Grad Show 2008

BFA Graduating Exhibition 2011
April 14 – April 30, 2011
Audain Gallery, 149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver

As the artists in Grad Show 2008 face the future, the title of the exhibition contextualizes a contemplation of the near past and the very recent. The apparent homage to 2008 suggests an inadequate distance from 2011; yet at the same time it also demands a criticality above topicality. The graduating class of 2011 confronts not just the false promise of newness in contemporary art, but also the increased pace with which the past has been historicized and rendered obsolete. In the near future, three years ago revisited may be ahead of its time.

Artists in the exhibition: Nikita Alagappa, Elena Boulankova, Ryan Chow, Michelle Lui, Laura McKillop, Monica Rudd, David Stein, Vikram Uchida-Khanna, Alexis Vanderveen, Lőrinc Vass, Jason Wang and Nathaniel Wong.

This is the first time the BFA undergraduate graduating exhibition will be held at the Audain Gallery.


Opening Reception
April 13, 7pm

Exhibition Tours
Saturday, April 16: With Dean Lastoria.
Wednesday, April 20: With a local high school grade 12 art class.
Thursday, April 21: With Dean Lastoria for a Salt Spring Island dance group.
Sunday, April, 24: Poetry Reading: 125 Readins in One Day.
Wednesday, April 27: Reception for the Freedom Riders.
Sunday, May 1: SCA student-lead tour for participants in UBC's Humanities 101 program.

April 30, 2011