Jessica Johnson wins the Lind Prize

Ryan Ermacora (SCA alumni and Jessica Johnson collaborator), Judy Radul, Elspeth Pratt, Jessica Johnson, and Vilhelm Sundin (SCA MFA alumni and past Lind Prize winner)

Congratulations to SCA alumni Jessica Johnson, the winner of the 2019 Lind Prize!

Administered by The Polygon Gallery, the Philip B. Lind Emerging Artist Prize is awarded annually to an emerging BC-based artist working in mediums of film, photography, or video. Johnson was chosen from a group of finalists (from over 50 nominated portfolios) that included Claire Geddes Bailey, Evan Berg, SCA MFA candidate Roxanne Charles, Garnet Dirksen, Aaron Leon, Christian McGinty, Lilian Rose Smith, Ryan Stella, Weronika Stepien, and Ran Zhou. The jury included writer and art collector Claudia Beck, Nanaimo Art Gallery curator Jesse Birch, and BC artist Liz Magor.

The Lind Prize 2019 exhibition is on now at The Polygon Gallery and runs until June 9, 2019.

Visit Johnson's website to find out more about her work.
