connects the minimum and maximum Y values with bars instead of lines. |
J | connects the means from bar to bar with a line. |
T | adds tops and bottoms to each line. |
BJ | connects maximum and minimum values with a bar and joins the mean values. |
TJ | adds tops and bottoms to the lines and joins the mean values. |
Plot of Standard Deviations shows the type of plot INTERPOL=STD produces. A horizontal tick is drawn at the mean. Plot symbols in the form of dots have been added to this figure.
Note: By default,
the vertical axis ranges
from the minimum to the maximum Y value in the data. If the requested number
of standard deviations from the mean covers a range of values that exceeds
the maximum or is less than the minimum, the STD lines are cut off at the
minimum and maximum Y values. When this cutoff occurs, rescale the axis using
VAXIS= in the PLOT statement or ORDER= in an AXIS definition so that the STD
lines are shown.
If you restrict the range of axis values by using HAXIS= or VAXIS= in a PLOT statement or ORDER= in an AXIS definition, by default any observations that fall outside the axis range are excluded from the interpolation calculation. See the MODE= option.
To increase the thickness of all lines generated by the INTERPOL=STD option, use the WIDTH= option.
You cannot use the PLOT statement option AREAS= with INTERPOL=STD.
Specify one of these values for placement:
L | displays the data point on the left of the step. |
R | displays the data point on the right of the step. |
C | displays the data point in the center of the step. |
In addition, specify one or both of these:
J | produces steps joined with a vertical line. |
S | sorts unordered data by the independent variable before plotting. |
Step Plot shows the type of plot INTERPOL=STEPJR produces. Plot symbols in the form of dots have been added to this figure.
1 | a solid line. |
2...46 | a dashed line. |
Line types are shown in Line Types. By default, LINE=1.
If you control the range of values displayed on an axis by using HAXIS= and VAXIS= in the GPLOT procedure, or ORDER= in an AXIS definition, any data points that lie outside of the range of the axes are discarded before the calculations are done for interpolation lines. This has a particularly noticeable effect on the high-low interpolation methods, which include INTERPOL=HILO, INTERPOL=BOX, and INTERPOL=STD. Regression analysis also represents only part of the original data.
See also: | Values Out of Range |
Note: If you do not specify a color on a SYMBOL statement, the symbol definition
is rotated through the colors list before the next SYMBOL statement is used.
Thus, if your plot contains multiple plot lines and you want to limit your
POINTLABEL specification to a single line, you must specify a color on the
SYMBOL statement that contains the POINTLABEL description.
Label-description(s) can be one or more of these:
By default if POINTLABEL is specified without naming a label variable, the Y values label the plot points. You can change the default by using "#var" to specify a different variable whose values should label the points. For example, you might specify the name of the X variable. The following option specifies the variable SALES as the variable whose values will label plot points:
Alternatively, you can label the plot points with the values of the X and Y variables, in either order. The order that you specify X and Y in the variable specification determines the order that the values are displayed in the label. The following option specifies variables HEIGHT and WEIGHT; in the label, the value for HEIGHT will be displayed, followed by the value for WEIGHT:
POINTLABEL=("#height:#weight")The variables that you specify must be the plot's X and Y variables. Specifying any other variables will cause unexpected labeling.
By default when you specify both the X and Y variables, a colon (:) displays in the label to separate the values in each label. To change the character that displays as the delimiter, use the $ syntax to specify an alternative character. The following option specifies a vertical bar (|) as the delimiter in the label:
POINTLABEL=("#height:#weight $|")Within the quotation marks, the $ specification can precede or follow the variable specification, but it must be separated from the variable specification by at least one space. Optionally, the $ specification can be in its own set of quotation marks.
Note: Specifying a delimiting character with the
$ only changes the character that displays in the label. It does not change
the syntax of the variable specification, which requires a colon and pound
sign (:#) to precede the second variable.
Specify as many label-description suboptions as you want. Enclose them all within a single set of parentheses, and separate each suboption from the others by at least one space.
The behavior of REPEAT= depends on whether any of the SYMBOL color options (CI=, CV=, CO=, and COLOR=) or the CSYMBOL= graphics option also is used:
See also: | Using the SYMBOL Statement |
Note: If you specify
units of PCT or CELLS, STEP= calculates the distance between the labels based
on the width of the graphics output area, not the height. For example, if
you specify STEP=50PCT and if the graphics output area is 9 inches wide, the
distance specified is 4.5 inches. A value less than 10 percent is ignored
and 10 percent is used instead.
When you use STEP=, specify the minimum distance that you want between labels. The option then calculates how many labels it can fit on the contour line, taking into account the length of the labels and the minimum distance you specified. Once it has calculated how many labels it can fit while retaining the minimum distance between them, it places the labels, evenly spaced, along the line. Consequently, the space between labels may be greater than what you specify, although it will never be less.
In general, to increase the number of labels from the default, reduce the value of distance.
If the procedure cannot write the label at a particular location on the contour, for example because the contour line makes a sharp turn, the label may be placed farther along the line or omitted. If labels are omitted, a note appears in the log. Specifying a low value for the GCONTOUR procedure's TOLANGLE= option may also cause labels to be omitted, since this forces the procedure to select smoother labeling locations, which may not be available on some contours.
Featured in: | Labeling Contour Lines |
VALUE=NONE suppresses plot symbols at the data points, or labels on the contour lines.
Values for special-symbol are the names and characters shown in Special Symbols for Plotting Data Points. The special symbol table can be used only if the FONT= option is not used or a null value is specified:
Note: To specify a single quotation mark, you must enclose it in double quotation
To specify a double quotation mark, you must enclose it in single quotation marks:
In some operating environments, punctuation characters may require single quotes.
If you use VALUE=text-string to specify a plot symbol, you must also use the FONT= option to specify a symbol font or a text font. If you specify a symbol font, the characters in the string are character codes for the symbols in the font. If you specify a text font, the characters in the string are displayed. If you specify a text string containing quotes or blanks, enclose the string in single quotes.
For example, if you specify this statement, the plot symbol is the word "plus" instead of the symbol +:
symbol font=swiss value=plus;
See also: | the FONT= option and Specifying Plot Symbols |
Featured in: | Example 3. Rotating Plot Symbols through the Colors List, Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots, and Labeling Contour Lines |
WIDTH= also affects all the lines in box plots (INTERPOL=BOX), high-low plots with bars (INTERPOL=HILOB), and standard deviation plots (INTERPOL=STD). It also affects the outlines of the area generated by the AREAS= option in the PLOT statement of the GPLOT procedure.
Note: By
default, the value specified by WIDTH= is used as the default value for the
BWIDTH= option. For example, specifying WIDTH=6 also sets BWIDTH= to 6 unless
you explicitly assign a value to BWIDTH=.
Featured in: | Example 1. Ordering Axis Tick Marks with SAS Datetime Values and Example 4. Creating and Modifying Box Plots |
Special Symbols for Plotting Data Points
Using the SYMBOL Statement |
A SYMBOL statement specifies one or more options that indicate the color and other attributes used by the GPLOT procedure or the GCONTOUR procedure. For GPLOT, the main attributes include the plot symbol, interpolation method, and type of plot line. For GCONTOUR, the main attributes include the type of contour lines used and the text used to label those lines.
Note: SYMBOL statements can only be applied to contour plots
when the AUTOLABEL option is specified on GCONTOUR.
You can define up to 99 different SYMBOL statements. A SYMBOL statement without a number is treated as a SYMBOL1 statement.
SYMBOL definitions can be defined anywhere in your SAS program. They are global and remain in effect until canceled or until you end your SAS session. Once defined, SYMBOL definitions can be
SYMBOL statements generate one or more symbol definitions, depending on how color is used and whether a plot symbol or type of contour line is specified. For more information, see Controlling Consecutive SYMBOL Statements and Using Generated Symbol Sequences.
Although it is common practice, you do not have to start
with SYMBOL1, and you do not have to use sequential statement numbers. When
assigning SYMBOL definitions, SAS/GRAPH software
starts with the lowest-numbered definition and works upward, ignoring gaps
in the numbering.
Assume you define SYMBOL4 as:
symbol4 value=star cv=red height=4;
The following statement cancels only HEIGHT= without affecting the rest of the definition:
symbol4 height=;
Add or change options in the same way. This statement adds an interpolation method to SYMBOL4:
symbol4 interpol=join;
This statement changes the color of the plot symbol from red to blue:
symbol4 cv=blue;
After all these modifications, SYMBOL4 has these characteristics:
symbol4 value=star cv=blue interpol=join;
Cancel individual SYMBOL statements by defining a SYMBOL statement of the same number without options (a null statement):
Canceling one SYMBOL statement does not affect any other SYMBOL definitions. To cancel all current SYMBOL statements, use RESET= in a GOPTIONS statement:
goptions reset=symbol;
Specifying RESET=GLOBAL or RESET=ALL cancels all current SYMBOL definitions as well as other settings.
To display current SYMBOL definitions in the LOG window, use the GOPTIONS procedure with the SYMBOL option:
proc goptions symbol nolist; run;
Controlling Consecutive SYMBOL Statements |
symbol1 value=star color=green; symbol2 value=square color=yellow;
For more information on specifying colors for symbol definitions, see Using Color.
If you do not use color to limit a SYMBOL statement to a single symbol definition, SAS/GRAPH generates multiple symbol definitions from that statement by rotating the current definition through the colors list (for more details, see Using Generated Symbol Sequences). Because SAS/GRAPH uses symbol definitions in the order they are generated, this means that the nth symbol definition applied to a graph does not necessarily correspond to the SYMBOLn statement.
For example, assuming no color is specified on the CSYMBOL= graphics option, these statements generate four definitions:
goptions colors=(red blue green); symbol1 value=star; symbol2 value=square color=yellow;
Because no color is specified on SYMBOL1, SAS/GRAPH rotates the symbol definition through the colors list, which has three colors. Thus, SYMBOL1 defines the first three applied symbol definitions, and SYMBOL2 defines the 4th:
Sequence Number | Source | Characteristics: Color | Symbol |
1 | SYMBOL1 | red | star |
2 | SYMBOL1 | blue | star |
3 | SYMBOL1 | green | star |
4 | SYMBOL2 | yellow | square |
In this case, if a graph needs only three symbols, the SYMBOL2 definition is not used.
To make the nth applied symbol definition correspond to the SYMBOLn statement, limit each SYMBOL statement to a single color, using one of the techniques listed at the beginning of this section.
Setting Definitions for PROC GPLOT |
The following topics apply only for SYMBOL statements used with PROC GPLOT:
The VALUE= option specifies the plot symbols that PROC GPLOT uses to mark the data points on a plot. Plot symbols can be
By default, the plot symbol is the + symbol. To specify a special symbol, use VALUE= to specify a name or a character from Special Symbols for Plotting Data Points:
symbol1 value=hash color=green; symbol2 value=) color=blue;
This example uses color to ensure each SYMBOL statement generates only one definition. You can omit color specifications to let SAS/GRAPH rotate symbol definitions through the colors list. For details, see Using Generated Symbol Sequences.
To use plot symbols other than those in Special Symbols for Plotting Data Points, use the FONT= option to specify a font for the plot symbol. If the font is a symbol font, such as Marker, the string specified with the VALUE= option is the character code for the symbol to be displayed. If the font is a text font, the string specified with VALUE= is displayed as the plot symbol. (See VALUE= and FONT=.)
This table illustrates some of the ways you can define a plot symbol:
symbol1 i=splines c=red; symbol2 i=splines c=blue; symbol3 i=splines c=green; proc gplot; plot y1*x1 y2*x2 y3*x3 / overlay; run;
Using Color |
Generally, there are two ways to explicitly specify color for SYMBOL statements:
You can also let SAS/GRAPH rotate
symbol definitions through the colors list. For details, see Using Generated Symbol Sequences.
The SYMBOL statement has these options for specifying color:
CV= and CI= have the same effect as using COLOR= when they are used in these ways:
In general, CI=, CV=, and CO= color specific areas of the symbol. Use these options to produce symbols and plot lines of different colors without having to overlay multiple plot pairs. For example, if you request regression analysis with confidence limits, use this statement to assign red to the plot symbol, blue to the regression lines, and green to the confidence limit lines:
symbol cv=red ci=blue co=green;
The COLOR= option colors the entire symbol or those portions of it not colored by one of the other color options. If COLOR= precedes CI= or CV=, the CI= or CV= specification is used instead. If none of the SYMBOL color options is used, color specifications are searched for in this order:
If the SYMBOL color options and the CSYMBOL= graphics
option are not used, the SYMBOL definition cycles through each color in the
colors list before the next definition is used. For details, see Using Generated Symbol Sequences.
The CSYMBOL= option on the GOPTIONS statement specifies the default color to be used by all SYMBOL definitions:
goptions csymbol=green; symbol1 value=star; symbol2 value=square;
In this example, both SYMBOL statements use green.
CSYMBOL= is overridden by any of the SYMBOL statement color options. See Using Color for details.
If more SYMBOL definitions are needed, SAS/GRAPH returns to generating default symbol sequences.
Specifying Line Types |
To specify the type of line for plot or contour lines, use the LINE= option to specify a number from 1 through 46. Line Types shows the line types represented by these numbers. By default, the line type is 1 for plot and contour lines, and 2 for confidence limit lines.
Note: These line types also are used by
statements and procedures. Some options accept a line type of 0, which produces
no line.
Using Generated Symbol Sequences |
If REPEAT= is also used, the resulting SYMBOL definition
is repeated the specified number of times.
Default symbol sequences are generated by rotating symbol definitions through the current colors list.
Each time a default definition is required, SAS/GRAPH takes the first default plot symbol or line type and uses it with the first color in the colors list. If more than one definition is required, it uses the same plot symbol or line type with the next color in the colors list and continues until all the colors have been used once. If more definitions are needed, SAS/GRAPH selects the second default plot symbol or line type and rotates it through the colors list. It continues in this fashion, selecting default plot symbols or line types and cycling them through the colors list until all the required definitions are generated.
If a color has been specified with the CSYMBOL= option
on the GOPTIONS statement, each default plot symbol or line type is used once
with the specified color, and the colors in the colors list are ignored.
If a SYMBOL statement does not specify color, and if the CSYMBOL= graphics option is not used, the symbol definition is rotated through every color in the colors list before the next SYMBOL definition is used:
goptions colors=(blue red green); symbol1 cv=red i=join; symbol2 i=spline v=dot; symbol3 cv=green v=star;
Here, the SYMBOL1 statement generates the first SYMBOL definition. The SYMBOL2 statement does not include color, so the first default plot symbol is rotated through all colors in the colors list before the SYMBOL3 statement is used. This table shows the colors and symbols that would be used if nine symbol definitions were required for PROC GPLOT:
Sequence Number | Source | Characteristics: Color | Symbol | Interpolation |
1 | SYMBOL1 | cv=red | first default | join |
2 | SYMBOL2 | color=blue | dot | spline |
3 | SYMBOL2 | color=red | dot | spline |
4 | SYMBOL2 | color=green | dot | spline |
5 | SYMBOL3 | cv=green | star | NONE |
6 | first default | color=blue | first default | default |
7 | first default | color=red | first default | default |
8 | first default | color=green | first default | default |
9 | second default | color=blue | second default | default |
Notice that after the SYMBOL statements are exhausted, the procedure begins using the default definitions (sequences 6 through 9). Each plot symbol from the default list is rotated through all colors in the colors list before the next plot symbol is used. Also, SYMBOL1 does not specify a plot symbol, so the default sequencing provides the first default symbol (a + sign). When sequencing resumes in sequence number 6, it starts at the beginning again, selecting the first default plot symbol and rotating it through the colors list.
If you use REPEAT= but no color, the sequence generated by cycling the definition through the colors list is repeated the number of times specified by REPEAT=. For example, these statements define a colors list and illustrate the effect of REPEAT= on SYMBOL statements both with and without explicit color specifications:
goptions colors=(blue red green); symbol1 color=gold repeat=2; symbol2 value=star color=cyan; symbol3 value=square repeat=2;
Here, SYMBOL1 is used twice, SYMBOL2 is used once, and SYMBOL3 rotates through the list of three colors and then repeats this cycle a second time:
Sequence Number | Source | Characteristics: Color | Symbol | Interpolation |
1 | SYMBOL1 | gold | first default | default |
2 | SYMBOL1 | gold | first default | default |
3 | SYMBOL2 | cyan | star | default |
4 | SYMBOL3 | blue | square | default |
5 | SYMBOL3 | red | square | default |
6 | SYMBOL3 | green | square | default |
7 | SYMBOL3 | blue | square | default |
8 | SYMBOL3 | red | square | default |
9 | SYMBOL3 | green | square | default |
FOOTNOTE 2: Pizer, Stephen M. (1975), Numerical Computing and Mathematical
Analysis, Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., Chapter 4.
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