Displayed Output
The SURVEYREG procedure produces the following output.
Data Summary
By default, PROC SURVEYREG displays the following
information in the "Data Summary" table:
- Number of Observations, which is the total number
of observations used in the analysis, excluding
observations with missing values
- Sum of Weights, if you specify a WEIGHT statement
- Mean of the dependent variable in the MODEL
statement, or Weighted Mean if you specify a
WEIGHT statement
- Sum of the dependent variable in the MODEL
statement, or Weighted Sum if you specify a
WEIGHT statement
Design Summary
When you specify a CLUSTER statement or a STRATA statement,
the procedure displays a "Design Summary" table,
which provides the following sample design information.
- Number of Strata, if you specify a STRATA statement
- Number of Strata Collapsed, if the procedure
collapses strata
- Number of Clusters, if you specify a CLUSTER statement
- Overall Sampling Rate used to calculate the design
effect, if you specify the DEFF option in the MODEL
Fit Summary
By default, PROC SURVEYREG displays the following
regression statistics in the "Fit Summary"
- R-square for the regression
- Root MSE, which is the square root of the mean
square error
- Denominator DF, which is the denominator degrees
of freedom for the F tests
and also the degrees of freedom for the t tests
produced by the procedure
Stratum Information
When you specify the LIST option in the STRATA
statement, PROC SURVEYREG displays a "Stratum
Information" table, which provides the following
information for each stratum.
- Stratum Index, which is a sequential stratum
identification number
- STRATA variable(s), which lists the levels of
STRATA variables for the stratum
- Population Total, if you specify the TOTAL=
- Sampling Rate, if you specify the TOTAL= option
or the RATE= option. If you specify the TOTAL=
option, the sampling rate is based on the
number of nonmissing observations in
the stratum.
- N Obs, which is the number of observations
- number of Clusters, if you specify a CLUSTER
- Collapsed, which has the value 'Yes' if the
stratum is collapsed with another stratum before
If PROC SURVEYREG collapses strata, the "Stratum
Information" table also displays stratum information for
the new, collapsed stratum. The new stratum has a Stratum
Index of 0 and is labeled `Pooled'.
Class Level Information
If you use a CLASS statement to name classification
variables, PROC SURVEYREG displays a
"Class Level Information" table. This table
contains the following information for each
classification variable:
- Class Variable, which lists each CLASS variable name
- Levels, which is the number of values or levels
of the classification variable
- Values, which lists the values of the classification
variable. The values are separated by a white space
character; therefore, to avoid confusion, you should not
include a white space character within a classification
variable value.
X'X Matrix
If you specify the XPX option in the MODEL statement, PROC
SURVEYREG displays the X'X matrix, or the
X'WX matrix when there is a WEIGHT variable.
This option also displays the crossproducts vector
X'y or X'Wy, where y is the
response vector (dependent variable).
Inverse Matrix of X'X
If you specify the INV option in the MODEL statement,
PROC SURVEYREG displays the inverse or the generalized
inverse of the X'X matrix. When there is a
WEIGHT variable, the procedure displays the inverse or
the generalized inverse of the X'WX matrix.
ANOVA for Dependent Variable
By default, PROC SURVEYREG displays an analysis of
variance table for the dependent variable. This table
is identical to the ANOVA table displayed by the GLM
Tests of Model Effects
By default, PROC SURVEYREG displays a "Tests
of Model Effects" table, which provides Wald's
F test for each effect in the model. The
table contains the following information for each
- Effect, which is the effect name
- Num DF, which is the numerator degrees of freedom
for Wald's F test
- F Value, which is Wald's F statistic
- Pr > F, which is the significance probability
corresponding to the F Value
A footnote displays the denominator degrees of freedom,
which is the same for all effects.
Estimated Regression Coefficients
PROC SURVEYREG displays the "Estimated Regression
Coefficients" table by default when there is no CLASS
statement. Also, the procedure displays this table when
you specify a CLASS statement and also specify the
SOLUTIONS option in the MODEL statement. This table
contains the following information for each regression
- Parameter, which identifies the effect
or regressor variable
- Estimate, which is the estimate of the regression
- Standard Error, which is the standard error of the
- t Value, which is the t statistic
for testing H0: Parameter = 0
- Pr > | t |, which is the two-sided significance
probability corresponding to the t Value
Covariance of Estimated Regression Coefficients
When you specify the COVB option in the MODEL statement,
PROC SURVEYREG displays the "Covariance of
Estimated Regression Coefficients" matrix.
Coefficients of Contrast
When you specify the E option in a CONTRAST statement,
PROC SURVEYREG displays a "Coefficients of
Contrast" table for the contrast. You can use this table
to check the coefficients you
specified in the CONTRAST statement. Also, this table
gives a note for a nonestimable contrast.
Analysis of Contrasts
If you specify a CONTRAST statement, PROC SURVEYREG
produces an "Analysis of Contrasts" table,
which displays Wald's F test for the contrast.
If you use more than one CONTRAST statement,
the procedure displays all results in the same table.
The "Analysis of Contrasts" table contains the
following information for each contrast:
- Contrast, which is the label of the contrast
- Num DF, which is the numerator degrees of freedom
for Wald's F test
- F Value, which is Wald's F statistic
for testing H0: Contrast = 0
- Pr > F, which is the significance probability
corresponding to the F Value
Coefficients of Estimate
When you specify the E option in an ESTIMATE statement,
PROC SURVEYREG displays a "Coefficients of
Estimate" table for the linear function of the
regression parameters in the ESTIMATE statement. You can
use this table to check the coefficients you specified
in the ESTIMATE statement. Also, this table gives a note
for a nonestimable function.
Analysis of Estimable Functions
If you specify an ESTIMATE statement, PROC SURVEYREG
checks the function for estimability. If the function
is estimable, PROC SURVEYREG produces an
"Analysis of Estimable Functions" table, which
displays the estimate and the corresponding t
test. If you use more than one ESTIMATE statement, the
procedure displays all results in the same table. The
table contains the following information for each
estimable function:
- Parameter, which is the label of the function
- Estimate, which is the estimate of the estimable
liner function
- Standard Error, which is the standard error of the
- t Value, which is the t statistic
for testing H0: Estimable Function = 0
- Pr > | t |, which is the two-sided significance
probability corresponding to the t Value
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