specifies the input data set that contains
parameter values for the covariance or
semivariogram model. The MDATA= data set must
contain variables named SCALE, RANGE, and FORM,
and it can optionally contain the variables NUGGET,
The FORM variables must be character, and
they can assume the same values allowed in the
explicit FORM= syntax described previously.
The RANGE and SCALE variables must be numeric.
The optional variables ANGLE, RATIO, and NUGGET
must also be numeric if present.
The number of observations present in the
MDATA= data set corresponds to the level
of nesting of the covariance or
semivariogram model.
For example, to
specify a non-nested model using a
spherical covariance, an MDATA= data
set might look like the following.
data md1;
input scale range form $;
25 10 sph
The PROC SIM2D statement to use the
MDATA= specification is of the form
proc sim2d data=...;
sim var=.... mdata=md1;
This is equivalent
to the following explicit specification of the
covariance model parameters:
proc sim2d data=...;
sim var=.... scale=25 range=10 form=sph;
The following MDATA= data set
is an example of an anisotropic nested model:
data md2;
input scale range form $ nugget angle ratio;
20 8 S 5 35 .7
12 3 G 5 0 .8
4 1 G 5 45 .5
proc sim2d data=...;
sim var=.... mdata=md2;
This is equivalent
to the following explicit specification of the
covariance model parameters:
proc sim2d data=...;
sim var=.... scale=(20,12,4) range=(8,3,1) form=(S,G,G)
angle=(35,0,45) ratio=(.7,.8,.5) nugget=5;
This example is somewhat artificial in that it is
usually hard to detect different anisotropy directions and
for different nestings using an experimental semivariogram.
Note that the NUGGET value is the same for all nestings. This
is always the case; the nugget effect is a single additive
term for all models. For further details,
refer to the section "The Nugget Effect" in Chapter 34, "The KRIGE2D Procedure."
The SIMULATE statement can be given a label. This
is useful for identification in the OUTSIM= data
set when multiple SIMULATE statements are specified.
For example,
proc sim2d data=...;
gauss1: sim var=.... form=gauss;
mean ....;
gauss2: sim var=.... form gauss;
mean ....;
exp1: sim var=.... form=exp;
mean ....;
exp2: sim var=.... form=exp;
mean ....;
In the OUTSIM= data set, the values 'GAUSS1', 'GAUSS2',
'EXP1', and 'EXP2' for the LABEL variable
help to identify the realizations corresponding
to the four SIMULATE statements.
If you do not provide a label for a SIMULATE statement, a default
label of SIMn is given, where n is the number of
unlabeled SIMULATE statements seen so far.