
AutismBC Talks: Adult Diagnosis

Dr. Grace Iarocci and Dr. David Worling provide insight into the adult diagnostic process from their perspectives as clinical psychologists in British Columbia. Click here to access the free talk presented by AutismBC.

Different Social Factors That Support Resilience in Autistic Individuals

Dr. Grace Iarocci discusses ways that the resilience of autistic people and their families can be supported by reviewing contemporary research findings and examining current practices. Click here to access the free webinar presented by SFU Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology

Addressing the Impact of the Pandemic on Families of Children with Special Needs

Researchers at SFU, including Dr. Iarocci and Vanessa Fong of the ADDL, presented their policy report based on findings from their research study titled “Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on families of autistic children”. The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the funding and support provided by Kids Brain Health Network, Mitacs, and ACT - Autism Community Training to make this study possible. Click here to access the free webinar presented by Simon Fraser University.

What does Family Quality of Life Mean to You?

Current ADDL doctoral student Vanessa Fong and former ADDL doctoral student Dr. Emily Gardiner (BC Children's Hospital) present on the different perspectives of quality of life held by families of children with autism. Click here to access the free webinar presented by Reach Learning.


Using Enforced Family Time to Support Learning at Home presented by Autism Community Training

During the current health crisis, parents have faced new challenges in maintaining their child's educational programs at home. Presenters Dr. Grace Iarocci, Dr. Georgina Robinson, and Dr. Anthony Bailey speak on these challenges in order to reassure families on how formal and informal learning can happen at home. Click here to access the free webinar presented by Autism Community Training.


Autism, Anxiety, and COVID-19 presented by Autism Community Training

COVID-19 has profoundly heightened anxiety in the autism community internationally. Presenters Dr. Grace Iarocci, Dr. David Worling, and Dr. Anthony Bailey discuss the topic of anxiety and autism during the current health crisis, and answer questions. Click here to access the free webinar presented by Autism Community Training


Special Challenges Faced by Mothers with ASD

Dr. Grace Iarocci moderates a panel presentation and discussion on the topic of autism and motherhood, featuring the unique perspectives of autistic mothers who have children diagnosed with ASD. Click here to access the free presentation and panel discussion presented by Autism Community Training. 


The Relationship between Anxiety and Social Competence presented by Autism Community Training

Dr. Grace Iarocci presents a study investigating generalized anxiety and depression symptoms in children ages 6 years to 14 years with and without a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Dr. Iarocci discusses the importance of assessing both internalizing and externalizing symptoms and social difficulties in children diagnosed with ASD. Click here to access the free presentation presented by Autism Community Training.


Quality of Life Among Families Living with ASD presented by Autism Community Training

Dr. Grace Iarocci and Dr. Emily Gardiner present a study defining and investigating Family Quality of Life, particularly in families of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Click here to access the free presentation presented by Autism Community Training


Family Quality of Life and ASD Funding in BC: Opportunities for Culturally Responsive Research presented by Autism Community Training

Dr. Grace Iarocci and Dr. Emily Gardiner present on their study investigating parents' satisfaction with available funds and resources for ASD in BC. Further discussion highlights the need to engage families living outside of major centers and families of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Click here to access the free presentation presented by Autism Community Training.