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Evaluates arithmetic and logical expressions using floating-point arithmetic

Type: Macro function
See also: %EVAL

Illustrating Floating-Point Evaluation



is an arithmetic or logical expression to evaluate

optionally converts the value returned by %SYSEVALF to the type of value specified. The value can then be used in other expressions that require a value of that type. Conversion-type can be

0 if the result of the expression is 0 or missing
1 if the result is any other value.

For example,

%sysevalf(1/3,boolean)      /* returns 1 */
%sysevalf(10+.,boolean)     /* returns 0 */

returns a character value representing the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the result of the expression. If the result is within 10--12 of an integer, the function returns a character value representing that integer. An expression containing a missing value returns a missing value along with a message noting that fact. For example,
%sysevalf(1 + 1.1,ceil)       /* returns  3 */
%sysevalf(-1 -2.4,ceil)       /* returns -3 */
%sysevalf(-1 + 1.e-11,ceil)   /* returns -1 */
%sysevalf(10+.)               /* returns  . */

returns a character value representing the largest integer that is less than or equal to the result of the expression. If the result is within 10--12 of an integer, the function returns that integer. An expression with an missing value produces a missing value. For example,
%sysevalf(-2.4,floor)         /* returns -3 */
%sysevalf(3,floor)            /* returns  3 */
%sysevalf(1.-1.e-13,floor)    /* returns  1 */
%sysevalf(.,floor)            /* returns  . */

returns a character value representing the integer portion of the result (truncates the decimal portion). If the result of the expression is within 10--12 of an integer, the function produces a character value representing that integer. If the result of the expression is positive, INTEGER returns the same result as FLOOR. If the result of the expression is negative, INTEGER returns the same result as CEIL. An expression with an missing value produces a missing value. For example,
%put %sysevalf(2.1,integer);        /* returns  2 */
%put %sysevalf(-2.4,integer);       /* returns -2 */
%put %sysevalf(3,integer);          /* returns  3 */
%put %sysevalf(-1.6,integer);       /* returns -1 */
%put %sysevalf(1.-1.e-13,integer);  /* returns  1 */


The %SYSEVALF function performs floating-point arithmetic and returns a value that is formatted using the BEST32. format. The result of the evaluation is always text. %SYSEVALF is the only macro function that can evaluate logical expressions that contain floating point or missing values. Specifying a conversion type can prevent problems when %SYSEVALF returns missing or floating point values to macro expressions or macro variables that are used in other macro expressions that require an integer value.

For details on evaluation of expressions by the SAS macro language, see Chapter 6 in SAS Macro Language: Reference.



Example 1: Illustrating Floating-Point Evaluation

The macro FIGUREIT performs all types of conversions for SYSEVALF values.

%macro figureit(a,b);
   %let y=%sysevalf(&a+&b);
   %put The result with SYSEVALF is: &y;
   %put  The BOOLEAN value is: %sysevalf(&a +&b, boolean);
   %put  The CEIL value is: %sysevalf(&a +&b, ceil);
   %put  The FLOOR value is: %sysevalf(&a +&b, floor);
   %put  The INTEGER value is: %sysevalf(&a +&b, int);
%mend figureit;


Executing this program writes these lines to the SAS log:

The result with SYSEVALF is: 101.597
The BOOLEAN value is: 1
The CEIL value is: 102
The FLOOR value is: 101
The INTEGER value is: 101

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