Upload your documents

Welcome to Part 2 of the online application form for the SFU School for the Contemporary Arts (SCA) BFA programs. Please review the BFA specific application requirements, documents, and deadlines on our Undergraduate page before you begin.

Combine all your required documents (images and unofficial transcripts included) as ONE PDF and use this naming convention:

lastname_firstname_programarea_semester_year (e.g. smith_jim_dance_fall_2025)

Save your images in RGB colour mode and resize all large images to reduce their file size before including them in your PDF. Your final PDF must be 15MB or less. Your file is larger than 15MB, your submission will not work. If this happens, reduce the size of your attachment and try uploading your file again.  

If required by the program area you're applying to, an unofficial transcript can be:

  • a downloaded version from your school's student portal OR
  • a photograph or scan of a recent report card

The unofficial transcript must be combined with with your questionnaire submission as a PDF or photograph. External links will not be accepted.

Your SFU ID Number is a 9-digit number that starts with "301"
Please mark as a safe sender.
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB
Is your PDF 15 MB or less?