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There are four categories of formats in SAS:
Category | Description | |
CHARACTER | instructs SAS to write character data values from character variables. | |
DATE and TIME | instructs SAS to write data values from variables that represent dates, times, and datetimes. | |
DBCS | instructs SAS to handle various Asian languages | |
NUMERIC | instructs SAS to write numeric data values from numeric variables. | |
USER-DEFINED | instructs SAS to write data values by using a format that is created with PROC FORMAT. |
The following table provides brief descriptions of the SAS formats. For more detailed descriptions, see the "Formats" chapter of SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
Category | Format | Description |
Character | $ASCIIw. | Converts native format character data to ASCII representation |
$BINARYw. | Converts character data to binary representation | |
$CHARw. | Writes standard character data | |
$EBCDICw. | Converts native format character data to EBCDIC representation | |
$HEXw. | Converts character data to hexadecimal representation | |
$MSGCASEw. | Writes character data in uppercase when the MSGCASE system option is in effect | |
$OCTALw. | Converts character data to octal representation | |
$QUOTEw. | Writes data values that are enclosed in double quotation marks | |
$REVERJw. | Writes character data in reverse order and preserves blanks | |
$REVERSw. | Writes character data in reverse order and left aligns | |
$UPCASEw. | Converts character data to uppercase | |
$VARYINGw. | Writes character data of varying length | |
$w. | Writes standard character data | |
DBCS | $KANJIw. | Adds shift-code data to DBCS data |
$KANJIXw. | Removes shift code data from DBCS data | |
Date and Time | DATEw. | Writes date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy |
Writes datetime values in the form with AM or PM | |
DATETIMEw.d | Writes datetime values in the form | |
DAYw. | Writes date values as the day of the month | |
DDMMYYw. | Writes date values in the form ddmmyy or ddmmyyyy | |
DDMMYYxw. | Writes date values in the form ddmmyy or ddmmyyyy with a specified separator | |
DOWNAMEw. | Writes date values as the name of the day of the week | |
EURDFDDw. | Writes international date values in the form or |
EURDFDEw. | Writes international date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy |
EURDFDNw. | Writes international date values as the day of the week | |
EURDFDTw.d | Writes international datetime values in the form or ddmmmyyyy | |
EURDFDWNw. | Writes international date values as the name of the day | |
EURDFMNw. | Writes international date values as the name of the month | |
EURDFMYw. | Writes international date values in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy | |
EURDFWDXw. | Writes international date values as the name of the month, the day, and the year in the form dd month-name yy (or yyyy ) | |
EURDFWKXw. | Writes international date values as the name of the day and date in the form day-of-week, dd month-name yy (or yyyy) | |
HHMMw.d | Writes time values as hours and minutes in the form hh:mm | |
HOURw.d | Writes time values as hours and decimal fractions of hours | |
JULDAYw. | Writes date values as the Julian day of the year | |
JULIANw. | Writes date values as Julian dates in the form yyddd or yyyyddd | |
MINGUOw. | Writes date values as Taiwanese dates in the form yyymmdd | |
MMDDYYw. | Writes date values in the form mmddyy or mmddyyyy | |
MMDDYYxw. | Writes date values in the form mmddyy or mmddyyyy with a specified separator | |
MMSSw.d | Writes time values as the number of minutes and seconds since midnight | |
MMYYxw. | Writes date values as the month and the year and separates them with a character | |
MONNAMEw. | Writes date values as the name of the month | |
MONTHw. | Writes date values as the month of the year | |
MONYYw | Writes date values as the month and the year in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy | |
NENGOw. | Writes date values as Japanese dates in the form e.yymmdd | |
PDJULGw. | Writes packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal format yyyydddF for IBM | |
PDJULIw. | Writes packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal format ccyydddF for IBM | |
QTRw. | Writes date values as the quarter of the year | |
QTRRw. | Writes date values as the quarter of the year in Roman numerals | |
TIMEw. | Writes time values as hours, minutes, and seconds in the form | |
TIMEAMPMw.d | Writes time values as hours, minutes, and seconds in the form with AM or PM | |
TODw.d | Writes the time portion of datetime values in the form | |
WEEKDATEw. | Writes date values as the day of the week and the date in the form day-of-week, month-name dd, yy (or yyyy) | |
WEEKDATXw. | Writes date values as day of week and date in the form day-of-week, dd month-name yy (or yyyy) | |
WEEKDAYw. | Writes date values as the day of the week | |
WORDDATEw. | Writes date values as the name of the month, the day, and the year in the form month-name dd, yyyy | |
WORDDATXw. | Writes date values as the day, the name of the month, and the year in the form dd month-name yyyy | |
YEARw. | Writes date values as the year | |
YYMMxw. | Writes date values as the year and month and separates them with a character | |
YYMMDDw. | Writes date values in the form yymmdd or yyyymmdd | |
YYMMDDxw. | Writes date values in the form yymmdd or yyyymmdd with a specified separator | |
YYMONw. | Writes date values as the year and the month abbreviation | |
YYQxw. | Writes date values as the year and the quarter and separates them with a character | |
YYQRxw. | Writes date values as the year and the quarter in Roman numerals and separates them with characters | |
Numeric | BESTw. | SAS chooses the best notation |
BINARYw. | Converts numeric values to binary representation | |
COMMAw.d | Writes numeric values with commas and decimal points | |
COMMAXw.d | Writes numeric values with periods and commas | |
Dw.s | Prints variables, possibly with a great range of values, lining up decimal places for values of similar magnitude | |
DOLLARw.d | Writes numeric values with dollar signs, commas, and decimal points | |
DOLLARXw.d | Writes numeric values with dollar signs, periods, and commas | |
Ew. | Writes numeric values in scientific notation | |
FLOATw.d | Generates a native single-precision, floating-point value by multiplying a number by 10 raised to the dth power | |
FRACTw. | Converts numeric values to fractions | |
HEXw. | Converts real binary (floating-point) values to hexadecimal representation | |
IBw.d | Writes native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values | |
IBRw.d | Writes integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats | |
IEEEw.d | Generates an IEEE floating-point value by multiplying a number by 10 raised to the dth power | |
NEGPARENw.d | Writes negative numeric values in parentheses | |
NUMXw.d | Writes numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal point | |
OCTALw. | Converts numeric values to octal representation | |
PDw. | Writes data in packed decimal format | |
PERCENTw.d | Writes numeric values as percentages | |
PIBw.d | Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values | |
PIBRw.d | Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats | |
PKw.d | Writes data in unsigned packed decimal format | |
PVALUEw.d | Writes p-values | |
RBw.d | Writes real binary data (floating-point) in real binary format | |
ROMANw. | Writes numeric values as Roman numerals | |
SSNw. | Writes Social Security numbers | |
S370FFw.d | Writes native standard numeric data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FIBw.d | Writes integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values, in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FIBUw.d | Writes unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FPDw. | Writes packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FPDUw. | Writes unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FPIBw.d | Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FRBw.d | Writes real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FZDw.d | Writes zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FZDLw.d | Writes zoned decimal leading sign data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FZDSw.d | Writes zoned decimal separate leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FZDTw.d | Writes zoned decimal separate trailing-sign data in IBM mainframe format | |
S370FZDUw.d | Writes unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format | |
w.d | Writes standard numeric data one digit per byte | |
WORDFw. | Writes numeric values as words with fractions that are shown numerically | |
WORDSw. | Writes numeric values as words | |
YENw.d | Writes numeric values with yen signs, commas, and decimal points | |
Zw.d | Writes standard numeric data with leading 0s | |
ZDw.d | Writes numeric data in zoned decimal format |
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