PROC KDE Statement
- PROC KDE < options >;
The PROC KDE statement invokes the procedure. You can specify the
following options in the PROC KDE statement.
- BWM=numlist
specifies the bandwidth multipliers for the kernel density
estimate. You should specify one number for univariate smoothing and
two numbers separated by a comma for bivariate smoothing. The
default values equal 1. Larger multipliers produce a smoother
estimate, and smaller ones produce a rougher estimate.
- GRIDL=numlist
specifies the lower grid limits for the kernel density estimate.
You should specify one number for univariate smoothing and
two numbers separated by a comma for bivariate smoothing. The
default values equal the minimum observed values of the variables.
- GRIDU=numlist
specifies the upper grid limits for the kernel density estimate.
You should specify one number for univariate smoothing and
two numbers separated by a comma for bivariate smoothing. The
default values equal the maximum observed values of the variables.
- DATA=SAS-data-set
specifies the input SAS data set to be used by PROC KDE. The
default is the most recently created data set.
- LEVELS=numlist
lists percentages of data for which density contours are to
be computed. The default levels are 1, 5, 10, 50, 90, 95, 99, and
specifies the method used to compute the bandwidth. Available
methods are Sheather-Jones plug in (SJPI), simple normal reference
(SNR), Silverman's rule of thumb (SROT), and oversmoothed (OS).
Refer to Jones, Marron, and Sheather (1996) for a description of
each of these methods.
SJPI is the default for univariate smoothing,
and SNR is the default and only available method for bivariate
- NGRID=numlist
- NG=numlist
specifies the number of grid points associated with the variables
in the VAR statement. You should specify one number for univariate
smoothing and two numbers separated by a comma for bivariate
smoothing. The default values are 401 when there is a single VAR
variable and 60 when there are two VAR variables.
- OUT=SAS-data-set
specifies the output SAS data set containing the kernel density
estimate. This output data set contains the following variables:
variables you specify in the VAR statement, with values
corresponding to grid coordinates
density, with values equal to kernel
density estimates at the associated grid point
count, containing the number of original
observations contained in the bin corresponding to a grid
- lists percentiles to be computed for each VAR variable. The default
percentiles are 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 97.5, 99,
and 99.5.
- SJPIMAX=number
- specifies the maximum grid value in determining the Sheather-Jones
plug in bandwidth. The default value is 2 times the oversmoothed
- SJPIMIN=number
- specifies the minimum grid value in determining the Sheather-Jones
plug in bandwidth. The default value is the maximum value divided
by 18.
- SJPINUM=number
- specifies the number of grid values used in determining the Sheather-Jones
plug in bandwidth. The default is 21.
- SJPITOL=number
- specifies the tolerance for termination of the bisection algorithm
used in computing the Sheather-Jones plug in bandwidth. The
default value is 1E-3.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.