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The SAS data file MYDATA.OUTOFSTK is used in Using ADABAS Data in SAS Programs. It was created with the following SAS statements:
libname mydata 'your-SAS-library'; data mydata.outofstk; input fibernam $8. /* fiber name */ fibernum; /* fiber number */ datalines; olefin 3478 gold 8934 dacron 4789 ; run;
The following PRINT procedure lists the data shown in Data in the SAS Data File MYDATA.OUTOFSTK.
proc print data=mydata.outofstk; title 'SAS Data File MYDATA.OUTOFSTK'; run;
The SAS data file MYDATA.SASEMPS is used in Browsing and Updating ADABAS Data. It was created with the following SAS statements:
libname mydata 'your-SAS-library'; data mydata.sasemps; /* employee identification */ input empid /* birth date */ birthdat date7. /* last name */ lastname $18. /* first name */ firstnam $15. /* middle name */ middlena $15.; datalines; 245962 30AUG64 BEDORTHA KATHY MARTHA 765432 01MAR59 POWELL FRANK X. 219223 13JUN47 HANSINGER BENJAMIN HAROLD 326745 21FEB52 RAWN BEATRICE MAY ; run;The following PRINT procedure lists the data shown in Data in MYDATA. SASEMPS:
proc print data=mydata.sasemps; title 'Data in MYDATA.SASEMPS Data File'; format birthdat date7.; run;
The SAS data file LIB6.BIRTHDAY is used in Using ADABAS Data in SAS Programs. It was created with the following SAS statements:
libname lib6 'your-SAS-library'; data lib6.birthday; /* employee identification */ input empid /* birth date */ birthdat date7. /* last name */ lastname $18.; datalines; 129540 31JUL60 CHOULAI 356134 25OCT60 DUNNETT 127845 25DEC43 MEDER 677890 24APR65 NISHIMATSU-LYNCH 459287 05JAN34 RODRIGUES 346917 15MAR50 SHIEKELESLAN 254896 06APR49 TAYLOR-HUNYADI ; run;The following PRINT procedure lists the data shown in Data in the Data File to Be Updated, LIB6.BIRTHDAY:
proc print data=lib6.birthday; title 'LIB6.BIRTHDAY Data File'; format birthdat date7.; run;
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