Procedure features: |
PROC PMENU statement option:
ITEM statement options:
| MENU= |
| SUBMENU= | |
statement |
SELECTION statement |
SUBMENU statement |
example creates a menu bar that can be used in an FSEDIT application to replace
the default menu bar. The selections available on these pull-down menus do
not enable end users to delete or duplicate observations.
libname proclib 'SAS-data-library';
| proc pmenu catalog=proclib.menucat;
| menu project;
| item 'File' menu=f;
item 'Edit' submenu=editmnu;
item 'Scroll' menu=s;
item 'Help' menu=h;
| menu f;
item 'Goback' selection=g;
item 'Save';
selection g 'end';
| submenu editmnu sashelp.core.edit; |
| menu s;
item 'Next Obs' selection=n;
item 'Prev Obs' selection=p;
item 'Top';
item 'Bottom';
selection n 'forward';
selection p 'backward'; |
| menu h;
item 'Keys';
item 'About this application' selection=hlp;
selection hlp 'sethelp;help';
quit; |
The following SETPMENU command associates the customized menu bar with
the FSEDIT window.
setpmenu proclib.menucat.project.pmenu;pmenu on
You can also specify the menu bar on the command line in the FSEDIT
session or with a CALL EXECCMD in Screen Control Language.
See Associating a Menu Bar with an FSEDIT Session for other methods of associating the
customized menu bar with the FSEDIT window.
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.