“A Meeting of Methodologies” (AMOM) is a mini-conference on the use, evaluation, and teaching of research methods in psychology. The full title of this meeting is: A Meeting of Methodologies -- Advancing Methods Development, Application, and Teaching in Psychology, the Behavioural, and Social Sciences. The conference aims to bring together researchers from multiple communities who examine, think about, use, and teach research methods in psychology, as well as across the behavioral, social and health sciences, including evaluation researchers, statisticians and data scientists. The meeting seeks to bring discussions around advancing research practice and teaching in MULTIPLE methodologies together (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, indigenous). @AMOM_SFU Twitter page
AMOM 2020 June 25-26th, 2020 -- an online meeting!
Program/Select Presentations & Audio Files available at: https://osf.io/xepkb/
The Measurement and Modeling Lab at Simon Fraser University (SFU) organized a small conference (online) in late June 2020; with postponement of the original plan of the in-person meeting to a later date.
Sponsors of the conference include the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology (SMEP), the Office of the SFU Vice President Academic (SFU-VPA), the SFU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (SFU-FASS), and the SFU Department of Psychology (SFU-Psyc). Thank you to the sponsors for their funding of AMOM; fortunately, although there will be no in-person meeting in 2020, the sponsors have generously agreed to extend their funding to a postponed (in-person, TBD) meeting in 2021.
The e-Conference

Timing/Dates & Location (cyber-space)

Because of precautions necessitated by Covid-19, there will be no in-person meeting in 2020. We are excited to announce however that instead AMOM 2020 will be held online, with livestreamed presentations.
The e-conference is scheduled to be online: June 25-26, 2020 .
The e-meeting will be hosted from Burnaby, British Columbia, specifically from Bunaby Mountain which is located on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples including the Squamish, Tseil-Waututh, Kwikwitlem, and Musqueum Nations.
Topics & Format
The conference will be divided into four topic areas. These are:
· Metascience and Research Justice (this includes work on multiple methods, ethics, social justice & diversity in research)
· Measurement Theory and Applications
· Quantitative and Computational Methods
· Rethinking Pedagogy in Psychological Methods
The conference will include distinguished keynotes, competitively selected peer-reviewed presentations, and noted discussants.
Why AMOM? and Who?
The methods of any knowledge-making discipline are of fundamental importance, as the knowledge gathered is only as sound as the methods used to gather and interpret it. In psychology in particular, the methods of the discipline are under scrutiny as the field faces the replication crisis. Many people are also questioning the structure of academic psychology: As we question how we use methods in psychology, do we also need to rethink what we teach students in the discipline? And how can we make our methods and our research more inclusive, diverse, and just? While important work is being done considering the critical application of methods in psychology, little has brought together these issues with the conversation around social justice in research and academia. We feel there are important intersections, and hope to bring people together to consider these points of overlap.
AMOM seeks to bring together a diversity of individuals/perspectives from across many career stages. Importantly, methodological inquiry and teaching practices are of importance, not just to individuals within psychology but across other areas of speciality. As such, faculty members, researchers, and students from multiple disciplines will be interested in and can benefit from the discussions at AMOM and the gathering of individuals who are interested in and motivated to advance methods, application, and teaching. Through discussions at AMOM, ideas for new directions in research, application and teaching will be stimulated.
Selected Papers
We are excited that the call for proposals has brought together varied papers for the 4 AMOM themes from across the disciplines.
Presenting authors at the 2020 e-meeting are academics, post-docs, graduate students, community researchers. They include members of the Canadian Psychological Association (Quantiative Section), American Psychological Association (Division 5-Quantitative and Qualitative Methods), Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Association for Psychological Science, Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, American Statistical Association, American Educational Research Association, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues; and are currently based internationally across multiple time zones in Canada, United States of America, Czech Republic, Macau, and Iran. Although the primary departmental affiliations are Psychology, some of the presenters are Education, Sociology/Anthropology, Health Science/Medicine, Statistics, and Physics departments, as well as testing (Paragon Testing) and community health research centres (BC Support Unit Fraser Centre).
Selected papers include:
Gonzalez. Modeling Covid-19 Rates Using Non-linear Mixed Models: Implications for SIR Models.
La Pietra & Januwalla. The Case for Patient-Oriented Research (POR) and Knowledge Translation: Increasing the Relevance, Quality, and Impact of Health Research in Canada
Galang & Bries. Experimental Deception: Science, Performance, and Reproducibility
Tse & Lai. Measurement Invariance for Ordered Categorical Variables: The Necessity of Strict Invariance for Valid Group Comparisons
Chen. Methods for Assessing Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in Short Scales
Zhang & Savalei. Examining Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in Different Scale Formats
Shankar et al. Integrating Validity Evidence to Support the Use of the Character Skills Snapshot
Budescu. The Wisdom of Forecasting Crowds and Teams
Walter, et al. Probing for Bias and Differences in Misconceptions: Comparing Populations using Item Response Curves
Liu, et al. Exploration on Analyzing Counseling Conversations Using Natural Language Processing
Xie & Heitjan. Assessing Sensitivity to Nonignorable Incomplete Data
Bishara, et al. Formal versus Informal Judgment of Statistical Model Diagnostics
Noguchi. A Notable Relationship Between Effect Sizes and Range-Preserving Confidence Intervals
Pesigan & Cheung. Parametric Bootstrapping for Indirect Effects
Farahani, et al. Fuzzy Psychology: A Continuous Inference Approach in Psychological Research
Counsell, et al. Hypothesis Testing Is Not Enough! Revamping the Undergraduate Statistics Course Curricula in Psychology
Kunicki, et al. The Only Constant is Change: How Do We Encourage the Use of Recommended Statistical Methods as They Become Available?
Sigal. Incorporating Interactive Simulation Dashboards in Undergraduate Psychology
Fouladi+. Methods Pedagogy for Social/Research Justice
Registering to attend the e-meeting
A pdf of the detailed schedule and abstracts program (dated June 26 2020) for the 2-day e-meeting can be accessed from these links: schedule, program.
Faculty/students/applied researchers/community members who are interested in the topics of the current conference are invited to atttend. All attendees (including presenters) must register to attend the e-meeting
June 2nd, all presenters were emailed the registration link, which presenters forwarded to co-authors. If you are a co-author and have not yet registered, please check your email for the forwarded link from your collaborator.
A number of "public" slots or non-presenters/non-coauthors/etc. are NOW also available; the current links for "public" registration requests are:
a) AMOM Day 1:
b) AMOM Day 2:
If you wish to attend BOTH days, be sure to complete the Registration Request for each Day.
Depending on the number of public registration requests, it may be that not all requests to attend can/will be approved; this decision will be guided by considerations of recommendations of e-meeting size to moderate/facilitate small group conversation/discussion.
Mid-June before the e-meeting, all approved registrants will receive information via e-mail regarding the specific platform/"app" we will be using for the e-meeting, and a designated link from which to connect to e-meeting.
Cost to attend the conference
Registration fee for online/livestream of 2020 e-meeting:
Presenters/co-authors listed on proposal submission: $0
Public/Others: $0
Thank you again to the sponsors for their funding of AMOM; fortunately, although, there will be no in-person meeting in 2020, the sponsors have generously agreed to extend their funding to the postponed in-person meeting in 2021.