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SAS Component Language: Reference

Using IF-THEN/ELSE Conditions

The IF-THEN/ELSE statement executes a statement or group of statements based on a condition that you specify.

IF expression THEN statement;
<ELSE statement;>
If expression is true, then SAS executes the statement in the THEN clause. If the expression is false and if an ELSE statement is present, then SAS executes the ELSE statement. The statement following THEN and ELSE can be either a single SAS statement (including an IF-THEN/ELSE statement) or a DO group.

For example:

if (exist(table)) then
  _msg_='SAS table already exists.';
else do;
  call new(table,'',1,'y');
  _msg_='Table has been created.';

Suppose your application is designed to run in batch mode and you do not want to generate any messages. You could use a null statement after THEN:

if (exist(table)) then;
  else call new(table,'',1,'y');

For more information, refer to SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

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