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iskotew & crow: (re)igniting narratives of Indigenous survivance & trauma wisdom in psychology
These materials are available for non-commercial use only. If you use of these materials for non-commercial purposes, please make sure to give proper attribution:
Fellner, K. (2022, May 17). iskotew & crow: (re)igniting narratives of Indigenous survivance & trauma wisdom in psychology. Public virtual lecture -- SFU Psychology Indigenous Reconciliation Committee: Invited Scholar Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. https://youtu.be/47oj13edpSo
The events and recording are offered free to attendees and others. If you would like to make a donation in appreciation of these materials, you may wish to consider some of the following options:
- the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, visit: https://www.irsss.ca/
- Indspire, visit: https://indspire.ca/ways-to-give/donate/
- the maskihky wellness community, organized by Dr. Fellner, visit: https://www.maskihkiy.com/about-3
This event was organized by Psychology's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee. We are pleased that the Clinical Science Area of the SFU Department of Psychology joined SFU Psychology's IRC as a co-sponsor. We are appreciative of the Clinical Science area's support in helping make the event possible.
Immediately following the public colloquium, there was a small group meeting for Indigenous Students to meet with the scholar.
Opening for the event was prepared by Elder Margaret George.
Abstact for the Public colloquium
this colloquium presents an Indigenous liberatory framework for psychological theory and practice grounded in land-based original teachings encompassing survivance, trauma wisdom, and the personal-collective maskihkîy (medicine) we all carry. Dr. Fellner will introduce tools for (re)connecting with, (re)opening to, and (re)engaging maskihkîy in healing and balancing for ourselves and those we serve. this approach is a direct challenge to conventional psychological models based in deficit and pathology, and offers a decolonizing approach to wellness based in ancient Indigenous wisdoms rooted in survivance.
About Dr. Karlee Fellner:
Dr. Karlee Fellner, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education, Specialization: Counselling Psychology
Dr. Karlee Fellner is Cree/Métis from central Alberta, and a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta. She is a grateful visitor on the traditional territories of the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai Blackfoot Nations, the T'suu Tina, and the Stoney Nakoda peoples. Dr. Fellner is a prominent scholar activist who has been part of critical initiatives in the field of psychology and beyond, including CPA and PFC’s national task force and Alberta’s (CAP and PAA’s) provincial working group on addressing the TRC in psychology; ASPPB’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (EDI) Task Force; the EDI review panel for the Canada Research Chair program; and served as the Lead Coordinator for the 2022 National Multicultural Conference & Summit. Dr. Fellner’s areas of interest include Indigenous approaches to therapy and trauma work; Indigenous research, curriculum and pedagogy; culturally appropriate counselling; complex trauma; and holistic and traditional approaches to wellness. Dr. Fellner upholds Indigenous community priorities in all aspects of her work, engaging in community-driven transformative research and development. She co-developed the MEd programs Poo’miikapii: Niitsitapi Approaches to Wellness and Niitsitapiisinni: Real Peoples’ Way of Life with Aawaahskataiksi (Elders and Knowledge Holders deemed Eminent Scholars by community) in Kainaiwa, which have awarded over 100 graduate certificates and degrees to community members. Dr. Fellner is also part of the instructional team for Indigenous Focusing-Oriented Therapy, a wholly Indigenous approach to psychotherapy. She is also an acrylic and mixed media artist, who draws upon art practice as healing and wellness. Dr. Fellner strives to nurture diversity and epistemological pluralism in her work in hopes that students will feel supported bringing their diverse ways of knowing, being, and doing into their scholarship and practice.
Dr. Karlee Fellner recommended a number of resources during the colloquium. Some of these are indicated below
Shirley Turcotte video: "Aboriginal Psychotherapy", https://youtu.be/MZF5oyn9Avg -- Shirley Turcotte discusses the need for Aboriginal Psychotherapy perspectives in collaboration with Focusing Oriented Therapy when working with complex trauma. This video was suggested by Dr. Karlee Fellner in her colloquium entitled: iskotew & crow: (re)igniting narratives of Indigenous survivance & trauma wisdom in psychology
Karlee Fellner dissertation: "Returning to our medicines : decolonizing and indigenizing mental health services to better serve Indigenous communities in urban spaces"
Other Dr. Karlee Fellner publications:
Ansloos, J., Fellner, K., Goodwill, A., Stewart, S., Graham, H., Mushquash, C., McCormick, R., & Harder, H. (2019). Indigenous mental health and professional training in psychology: Understanding the challenges and next steps towards thriving Indigenous communities. Psynopsis, 41(1), 15-18.
Ansloos, J., Stewart, S. Goodwill, A., McCormick, R., Fellner, K., Graham, H., Harder, H., & Mushquash, C. (2019). Indigenous peoples and professional training in psychology in Canada, Canadian Psychology, 60(4), 265-280.
Fellner, K. D. (2018). Embodying decoloniality: Indigenizing curriculum and pedagogy, American Journal of Community Psychology, 62(3-4). doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12286
Fellner, K. D. (2018). miyo-pimâtisiwin: (Re)claiming voice with our Original Instructions. In D. McGregor, J.P. Restoule, & R. Johnston (Eds.). Indigenous research: Theories, practices, and relationships (pp. 25-45). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars.
Fellner, K. D. (2019). Iskotew & crow: Reigniting narratives of Indigenous survivance & trauma wisdom in the classroom. In S. Carr-Stewart & J. Ottmann (Eds.), Knowing the Past, Facing the Future: Indigenous education in Canada (pp. 143-170). Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Fellner, K. D., Ansloos, J., Ouellette, N., & Villebrun, G. (2020). Reconciling relations: Shifting counselling psychology to address truth and reconciliation. Canadian Journal of Counselling Psychology, 54(4), 638-660.
Fellner, K. D., John, R., & Cottell, S. (2016). Counselling Indigenous peoples in a Canadian context. In N. Gazzola, M. Buchanan, O. Sutherland, & S. Nuttgens (Eds.). Canadian handbook of counselling and psychotherapy (pp. 123-147). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.
Kassan, A., Fellner, K. D., Jones, M. I., Palandra, A. L., & Wilson, L. T. (2015). (Re)considering novice supervisor development through a social justice lens: An experiential account. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9(1). doi: 10.1037/tep0000041
Malone, J. L., Fellner, K., & Spelliscy, R. (2019). Working together: Truth and reconciliation starts with us. Psynopsis, 41(3), 8-9. Fellner, K. D. (2018). Embodying decoloniality: Indigenizing curriculum and pedagogy, American Journal of Community Psychology, 62(3-4). doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12286
If you are interested in additional resources on topics around Reconciliation/Decolonization/EDI, you may also interested in visiting the SFU Psyc IRC Resources page and links. They are continually being updated: https://www.sfu.ca/psychology/indigenous-reconciliation/resources.html