SCA | Quick News | March 5, 2021

Carter & Saugstad dance for Nostalgia

Watch a music video for Logan and Nathan's new song, Nostalgia, featuring SCA alumni dancers Shion Skye Carter & Anya Saugstad – and with great choreography by Saugstad, too. Watch it HERE.

Feng interviewed

Fourth year SCA visual arts student Kathy Feng was interviewed by the fine folks in SFU's Vancity Office of Community Engagement, who Feng is working for as a research assistant and on the great Below the Radar podcast. Read it HERE.

Marks on Catch yerself on

Listen to an interview with the SCA's Laura Marks about "cinema, touch, and the climate movement," on the podcast Catch yerself on. Listen HERE.

Lin's Unwanted exchange

SCA alumni Anchi Lin 林安琪's solo exhibition, Unwanted exchange, is at Fogstand Gallery & Studio in Hualien, Taiwan, from March 7 – April 30, 2021, and is having an online opening via Zoom on Saturday, March 6, at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM in Vancouver (PST) or Sunday, March 7, at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in Taiwan (UTC+8). More HERE.

Laiwan's she who had scanned the flower of the world…

Read a good "Works from the Collection" post by our friends and peers at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery about SCA alumni Laiwan's she who had scanned the flower of the world…. Read it HERE.

SCA in the Canadian Theatre Review

Vol. 185, Winter 2021 of the Canadian Theatre Review includes BODY POLITIX: QTIBPOC/NB Drag Revolutions in Vancouver by SCA alumni Davey Samuel Calderon and Performing Paces, Sandrine Schaefer’s Embodied Know-How by SCA alumni Didier Morelli. Access them HERE.

VIDF press

Read some good press on the 2021 Vancouver International Dance Festival (VIDF), which features WANTED by the "artist run entity" CAMP, which includes SCA alumni Eowynn Enquist and Stefan Nazarevich. Read it HERE.

Mercer's Hekademia screening

SCA film alumni Gloria Mercer's short science fiction film, Hekademia, will be playing at the 2021 Los Angeles Women's International Film Festival. Read about the film HERE.

Graveyards and Gardens is back!

SCA alumni Vanessa Goodman and her collaborator Caroline Shaw's Graveyards and Gardens is returning for "on demand" streaming from March 18 – 23, 2021, presented Music on Main. Head HERE for info and tickets.

SCA in Painting Music  

Vancouver New Music is presenting another Painting Music – One-Page Score Project – the Sunshine Coast edition, this time featuring SCA folks (alumni, faculty, staff, and students): Matthew Ariaratnam (music), Allyson Clay (score), Stefan Smulovitz (music), Noé Rodríguez (score), and Sam Meadahl (music). More HERE.

About Sum's performance of White Rabbit, Red Rabbit

Read an article on the back-story behind The Cultch's Friday, March 13, 2021, presentation of White Rabbit, Red Rabbit, performed by the SCA's Amanda Sum. Read it HERE.

Kong on Inaction

Read the SCA's Yani Kong in Galleries West on Brendan Fernandes' exhibition, Inaction, on now at Richmond Art Gallery until April 3, 2021. Read it HERE.

Sappier video and in the news

The SCA's Carr Sappier, who's co-teaching this year's course leading up to the 2021 Skoden Indigenous Film Festival with Kathleen Mullen, has produced a video to introduce the upcoming podcast by the Spiritual and Cultural Health Committee (SCHC). Watch it HERE. Sappier was also featured in a recent SFU News article about Skoden, which runs March 26 – April 5. Read it HERE.

Basanta in THE AGE OF DATA

SCA alumni Adam Basanta is part of this cool-looking new book, THE AGE OF DATA, which is running a Kickstarter. More HERE.

Ariaratnam and Hall in TV8E Season 1  

SCA alumni Matthew Ariaratnam and Lief Hall are part of this upcoming FREE streaming TV8E Season 1 • Episode 1 : Greetings event on Saturday, March 6, 2021, from Vancouver's 8EAST. More HERE.

Jackson is a keynote at UBC

SCA alumni Lisa Jackson will be one of the keynote speakers at Radical (Re)Worlding: Breaking and Making through Radical Lenses, the 44th annual UBC Art History, Visual Art and Theory Graduate Symposium on March 4 - 5, 2021. More HERE.

Klinke's Ableton intro

SCA alumni Alexandre Klinke is teaching a 14 hour, four day "Intro to Music Production & Ableton Live" session, hosted by VIVO Media Arts Centre. More HERE.

Chamale & Cuttler's Made in Canada

SCA alumni Pedro Chamale (rice & beans theatre) and Mishelle Cuttler, working with "some of Vancouver’s best musicians," have produced Made in Canada: an agricultural song cycle, "an exploration of the lives of the people who work the farms that supply our markets through text and song." Pre-order it HERE.
