Research Labs

A list of all Psychology Research Labs at SFU. There are 6 areas and 31 Labs total! Lab websites are hyperlinked so you can learn about each one.

Lab Fair

The Department of Psychology holds an annual Psychology Research Lab Fair for students to connect with labs! This is the perfect opportunity to jumpstart your research involvement. 

Incorporate Research into your degree

The Honours program provides students with an opportunity to conduct their own research under faculty guidance. Join our annual Honours Info Session (or watch the recorded event) to gain insights from current and past Honours students & learn how this program can jumpstart your unique research journey.

Honours Program

Honours Info Session

The Research Engagement course allows students to work with a supervisor on various research activities to advance their understanding of the Psychology research process. Directed Studies is a course that gives students an opportunity to work with a supervisor on a reading or research project of mutual interest. Both can count for course credit.


The SFUψUJP is an annual publication that allows undergraduate students to share their original research, meta-analyses, and critical essays with a broader academic community.

Gain valuable first-hand experience with the process of editing, publishing, and peer-review by submitting your work! Visit the UJP page to learn when they are acccepting submissions.