SAS Companion for the CMS Environment |
The graphical
user interface provides windows, commands, and menus that are compatible with
3270 terminals, with 3270 terminal emulation via Emulus, and with other graphics
terminals used in the CMS environment. This section describes the ways that
SAS windows and window controls function on these terminals.
Window Controls and General Navigation |
This section explains some of the basic capabilities
of the SAS windowing environment under CMS. The word select indicates
a single click of the mouse button. If you do not have a mouse, select indicates that you should position the cursor with the TAB or SHIFT+TAB
keys and press the ENTER key.
Function keys
- Issue the KEYS command to display and edit
function key settings.
Displaying SAS menus
- Issue the PMENU command to display the SAS
menu bar at the top of each window. Then use function keys or select
Tools |
![[arrow]](../common/images/arrow.gif) |
Options |
![[arrow]](../common/images/arrow.gif) |
Command... |
to display a command line
for a particular window without removing
the menus from all windows.
Resizing a window
- Select the window border that you want to
resize, then select the new position of that window border. Select a top,
bottom, or side border to resize horizontally or vertically. Choose a corner
to resize horizontally and vertically at the same time. You can also issue
the ZOOM, ICON RESIZE, WGROW, and WSHRINK commands to change window dimensions.
Arranging windows
- Select
View |
![[arrow]](../common/images/arrow.gif) |
Change Display |
to see a list of window arrangement
options. For example, the CASCADE option moves and resizes windows to display
the top row of all active windows. You can also issue the RESIZE and TILE
commands to arrange windows.
Moving a window
- Select the title of the window in the upper-left
of the window border. The word MOVE appears in the bottom of the display area.
A second click determines the new position of the top left corner of the window,
which will not change size. You can also issue the WMOVE command to move a
- Navigating in a window
Selecting a view
- In windows that contain a tree view on the
left and a list view on the right, select a view, press the ENTER key, then
move the cursor from field to field within that view.
Selecting a field
- To select a field in a window, click the
left mouse button or press the TAB key to move the cursor, then press the
Return key to select a highlighted option.
Selecting a control or widget
- With the cursor positioned on a control
or widget, issue the WDGNEXT or WDGPREV commands to move to the next, or the
previous, control or widget.
Scrolling a view or column
- Select a position in the scroll bar to change
the displayed portion of a view or column. Selecting in various places causes
the display to move up or down one screen width or move to the beginning or
end of the view or column.
Resizing a view or column
- Select the icon in the right corner of the
tree view or column. The view title will change to the resize symbol. Select
again to fix the new horizontal position of the corner.
Sorting a column
- Select the heading of the column that you
want to sort. Not all columns can be sorted.
Selection fields allow you to accomplish tasks in
using keystrokes or mouse clicks. This section introduces the selection-field
commands that are generally available in the CMS windowing environment.
Certain SAS windows display a tree view on the left
and a list view on the right. Each view has its own set of selection-field
commands. (You may wish to display one of these windows to test the following
The tree view shows hierarchical structures such as
SAS libraries and members. To display or hide a level of detail, position
the cursor on the plus sign (+) or the dash (-) to the far left of the library
or member name and press the ENTER key. A single mouse click does the same
In the tree view and list view, you may perform tasks
by using the selection field represented by an underscore character (_) just
to the left of the item. To issue selection-field commands, select the selection
field and press ENTER to display a menu (or use the WPOPUP command), or simply
type the single-character command and press ENTER. This first set of commands
is available in all selection fields in all windows:
S or X |
Select or emulate a double-click |
? |
Display context or popup menu |
Other selection-field commands are available only in
certain windows. Here are some examples:
D |
Deassign or delete |
P |
Properties |
N |
New |
R |
Rename |
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.