Photo: Bee Kent

SCA | Quick News | June 4, 2021

Congratulations, Shion!

Congratulations to SCA alumni Shion Skye Carter, who has won the 2021 Iris Garland Emerging Choreographer Award! Administered by The Dance Centre, the award "is presented every two years to a senior dance student or emerging dance artist between 19 and 35 years of age who demonstrates exceptional choreographic ability and the potential to realize a future in the creative realm of dance." More HERE.

Ghimire on CBC Arts

Check out this great CBC Arts article about "photography from a pandemic year" by the "Class of 2021," including SCA student (soon to be grad and allumni!) Jana Ghimire, whose work was presented as part of Supercharged, the recent BFA Graduating Exhibition, which ran from April 15 – 24, 2021, at The Audain Gallery. Congrats, Jana! Read it HERE.


Upcoming: ONCE SHE DRIES, an experimental opera by SCA alumni Meagan Woods, working with SCA alumni Xinyue Liu, Casper Leerink, and Chris Blaber, current SCA MFA student Kourosh Ghamsari-Esfahani, and Katerina Gimmon. More HERE.

Kang in 화투; Hwatu; hWA- too; 花鬪; Flower Fight

Tonight, June 4, 2021, at 7:00 PM at part of Upintheair Theatre's rEvolver festival: 화투; Hwatu; hWA- too; 花鬪; Flower Fight, featuring SCA alumni Jaewoo Kang / James Q Parker. More HERE.

Edwards' Dance and Activism

Read SCA alumni Jenn Edwards' essay Dance and Activism: Moving bodies as catalysts of change in Dance International. Read it HERE.

Mitsuhashi's XR Pilot Program

New Works and SCA alumni Erika Mitsuhashi, dance artist Sierra Megas, and "a team of consulting artists and technologists working at the intersection of performance and XR technologies," are developing a new XR Pilot Program 2021. Read about it HERE.

Mochizuki's Autumn Strawberry and in conversation

SCA alumni Cindy Mochizuki will be in conversation with Henry Tsang on Saturday, July 17, 2021, from 7:00 Pm – 8:00 PM (PDT), talking about their work and practices for Surrey Art Gallery, where they will both be having exhibitions this summer. More HERE. Mochizuki's multimedia installation Autumn Strawberry, which "takes visitors back in time to Japanese Canadian farms in the twentieth century prior to WWII," runs from June 26 – August 28, 2021. More HERE.

Q&A with Underhill on TPE Interactive

Read a Q&A with the SCA's Owen Underhill, who's also the Artistic Director of the Turning Point Ensemble, in advance of the TPE's upcoming event, TPE Interactive (streaming online Friday, June 11, 2021, at 7:30 PM), which includes work by the SCA's Mauricio Pauly. Read it HERE.

Lord wraps!

SCA alumni Irina Lord wrapped shooting Soft-Spoken Weepy Cult Child, her first feature, which was funded by Canada Council for the Arts, too. Follow the film on Facebook and Instagram for more news!

Ariaratnam's dumbpop

Need a little (and we're talking one minute or less here little) dumb pop in your life? SCA alumni Matthew Ariaratnam has a new dumbpop record, Take Good Care, out today! Listen to it HERE.

McMann's Incandescent Tales

SCA alumni Jessica McMann released her new record, Incandescent Tales, today. You can sample and purchase it HERE.

Koochakzadeh-Yazdi for Wasteland Music

SCA alumni Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi will be presenting music as part of Wasteland Music's Season 8, on June 12, 2021. More HERE.

Loscil's Clara reviewed

Read a review of SCA alumni Scott Morgan's latest record, Clara, as Loscil, which is out now from Kranky Records. Read it HERE.

Tsay's Stalinism in Kazakhstan – in English!

Stalinism in Kazakhstan: History, Memory, and Representation, co-edited by SCA MA student Alexandra Tsay, has been newly published in English by Lexington Books. More HERE. The book was orginally accompanied by the exhibition Living Memory, presented at Almaty City Museum, Kazakhstan, in 2019. In 2020, Tsay curated a VR version of the exhibition in Mozilla Hub, which was also accessible for English readers. Check it out HERE.

Collider with Dia reviewed

Read a eview for Collider, featuring SCA alumni Howard Dai, which is part of Upintheair Theatre's rEvolver Festival, co-presented by Spiderwebshow's FOLDA: Festival of Live Digital Art. Read it HERE. Also, hang out virtually with Dai at the SuperSymmetry VR Mixer, Sunday, June 6, 2021, from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM. More HERE.

Read Kong x 2

Read the SCA's Yani Kong on the exhibition MirNs at the New Media Gallery in New Westminster HERE for Akimbo and read her in conversation with the artist Michelle Nguyen HERE for Public Parking.

Projects: Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill in Artforum

Read a review in Artforum for SCA alumni Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill's exhibition, Projects: Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, which runs to August 15, 2021. Read it HERE.

Good K BODY AND MIND press

Read some good press for SCA alumni Conor Wylie and the A Wake of Vultures (SCA alumni Nancy Tam and Daniel O’Shea) crew's K BODY AND MIND, which is running as part of the Open Ears Festival of Music & Sound from June 4 – 6, 2021. Read it HERE.

Made in Canada E7

Episode 7 of rice & beans theatre's Made in Canada: an agricultural podcast is up. Listen to it HERE.

Kanagawa's nominations

Congratulations to SCA alumni Hiro Kanagawa (MFA 1994!) for his two Leo Awards nominations! Good luck! More HERE.

Evans' Welcome Post Project

Read about SCA alumni Tasha Faye Evans' ongoing Port Moody Welcome Post Project HERE.


SCA alumni Amanda Sum is the next COLLIDER Artist-in-Residence for Theatre Replacement (SCA alumni James Long and Maiko Yamamoto), developing her new performance work, New Age Attitudes: Live in Concert. More HERE. Also, make sure to watch Sum's new video for her new song, Hot Headed Egos, Watch it HERE.

Friesen's camera work

Watch the documentary As the Smoke Rises by Sharon Heigl and Jennifer Ille, for which SCA alumni Suzanne Friesen was the Director of Photography on CBC's Gem. Watch it HERE.

Murao on TIFF online and in Palm Springs

SCA alumni Natalie Murao's short film No More Parties (with Suzanne Friesen was the Director of Photography) is streaming on the Toronto International Film Festival's digital platform. Watch it for FREE HERE. The film will also have its first in-person theatre screening on June 26, 2021, at the Palm Springs International Film Festival's ShortFest in their 'Social Animals' programme. Congratulations, Natalie!

Chan and Lim for the Arts Club

SCA alumni Derek Chan (rice & beans theatre) was part of a workshop / panel on June 1, 2021, discussing the possibility of "Theatre as an Agent of Social Change" with Marcus Youssef, Lili Robinson, and Quelemia Sparrow, with facilitator Carmen Aguirre. Also, SCA alumni Milton Lim will be part of a workshop / panel called "Beyond Panels: The Radical BIPOC Creators Changing the Face of Canadian Theatre" on June 15 at 5:00 PM, with Laara Sadiq and Lori Marchand and facilitator Omari Newton. Both panels are part of an ongoing series presented by the Arts Club Theatre Company. More HERE.

Nazarevich's Drip Neon

SCA alumni Stefan Nazarevich has something new – Drip Neon – coming out on June 25, 2021. Keep track HERE.

Vancouver Special: Disorientations and Echo reviewed

Read a review of Vancouver Special: Disorientations and Echo, at the Vancouver Art Gallery until January 2, 2022, which includes SCA MFA student Katie Kozak. Read it HERE.

On the horror at Kamloops

We're disgusted and angered by the terrible news of the discovery by the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation of an unmarked grave with the remains of 215 children at the site of a former residential school in Kamloops. The truth is that this horror not only exemplifies a deep, even foundational part of the history of Canada, which is defined by settler-colonialism, it's also an ongoing reality. Settler-colonialism permeates Canadian society and it's institutions, including SFU and the SCA. One thing everyone can do is materially support and contribute to Indigenous communities, such as by donating to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society at, or by phone at 1-800-721-0066. For Indigenous folks who need support after this traumatizing discovery, they also operate a 24-hour crisis line at 1-866-925-4419. ⁠Also, consider writing directly to the politicians that represent you at all levels of government to ask them to address the long and ongoing institutional and systemic legacy of settler colonialism in Canada. To help make this easier, consider this template for writing to your MP, shared by SCA alumni Jeanette Kotowich. While online petitions and social media posts can help start conversations and spread awareness, much better is an actual, old style letter sent in the mail. Reconciliation and decolonization are starting points for a better, transformed future.⁠ Much work needs to be done.
