Faculty Resources
New Faculty Handbook / SCA Constituion / Absence & Supervision Credit Policies
Access the most-recent versions of the SCA's Faculty Handbook, Constitution, Faculty Absences and Fulfillment of Teaching Obligations Policy, and Graduate Supervisory Credit Policy HERE (requires SFU email account).
Final Exam Scheduling
Does your course have a final exam (whether it's in-person, take-home or online)? If yes, please use our online Final Exam Scheduling form to give us the details.
Access the online Final Exam Scheduling form HERE.
Please note: if you are teaching more than one course in the term, please complete this form for each course that has an exam.
Internal SCA Event Proposal form
Access the online Internal SCA Event Proposal form HERE.
The SCA Production & Events Manager (scaprod@sfu.ca) will follow up with you about your submission as soon as possible (approximately 2-3 business days) to talk through your technical needs and venue plan and to discuss any necessary requirements and processes for organizing ticketing, Front of House support, ushers, catering, and any other event-related plans and requirements.
Next Steps
After you've submitted the online Internal SCA Event Proposal, there are two other PDFs that the SCA Production & Events Manager will help you complete as a next step in the process, depending on the character of your event, if you need support from Goldcorp Centre for the Arts Production and Event Services (GCAPES) and the use of the Box Office. You can download them here in advance, as necessary: Box Office (In person) Event Function Sheet - Ver2.0-1 and GCAPES Event Function Sheet - Ver3.1.1.
Lobby Projector Array Booking
Please use this online form to book use of the projector array in the Francis and Samuel Belzberg Atrium (the lobby of the SCA).
Access the online Lobby Projector Array Booking form HERE (requires SFU email account).
Please note: this form is for GCA Production and Event Services, School for the Contemporary Arts, and SFU's Vancity Office of Community Engagement use only.
Equipment Booking
Please use this online form to book equipment for classroom use, both for semester long and standalone requests. Please allow a minimum three business days to process your request.
Access the online Equipment Booking form HERE (requires SFU email account).
Please note: this is for SCA Faculty, Term Lecturer, Sessional Instructor, and Teaching Assistant use only.
Grad Studies Resources
Access several PDFs and links that provide guidelines and assistance about the SCA's Graduate Programs, SFU's Graduate rules and regulations, and about engaging with Graduate Students HERE (requires SFU email account).
FCAT Faculty & staff portal
The FCAT Faculty & Staff Portal has links to these sections: Submit a Story Idea, Faculty Member Resources, Staff Resources, FCAT Brand Toolkit, Research (which includes FCAT Internal Research Grants), "Think, Make, Do: FCAT 2024," FCAT Update, and FCAT Governance Document. Go to the Portal HERE.