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SAS SQL Query Window User's Guide

Defining a Format Outside the SQL Query Window

You can use the FORMAT procedure to define additional output formats.

In the PROGRAM EDITOR window, submit the following SAS code:

proc format; value edlevel  1-12  = 'No High School Diploma'
                            12    = 'High School Diploma'
                            13    = 'Completing Associate'
                            14    = 'Associate'
                            15    = 'Completing Bachelors'
                            16    = 'Bachelors'
                            17    = 'Completing Masters'
                            18    = 'Masters'
                            19    = 'Completing PhD'
                            20-99 = 'PhD'
                            .     = 'No Education Data';

Invoke the SQL Query Window by typing

on the PROGRAM EDITOR window command line.

In the SQL QUERY TABLES window, select SAMPLE.EMPINFO from the list of Available Tables and add it to the list of Selected Tables. Select OK.

In the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window, select NAME and Education Level from the Available Columns List and add them to the list of Selected Columns.

Using the Column Formats Window to List Your Format

Select Education Level from the Selected Columns List. Select Column Formats to display the Column Formats window.


Select [] next to Format= to display a list of Format Names.


Select EDLEVEL from the list of Format Names. Select OK to return to the Column Formats window. Select OK to return to the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window.


Where Conditions for Subset...

to display the WHERE EXPRESSION window. Select Education Level from the list of Available Columns. Select EQ from the list of Column Operators.

Using the Format Procedure to Assign Lookup Values

Select <LOOKUP distinct values> from the list of Available Columns. The list of Lookup Values contains the distinct values for the Education Level column using the format you defined for EDLEVEL.


Select PhD from the list. Because the EQ operator can take only one value, you are automatically returned to the WHERE EXPRESSION window. Select OK to return to SQL QUERY COLUMNS window.

Viewing Your Output


Run Query
Run Immediate

to display a list of the employees whose education level is PhD.




to reset the query.

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