Everything Must Go, 2018. Photo: Phoebe Huang.


BFA Graduating Exhibition
April 12 - 21, 2018
Audain Gallery, 149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver

This exhibition presents the work of visual art students graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School for the Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University.

Joni Cheung, Elly Habibullah, Samantha Henderson, Phoebe Huang, Mikaela Johanson, Gillian Lai, Lori Lai, Byeongsung Lee, Sean Lu, Ivan So, Kalvin Valko, Emma Wedman and June Yeo.

Raymond Carver wrote a short story called, "Why Don't You Dance?" It is about a man who is selling all of his things on the lawn of his house. You don't know what the problem is or why he is selling everything. The man encounters a couple who come over to check out his stuff. Their dialogue is gestural and hints at the man's history and his motivations. He is reluctant to let go of his things because they have meaning, but he knows this is holding him back. He wants them to live on.

Where do things go? How do things get to where they are? Where will they end up?

Faced with the accumulation of past work and the uncertainty of storage, rent bills and student loans, EVERYTHING MUST GO is a response to a moment of rupture in the lives of thirteen young artists working through object-oriented ontologies. They are letting go of the physical manifestations of their work, an institution, and a narrative end to a four-year passage. EVERYTHING MUST GO reflects on the paradoxical circumstances of vacating a place that has provided support, while maintaining an image of cheerfulness and professionalism.

The individual works in the exhibition are built with multiple components that may migrate, escape or overlap. They are united through the shared workspace and discourses that encouraged their becoming.

This exhibition also features a collaborative installation of objects for sale. Cash only please.


Opening Reception
Wednesday, April 11, 7 - 9pm
Audain Gallery

Open Critique
Tuesday, April 17, 2:30pm
Audain Gallery

April 21, 2018