Opens an external file and returns a file identifier value
- fileref
- specifies the fileref assigned to the external
- open-mode
- specifies the type of access to the file:
A |
APPEND mode allows writing new records
after the current end of the file. |
I |
INPUT mode allows reading only (default). |
O |
OUTPUT mode defaults to the OPEN
mode specified in the host option in the FILENAME statement or function.
If no host option is specified, it allows writing new records at the beginning
of the file. |
S |
Sequential input mode is used for
pipes and other sequential devices such as hardware ports. |
U |
UPDATE mode allows both reading and
writing. |
- record-length
- specifies the logical record length of the
file. To use the existing record length for the file, specify a length of
0, or do not provide a value here.
- record-format
- specifies the record format of the file.
To use the existing record format, do not specify a value here. Valid values
B |
data are to be interpreted as binary
data. |
D |
use default record format. |
E |
use editable record format. |
F |
file contains fixed length records. |
P |
file contains printer carriage control
in host-dependent record format. Note: For OS/390 data sets
with FBA or VBA record format, specify `P' for the record-format argument. |
V |
file contains variable length records. |
- Use OUTPUT mode with care.
Opening an existing
file for output overwrites the current contents of the file without warning.
The FOPEN function opens an external file for reading
or updating and returns a file identifier value that is used to identify the
open file to other functions. You must associate a fileref with the external
file before calling the F OPEN function. FOPEN returns a 0 if the file could
not be opened. You can assign filerefs by using the FILENAME statement or
the FILENAME external file access function. Under some operating environments,
you can also assign filerefs by using system comman
Operating Environment Information: On some
operating environments you must close the file at the end o f the
DATA step using the FCLOSE function. For details, see the SAS documentation
for your operating environment.
This example assigns the fileref MYFILE to an external file and attempts to
open the file for input using all defaults. Note that in a macro statement
you do not enclose character strings in quotation marks.
%let filrf=myfile;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf,
%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&filrf));
This example attempts to open a file for input without using defaults. Note
that in a macro statement you do not enclose character strings in quotation
%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(file2,o,132,e));
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.