Photo by Chris Randle.

Jennifer Aoki is in the SCA Alumni Dance Lab

SCA dance grad Jennifer Aoki is participating in our SCA Alumni Dance Lab this year! During the lab she will be re-working and further developing her piece Viewer Discretion, which premiered at the Calgary Fringe Festival in 2017. Based on the US election of 2016 and its aftermath, this contemporary dance piece weaves in and out of realism and absurdity. Inspired by the 24-hour news cycle, this piece manifests the continuous flow of information and consumption of news while examining people's reaction to the symbiotic relationship between politicians and media. After a year and some new cast members, Aoki is excited to revisit this piece with fresh eyes and new questions surrounding news media and politics. Viewer Discretion will be part of an eclectic triple-bill show, Conduit, at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival in July, 2018.    
