Yearly Events

These are fun, social events giving you the chance to chat with interesting people over free coffee and/or food!

  • Breakfasts with the President
    • SFU President Joy Johnson hosts these morning events as an opportunity for you to engage in discussion with her and other students in different areas.


  • GSS Socials
    • About once a semester, the GSS will put your hard-earned fees to use and host a giant social event, usually somewhere off-campus. It’s a time to chat over drinks with grads from different departments, and it’s always a lot of fun.


  • Psych Graduate Workshops
    • Never applied for a major scholarship like SSHRC, NSERC or CIHRbefore? This is your chance to learn how! From TA/TM workshops, to thesis writing and award application workshops, there are plenty of opportunities for you to learn about important and relevant topics. Keep an eye open for the emails that have all the updates and information on this as they come.


  • Poster Fairs, Wellness Weeks, Club Days
    • SFU has plenty of weeks in each semester dedicated to certain causes and functions. You’ll see the main arteries of the Academic Quadrangle, and the courtyard outside the Library decorated in the fashion of each week. There are also TONS of opportunities for free food and swag, so don’t miss out!
    • Clubs Days at the beginning of each semester will inspire you to learn something new
    • Wellness Week will teach you how to love and treat your body right
    • Other weeks dedicated to studying and working abroad, as well as career fairs
    • Poster sales, and arts and crafts sales for you to spend all of your hard earned money
    • Awareness Weeks: Did you know about Queer Awareness Week? How about Islam Awareness Week? There are plenty of chances for you to find out about these and more, all throughout the year.