Controls the level of detail in messages that are written to the
SAS log
Valid in: |
configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS
statement, Systems Options window
Category: |
Log and procedure output control: SAS log
- N
- prints notes, warnings, and error messages
only. This is the default.
- I
- prints additional notes pertaining to index
usage, merge processing, and sort utilities along with standard notes, warnings,
and error messages.
Some of the conditions under which the MSGLEVEL= system
option applies are as follows:
SAS writes informative messages to the SAS log about index processing. In
general, when a WHERE expression is executed for a data set with indexes:
- if an index is used, a message displays that specifies
the name of the index
- if an index is not used but one exists that could
optimize at least one condition in the WHERE expression, messages provide
suggestions that describe what you can do to influence SAS to use the index.
For example, a message could suggest to sort the data set into index order
or to specify more buffers.
- a message displays the IDXWHERE= or IDXNAME= data
set option value if the setting can affect index processing.
- If MSGLEVEL=I, SAS writes a warning to the SAS
log whenever a MERGE statement would cause variables to be overwritten.
- If MSGLEVEL=I, SAS writes a message that indicates
which sorting product was used.
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.