Nominations for the School for the Contemporary Arts Service Awards

SCA Service Awards are for all SCA students enrolled in a minimum of 6 units (units with a calculated GPA) who have made a significant voluntary contribution in their field of study, with satisfactory academic standing in the qualifying term of contribution. Graduate students may also be recognized for these awards.

Selection for the award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee from nomination by the director of the School for the Contemporary Arts.

These awards are a minimum of $500 each. Please note: Work done for remuneration, or for a class, does not qualify.

Submission deadline: Tuesday, Dec. 31, at 11:59 PM.

Scholarships, Awards & Bursaries

Separate from the SCA Service Awards, applications for Scholarships, Awards & Bursaries particular to students in the School for the Contemporary Arts are submitted online HERE. The submission deadline is January 26, 2024. Visit SFU's searchable Bursaries and Scholarships Database to see all that is available at SFU.