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Controls the creation of the SAS procedure output file for batch mode

Default: filename.LST in batch mode, where filename is the name of your SAS job
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
OS/2 specifics: all



-PRINT destination | -NOPRINT

PRINT destination
specifies the destination for the SAS procedure output file. The destination argument can be a valid OS/2 pathname or filename (including device names) or an environment variable associated with a pathname. If you specify only a pathname, the procedure output file is created in the specified directory, with the default name of filename.LST, where filename is the name of your SAS job.

suppresses the creation of the SAS procedure output file.


The PRINT system option specifies the destination to which SAS output is written when executing SAS programs in modes other than the interactive windowing environment.

The PRINT system option is valid only in batch mode.

When you are running the SAS System interactively, the procedure output file is sent to the OUTPUT window; when you are running in batch mode, it is sent to a file named filename.LST, where filename is the name of your SAS job. You can use the PRINT option to specify an alternate destination.

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