SFU Psychology Department IRC Full-day Workshop with Dr. Karlee Fellner


The registration page for this full-day workshop has been prepared, and was distributed by email to SFU Psychology members who are current Graduate Students, Faculty, and Staff within the Department.   

Importantly, because of space-limits of available in-person space at SFU-Burnaby campus on February 16th, 2024, registration for this event was limited and restricted.

In addition to requiring that registrants be current SFU Department of Psychology faculty, staff, graduate students or with the SFU Psyc IRC, registrants were also required to have watched the recording of the May 2022 presentation by Dr. Fellner in full

Fellner, K. (2022, May 17). iskotew & crow: (re)igniting narratives of Indigenous survivance & trauma wisdom in psychology. Public virtual lecture -- SFU Psychology Indigenous Reconciliation Committee: Invited Scholar Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. https://youtu.be/47oj13edpSo

The workshop was offered free to attendees. If you would like to make a donation in appreciation of these materials, you may wish to consider some of the following options:
- the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, visit: https://www.irsss.ca/
Indspire, visit: https://indspire.ca/ways-to-give/donate/
- the maskihky wellness community, organized by Dr. Fellner, visit: https://www.maskihkiy.com/about-3  


When: Feb 16th, 2024
Time: 10am-4pm PT
Where: Burnaby campus

This full-day workshop was organized by Psychology's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee with funding from the SFU FASS Indigenous Initiatives Grant and the SFU Department of Psychology. We are appreciative of this funding in helping make the event possible.

Dr. Fellner Zoomed in to in-person attendees of the Full-day workshop at SFU-Burnaby campus. There were no allowances being made for attendance by participants via Zoom. 

ABOUT Dr. Karlee Fellner

Dr. Karlee Fellner is a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta, a Registered Psychologist, and CEO and Founder of ᒪᐢᑭᐦᑭᕀ maskihkiy wellness. Dr. Fellner served as a faculty member in Counselling Psychology-Indigenous Education at the University of Calgary for over 10 years. Dr. Fellner is a prominent scholar activist who has been doing clinical, activist, research, and educational work in the fields of iyiniwak (Indigenous) healing, wellness, and psychologies for over 13 years. Dr. Fellner has been working with people in clinical practice for 16 years, and has been designing and implementing land-based, culturally-rooted programming for 8 years.

Dr. Fellner has an extensive program of Indigenist research directly addressing decolonizing and liberatory Indigenous approaches to addictions, psychotherapy and trauma work; and holistic and traditional Indigenous approaches to health and wellness. Dr. Fellner is trained in Indigenous Focusing-Oriented Therapy and is a practicing psychologist who implements Indigenist psychotherapy in individual, couples, family, and community contexts. Dr. Fellner has a Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology and completed her applied training in Clinical Psychology at the Indian Health Board of Minneapolis. She has designed and implemented culturally-rooted, genocide-informed, land-based healing programs for complex and intergenerational trauma, addictions recovery, compound grief, suicide, and other dis-eases of colonialism. Dr. Fellner's current work focuses on providing land-based iyiniw psychological services both on- and off-reserve.


For initial readings, review of resources shared at Karlee Fellner IRC Event -iskotew & crow: (re)igniting narratives of Indigenous survivance & trauma wisdom in psychology - Psychology - Simon Fraser University (sfu.ca) is recommended. 

If you are interested in additional resources on topics around Reconciliation/Decolonization/EDI, you may also interested in visiting the SFU Psyc IRC Resources page and links. They are continually being updated: https://www.sfu.ca/psychology/indigenous-reconciliation/resources.html