Using Spatial Data with SAS/GIS Software |
with Version 7, SAS/GIS software includes a facility for building Census
Tract maps for counties in the United States from modified TIGER data that
are supplied with SAS/GIS software.
To build Census Tract maps, follow these
- Define the libref GISMAPS to point to the location
where the Census Tract map data were installed by your SAS administrator.
For PC or UNIX systems, this libname may point to a CD-ROM.
Note: Your site administrator may have already assigned the libref for
you. ![[cautionend]](../common/images/cautend.gif)
- Start SAS/GIS, then select
File |
![[arrow]](../common/images/arrow.gif) |
Build Census Tract Maps... |
to open the Build Census Tract Map window.
- With the Geography tab selected, select a state
in the State list box. When you select a state, the Available Counties list
box is updated to list the state's counties. Build Census Tract Map Window's Geography Tab shows the window with the Geography tab
Build Census Tract Map Window's Geography Tab
- To select a county map to build, select the county
name in the Available Counties list box and select the right arrow to place
the name in the Selected Counties list box.
You can select multiple counties or you can use the
right double arrow to select all counties. Note, however, that a large map
consisting of several counties requires significant processing time.
- Select the Features tab, as shown in
Build Census Tract Map Window's Features Tab.
Build Census Tract Map Window's Features Tab
- Select the features that you want to include in
the map in the Available Features list box, and then select the right arrow
to place the feature in the Selected Features list box. By default, the only
selected features are the County Boundaries and Census Tract Boundaries. Select
the right double arrow to place all available features in the Selected Features
- Select the Output tab, as shown in
Build Census Tract Map Window's Output Tab.
Build Census Tract Map Window's Output Tab
- Enter the output location for the
map entries
and spatial data set entries and specify whether you are creating new entries
or overwriting existing entries. These fields contain default values, but
you can modify them.
- When you have typed information in all the fields,
click on [Create]. SAS/GIS builds
the selected map and returns a message when it successfully completes.
- After the data have been imported, click on [Display] to view the map
- When you have finished building maps, click on [Close] to close the Build Census Tract map
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.