SCA | Quick News | October 1, 2021

Muranko's Chapter 21

SCA alumni Starr Muranko (Raven Spirit Dance Society) talks to Stir Vancouver about her latest work, Chapter 21, which is running at the Firehall Arts Centre from September 29 to October 3, 2021. Read it HERE. Muranko is also the guest on the latest episode of Firehall Arts Centre's podcast. Listen HERE.

withintensions' Movement

Download the latest issue of withintensions, the monthly art mag produced by SCA alumni. The theme this time is Movement. Download it HERE.

Chandra directed Done/Undone

Directed by SCA alumni Arthi Chandra, Bard on the Beach have extended the run of Kate Besworth 's Done/Undone to October 31, 2021. More HERE.

Contreras invites facilitated community dialogue

Join SCA alumni Adri Contreras and the other signatories of a "Public Statement regarding governance issues at the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival" for a "facilitated community dialogue" on Saturday, October 2, 2021, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM via Zoom. RSVP HERE.

Cheung and Piper talk at arm’s length

SCA alumni Joni Cheung and their collaborator Jasmine Piper will be in conversation with curator Sanaa Humayun about their letter writing project, at arm’s length, on October 27, 2021, at 6:00 PM (MDT) via Facebook Live or Vimeo, presented by the John & Maggie Mitchell Art Gallery. More HERE.

Tsay on Contemporary Art in Central Asia

SCA MA student Alexandra Tsay has a chapter on "Contemporary Art in Central Asia" in Routledge's newly published Handbook on Contemporary Central Asia. More HERE.

Daniel at NeuroMusic

The SCA's Henry Daniel will be presenting a "keynote" dance work, performed by SCA alumni Amanda Damaren and Seana Williams, as part of the 17th Annual NeuroMusic Conference: RHYTHM & INTERPERSONAL COORDINATION, which runs from 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (EST) on Saturday, November 20, 2021, streaming from the LIVELab at McMaster University. More HERE.

Bruton scores

SCA alumni Rebecca Bruton, in collaboration with Kurt Newman, scored Gillian McKercher's documentary Orphaned, which is streaming now on CBC Gem, and will air on CBC TV in Alberta and BC on Saturday, October 2, at 7:00 PM (MST). More HERE.

Alfeld's to see

The The Georgia Straight highlights SCA alumni Teresa Alfeld's short documentary, Jean Swanson: We Need a New Map, as a film to see at the 2021 Vancouver International Film Festival, which is running October 1 – 11. More HERE.

Sleeper in Terrain

If you're in Chicago, check out the two works SCA alumni Clint Sleeper and his collaborator Chalet Comellas have in the Terrain Biennial. More HERE.

Small File in Cairo

The 10th annual Cairo Video Festival | مهرجان القاهرة العاشر للفيديو is screening two picks from the Small File Media Festival. More HERE.

Sound in Finding Our Place and at the CAG

SCA alumni Michelle Sound is part of the exhibition Finding Our Place: Beading and Weaving our Culture Together, running October 8 – November 13, 2021, which is being presented by North Van Arts as part of "Pushing Boundaries." More HERE. Sound is also hosting "Open Studio: Watercolours and Mark-making" on Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 1:00 – 3:00 PM, at the Contemporary Art Gallery. More HERE.

SPLAY at The Dance Centre's frontage

If you're downtown on Saturday, October 2, 2021, walk past The Dance Centre's Granville 'frontage' to watch SPLAY, a set of performances curated by Company 605, including by current SCA instructor Justine A. Chambers and SCA alumni Jeanette Kotowich, presented as part of The Dance Centre's 20th anniversary "open house." Congratulations! More HERE.

Dai gets Interactive & Immersive

Congratulations to SCA alumni Howard Dai, who's an Interactive & Immersive Creation Residency recipients with fu-GEN Asian Canadian Theatre Company and Sunset Visitor 斜陽過客! More HERE.

Join Peripheral Review's Editorial Committee

Peripheral Review, edited by SCA alumni Lauren Lavery, are looking for new Editorial Committee members. Deadline to apply is October 18. More HERE.

SCA Visual Art Student Union calling!

The SCA Visual Art Student Union are calling all lens-based artists to submit to their upcoming group exhibition on the theme of “digital influence," to be presented as part of the Capture Photography Festival from April 25 – 30, 2021, in the lobby of SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts. Submission deadline is October 12, 2021. More HERE.

Made in Canada at the Shadbolt

rice & beans theatre (started by SCA alumni Pedro Chamale and Derek Chan) are bringing Made in Canada: an agricultural song cycle to the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts on Friday, October 1, 2021 – both live and streaming! More HERE.

Sponsor interplay_

Are you and / or your arts organization able to help SCA alumni Deanna Peters and interplay_ apply for future funding? More HERE.

Watch and Intergenerational Dialogue with Artist Mothers

In case you missed it, here's the video archive of the Art Mamas' "Intergenerational Dialogue with Artist Mothers" for Access Gallery, featuring Matilda Aslizadeh, Natasha McHardy, and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda (the Art/Mamas), and Margaret Dragu, LaTiesha Fazakas, Karen Knights, Elizabeth MacKenzie, Elizabeth Vander Zaag, the SCA's Jin-Me Yoon, and Marlene Yuen.
