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SAS Companion for the OS/390 Environment |
Configuration files (described in Configuration Files) and SASUSER files (described in SASUSER Library) are only two of several SAS system files that are automatically identified to your session by either the SAS CLIST (under TSO) or the SAS cataloged procedure (in batch). This section describes several other SAS system files that are significant to SAS users under OS/390.
For brief descriptions of all the SAS system files that are frequently used by the SAS CLIST or by the SAS cataloged procedure, see SAS System Files.
WORK Library |
The WORK library is automatically defined by the SAS System at the beginning of your SAS job or session, unless you invoke SAS under TSO and specify the GO operand. By default, the entire WORK library is deleted at the end of each SAS job or session.
The WORK library must exist on a disk device in Version 8 format so that it can be accessed by the V8 engine. (See Using V8 Engines for information about the V8 engine.) Under OS/390, the physical file that is associated with the DDname WORK is allocated by the SAS CLIST or by the SAS cataloged procedure.
That is, the space is allocated in 6144-byte blocks, with a primary allocation of 500 blocks and a secondary allocation of 200 blocks. (Your installation may use different values; see the JCL from one of your SAS jobs to get a listing of the cataloged procedure that your SAS jobs use.) This space is enough for many SAS jobs. However, if you have many large temporary SAS data sets, or if you use a procedure that has many large utility files (for example, a PROC FREQ step with a complex TABLES statement that you run against a large SAS data set), you may run out of space in the WORK library. If you run out of space in batch mode, your PROC or DATA step terminates prematurely and issues a message similar to the one shown in Insufficient WORK Space Message. In an interactive session, a dialog window asks you to specify what action to take.
Insufficient WORK Space Message
ERROR: Insufficient space in file WORK.DATASET.DATA. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: SAS set option OBS=0 and will continue to check statements. This may cause NOTE: No observations in data set. WARNING: The data set WORK.DATASET may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 22360 observations and 4 variables. ERROR: Errors printed on page 1. |
Here are three possible solutions to this problem:
You can also combine these
//HUGE JOB accounting-information // EXEC SAS,WORK='1000,400' //SYSIN DD * SAS statements /* //
If you invoke SAS interactively, then include the WORK operand in the SAS CLIST command, as in the following example:
sas work('1000,400')
One simple way to conserve space in the WORK library is to delete each temporary SAS data set with a PROC DATASETS step after you no longer need it. However, there are two problems with this method.
An alternative to deleting the temporary SAS data sets
is to direct them to a different SAS data library, as described in the next
Note: Utility
data sets that are created by the SAS procedures continue to be stored in
the WORK library. However, any data sets that have one-level names and that
are created by your SAS programs will be stored in the USER library.
You can use a temporary or permanent physical file for the library, and you can put the library either on disk or on tape. The physical file can be either a Version 8, 7, or 6 SAS data library. If it is a Version 6 SAS data library, then it provides support for data sets but not for catalogs. Differences between the WORK and USER Libraries summarizes differences between the WORK and USER libraries.
Library | Type of O.E. Data Set | Storage Medium | Format | |
WORK | temporary | disk | V8 | |
USER | temporary or permanent | disk or tape | V8, V7, or V6 |
The following example illustrates the use of the USER= system option. The numbered lines of code are explained below.
filename giant 'company.survey.tvdata'; libname result 'my.tv.sasdata'; [1] libname temp '&tvtemp' space=(cyl,(6,2)); [2] options user=temp; [3] data totalusa; infile giant; input home_id region income viewers cable; if home_id=. then delete; run; [4] proc freq; tables region*income*viewers*cable [5] / noprint out=result.freqdata; run;
SAS Log File |
LRECL=137 |
Under TSO, either interactively or noninteractively, the SASLOG file is routed to the terminal by default. In the windowing environment, the SAS log is directed to the LOG window.
See Types of SAS Output
for more information about the SAS log and about how to route output in a
batch job.
The particular information that appears in the SAS log depends on the settings of several SAS system options. See Collecting Performance Statistics for more information.
In addition, the following portable system options affect the contents of the SAS log:
The following portable system options are used to change the appearance of the SAS log:
SAS Procedure Output File |
In batch mode, the SAS procedure output file is identified in the cataloged procedure by the DDname SASLIST. Unless you specify otherwise, SAS writes most procedure output to this file. (A few procedures, such as the OPTIONS procedure, route output directly to the SAS log by default.) PUT statement output may also be directed to this file by a FILE statement that uses the fileref PRINT. (PRINT is a special fileref that can be specified in the FILE statement.)
The following DCB characteristics of the procedure output file are controlled by the cataloged procedure, typically with the following values:
LRECL=260 |
The SAS procedure
output file is often called the print file; however, note that any data set that contains carriage-control
information (identified by a trailing A as part of the RECFM= specification)
can be called a print file.
The following portable system options are used to change the appearance of procedure output:
Console Log File |
Parmcards File |
Summary Table of SAS System Files |
SAS System Files lists all of the SAS system files that are frequently used in the SAS CLIST or in the SAS cataloged procedure. In the CLIST and cataloged procedure, logical names are associated with physical files. The logical names listed in SAS System Files are those that are used by the standard SAS CLIST or cataloged procedure. Your installation may have changed these names.
The system option column of SAS System Files lists the SAS system options that you can pass into the SAS CLIST (using the OPTIONS operand) or into the SAS cataloged procedure (using the OPTIONS parameter) when you invoke SAS. You can use these system options to change the defaults that were established by the CLIST or by the cataloged procedure. (See Specifying or Changing System Option Settings.)
Default Logical Name | Purpose | System Option | CLIST Operands | Type of O.E. Data Set |
CONFIG | system configuration file | CONFIG= DDname |
DDCONFIG(DDname) | sequential data set or PDS member; must be FB, LRECL=80 |
Description: contains system options that are processed automatically when you invoke SAS. The system configuration file is usually maintained by your data center. | ||||
CONFIG | user configuration file | CONFIG= DDname |
sequential data set or PDS member; must be FB, LRECL=80 |
Description: also contains system options that are processed automatically when you invoke SAS. Your user configuration file is concatenated to the system configuration file. | ||||
LIBRARY | format library | n/a | n/a | SAS data library |
Description: contains formats and informats. | ||||
SAMPSIO | sample SAS data library | n/a | n/a | SAS data library |
Description: is the SAS data library that is accessed by SAS programs in the sample library provided by SAS Institute. | ||||
SASnnnnn |
command processor file | n/a | n/a | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: is used by the SASCP command in the SAS CLIST. | ||||
SASAUTOS | system autocall library | n/a | MAUTS(dsn) | PDS |
Description: contains source for SAS macros that were written by your data center or provided by SAS Institute. | ||||
SASAUTOS | user autocall library | SASAUTOS= specification* | SASAUTOS(dsn) DDSASAUT(DDname) | PDS |
Description: contains a user-defined autocall library to which the system autocall library is concatenated. | ||||
SASCLOG | console log | CONSOLELOG=DDname | n/a | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: SAS console log file. | ||||
SASEXEC | autoexec file | AUTOEXEC= DDname |
AUTOEXEC(dsn) DDAUTOEX(DDname) | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: contains statements that are executed automatically when you invoke SAS. | ||||
SASHELP | HELP library | SASHELP= DDname |
SASHELP(dsn) DDSASHLP(DDname) | SAS data library |
Description: contains system default catalogs and Help system information. | ||||
SASLIB | format library (V5) | SASLIB= DDname |
n/a | load library |
Description: a load library that contains user-written procedures and functions or Version 5 formats and informats. It is searched before the SAS System load library. | ||||
SASLIST | procedure output file | PRINT= DDname |
PRINT(dsn) DDPRINT(DDname) | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: contains SAS procedure output. | ||||
SASLOG | log file | LOG= DDname |
LOG(dsn) DDLOG(DDname) | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: SAS log file. | ||||
SASMSG | system message file | SASMSG= DDname |
Description: contains SAS system messages. | ||||
SASPARM | parmcards file | PARMCARD= DDname |
PARMCARD(size) DDPARMCD(DDname) | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: a temporary data set that is used by some procedures. The PARMCARD= system option assigns a DDname to the parmcards file; the PARMCARD CLIST operand specifies the file size. You can use the DDPARMCD operand to specify an alternate name for the parmcards file via the CLIST. | ||||
SASSNAP | SNAP dump file | n/a | n/a | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: SNAP output from dump taken during abend recovery. | ||||
sort work files | DYNALLOC SORTWKDD= SORTWKNO= | n/a | sequential |
Description: temporary files that are used by the host sort utility when sorting large amounts of data. | ||||
SASUSER(dsn) DDSASUSR(DDname) | SAS data library |
Description: contains the user profile catalog and other personal catalogs. | ||||
STEPLIB | STEPLIB library | n/a | LOAD(dsn) SASLOAD(dsn) | load library |
Description: a load library that contains SAS procedure and user-written load modules. (Allocate with a STEPLIB DD statement in a batch job.) | ||||
SYSIN | primary input file | SYSIN= DDname |
INPUT(dsn) DDSYSIN(DDname) | sequential data set or PDS member |
Description: contains SAS statements. The primary input file can be specified with the INPUT operand under TSO, or allocated with a DD statement in a batch job. | ||||
USER | USER library | USER= DDname | dsn |
n/a | SAS data library |
Description: specifies a SAS data library in which to store SAS data sets that have one-level names (instead of storing them in the WORK library). | ||||
WORK | WORK library | WORK= DDname |
DDWORK(DDname) | SAS data library |
Description: contains temporary SAS files that are created by the SAS System during your session. | ||||
* SASAUTOS: specification can be a fileref, a partitioned data set name enclosed in quotes, or a series of file specifications enclosed in parentheses. |
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