Creative Services Photography


Clinic Research Activities

The CPC supports research on various psychological processes.  Research projects are reviewed by the CPC administration and the University Ethics Committee.  Periodically, clients may be invited to participate in specific research projects on topics of clinical interest.  Some research involves compilations of clinical file information (e.g., number of sessions attended, test scores, diagnoses) in which no individual is identifiable and no additional active participation is required.  The decision whether to participate in research will not affect the services clients receive through the CPC.

Personality and Emotion Research Lab (PERL)

PERL is located within the CPC and conducts ongoing research on emotion regulation.  They are particularly interested in people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and related problems (e.g., self-injury, suicide attempts, intense emotional pain) and in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy as a method of treatment.  Please see their website for current research activities and to possibly participate in their studies.

Clinical Psychology Centre | Simon Fraser University
Saywell Hall (SWH) 9044 | 8888 University Drive | Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6
Intake Line: 778-782-4720 | Fax:  778-782-5859