611 Talk: Walter Scott

Visual Art | 611 Talk
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 1pm
611 Alexander Studios
Suite #330 – 611 Alexander St., Vancouver

Please Join us for a talk by visiting artist Walter Scott.

Walter Scott (b. 1985) is an interdisciplinary artist working across comics, drawing, video, performance and sculpture. His comic series, Wendy, chronicles the continuing misadventures of a young artist in a satirical version of the contemporary art world. Wendy has been featured in Canadian Art, Frieze, The Guardian, Art in America, and published online on the New Yorker. Recent exhibitions include Reframed Into Oblivion, Naughton Gallery, Belfast, and Open Ended, Painted Shut at the MACM, Montreal. His most recent graphic novel, The Wendy Award is now available from Drawn and Quarterly. His short film Organza’s Revenge will premiere at the 2024 Vancouver International Film Festival.

September 26, 2024