LandMarks2017/ Repères2017 talk video now online

Video documentation is now online of a presentation in the Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema at SFU by artist and curator Tania Willard, artist Jeneen Frei Njootli, and the SCA’s Jin-me Yoon and Sabine Bitter, with SCA students Sophie Vandenbiggelaar, Roxanne Charles, and Krystle Coughlin (as part of the SCA's special topics course Laboratory Landscapes), on their respective projects that were part of LandMarks2017/ Repères2017. LandMarks2017/ Repères2017 was a 'Canada 150 Signature Project' by Partners in Art (PIA) working with Parks Canada and 16 participating universities and colleges across Canada and held in the context of national parks and historic sites across the country.

Organized to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation, LandMarks2017/ Repères2017 was a series of events, performances, installations, videos, and pedagogical activities initiated by artists, curators, and educators that asked participants to reflect on and address “the legacies of colonialism, the complex relationship between nationhood and cultural identity, as well as our relationship to nature in the face of present-day environmental and climatic crises.”

December 20, 2017