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SAS/FSP Software Procedures Guide

Selecting Catalog Entries

You can select the entry to create or edit by specifying a catalog entry name with the catalog name in the LETTER= option of the PROC FSLETTER statement or in the FSLETTER command. In that case, the initial window in the FSLETTER session is the appropriate window for the type of entry (FSLETTER, FORM, or EDPARMS).

If you specify only a catalog name when you invoke the FSLETTER procedure, then the initial window in the FSLETTER session is an Explorer window. The Explorer window enables you to manipulate catalog entries in various ways. You can create new entries or display existing entries for editing, browsing, or printing. You can also rename, delete, and copy entries.

Typical FSLETTER Catalog Displayed in the Explorer Window shows an Explorer window for a catalog that contains LETTER, FORM, and EDPARMS entries.

Typical FSLETTER Catalog Displayed in the Explorer Window


You can select an existing entry for editing by double-clicking on the corresponding item in the Explorer window, or by using the TAB or cursor keys to select the desired entry and then pressing ENTER. To create a new entry, issue the NEWOBJ command or select

Select the desired entry type from the resulting list, then specify a name for the new entry.

For more information about using the Explorer window, refer to the online Help for base SAS software.

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