Chapter Contents


SAS/ACCESS Interface to ADABAS Software

ACCESS Procedure Syntax

PROC ACCESS <options>;

Creating and Updating Statements
CREATE libref.member-name.ACCESS | VIEW;
UPDATE libref.member-name.ACCESS|VIEW <password-level=SAS-password>;

Database-Description Statements
DDM = data-definition-module-name;
NSS (LIBRARY | LIB= library-identifier
USER= user-identifier
PASSWORD | PW= Natural-Security-password);
ADBFILE (NUMBER | NUM= Adabas-file-number
PASSWORD | PW= Adabas-password
CIPHER | CC= Adabas-cipher-code
DBID= Adabas-database-identifier);
SYSFILE (NUMBER | NUM= Adabas-system-file-number
PASSWORD | PW= Adabas-password
CIPHER | CC= Adabas-cipher-code
DBID= Adabas-database-identifier);
SECFILE (NUMBER | NUM= Natural-Security-system-file-number
PASSWORD | PW= Adabas-password
CIPHER | CC= Adabas-cipher-code
DBID= Adabas-database-identifier);

Editing Statements
ASSIGN <=> YES | NO | Y | N;
CONTENT column-identifier-1 <=> SAS-date-format | length | E
<... column-identifier-n <=> SAS-date-format | length | E >;
DROP column-identifier-1 <... column-identifier-n>;
EXTEND <ALL | VIEW | column-identifier-1 <... column-identifier-n>>;
FORMAT column-identifier-1 <=> SAS-format-name
<...column-identifier-n <=> SAS-format-name>;
INFORMAT column-identifier-1 <=> SAS-format-name
<... column-identifier-n <=> SAS-format-name>;
KEY<=> column-identifier-1 <...column-identifier-n>;
LIST <ALL | VIEW | column-identifier-1 <...column-identifier-n>>;
LISTINFO <ALL | VIEW | column-identifier-1 <...column-identifier-n>>;
LISTOCC column-identifier-1 <... column-identifier-n>;
MVF column-identifier
CONTENToccurrence-1 <=> SAS-date-format | length | E
<... occurrence-n <=> SAS-date-format| length| E>;
DROP occurrence-1 <<TO>... occurrence-n>;
FORMAT occurrence-1 <=> SAS-format-name
<...occurrence-n <=> SAS-format-name>;
INFORMAT occurrence-1 <=> SAS-format-name
<... occurrence-n <=> SAS-format-name>;
OCCURS <=> number-of-occurrences;
RENAME occurrence-1 <=> SAS-variable-name
<...occurrence-n <=> SAS-variable-name>;
RESET occurrence-1 <<TO>... occurrence-n>;
SELECT occurrence-1 <<TO>... occurrence-n>;
RENAME column-identifier-1 <=> SAS-variable-name
<... column-identifier-n <=> SAS-variable-name>;
RESET ALL | column-identifier-1 <... column-identifier-n>;
SECURITY <=> YES | NO | Y | N;
SELECT ALL | column-identifier-1 <... column-identifier-n>;
SUBSET selection-criteria;



You use the ACCESS procedure to create and edit access descriptors and view descriptors, and to create SAS data files. Descriptor files describe DBMS data so that you can read, update, or extract the DBMS data directly from within a SAS session or in a SAS program.

The ACCESS procedure runs in interactive line and batch modes. The following sections provide complete information on PROC ACCESS options and statements.

PROC ACCESS Statement Options

The ACCESS procedure statement takes the following options:

PROC ACCESS options;

Depending on which options you use, the ACCESS procedure statement performs several tasks.

You use the PROC ACCESS statement with database-description statements and certain procedure statements to create descriptors or SAS data files from DBMS data. See Procedure Statements for information on which procedure statements to use for each task. The following sections describe PROC ACCESS options in greater detail.


This section describes the options that you use to create and edit access descriptors and view descriptors.

specifies an access descriptor.

ACCDESC= is used with the DBMS= option to create a view descriptor that is based on the specified access descriptor. You specify the view descriptor's name in the CREATE statement. You can also use a SAS data set option on the ACCDESC= option to specify any passwords that have been assigned to the access descriptor.

The ACCDESC= option has two aliases: AD= and ACCESS=.

specifies which database management system you want to use. DBMS= can be used with the ACCDESC= option to create a view descriptor, which is then named in the CREATE statement.

specifies the SAS data file to which DBMS data are written. OUT= is used only with the VIEWDESC= option.

specifies a view-descriptor that accesses the ADABAS data. VIEWDESC= is used only with the OUT= option.

For example:

   proc access dbms=adabas viewdesc=vlib.invq4

The VIEWDESC= option has two aliases: VD= and VIEW=.

Altering a DBMS table can invalidate descriptors. Altering the format of a DBMS table that has descriptor files defined on it might cause these descriptors to be out-of-date or no longer valid. For example, if you add a column to a table and an existing access descriptor is defined on that table, the access descriptor and any view descriptors based on it do not show the new column. You must re-create the descriptors to be able to show and select the new column.  [cautionend]

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