
Photo: Yukiko Onley

The Norman Armour Memorial Fund

Named in honour of SCA alumnus and beloved interdisciplinary artist and non-profit arts specialist Norman Armour, the Norman Armour Memorial Fund will support an award for undergraduate contemporary arts students who have demonstrated a spirit of collaboration and interdisciplinarity through their work and artistic practice. With a fundraising goal of $40,000, support from donors like you will provide students with much-needed funding to pursue their education.

Make your donation HERE.

The Ker Wells Memorial Fund

In Ker Wells' honour, his friends and colleagues have established the Ker Wells Memorial Fund at SFU. Your gift will pay tribute to Ker by supporting performance students in the School for the Contemporary Arts. It is our wish to raise $20,000 in order to create an endowed award at SFU.

Make your donation HERE.

Please Support The Opal

Named in honor of SCA alumnus Opal McLean, who tragically died in a car accident in July, 2023, The Opal McLean SCA Alumni Creative Production and Research Prize is designed to support a recent SCA alumnus in developing their creative practice. Recognizing that the challenges and cost of everyday life can be impediments to research and production, this merit-based prize provides $3,000 that can be used freely by the recipient to cover exploratory research, development, and production costs, as well as home or studio rent, travel expenses, and even groceries. In exchange, the recipient will participate in a public presentation and Q&A during the fall term for the SCA about the work they've conducted with the support of the prize. Details of this event will be promoted by the SCA.

Your donation will help the SCA maintain the Opal Mclean SCA Alumni Creative Production and Research Prize in perpetuity.

Make your donation HERE.
